2015年9月30日 星期三

problem and solution句式系列1

2015年,我參加了英文的DSE考試.英文總體攞咗5, 作文部分攞5*.



因此, 同學們最重要係跟住作呢種文的格式開每一段,背熟每一段應有的句型句式,再係內容個度入手去唸點寫.


Recently, the number of cases concerning pet abuse has been rising at a staggering rate.



There are a number of negative impacts associated with working late.

呢段可以好短, 一至兩句, 目的都係有個轉折.


For a start, drama allows us to apply theories we have learnt in lessons. 

呢部分要用一啲transition words, 第一第二第三云云. 另外,要用支持句去支撐論點.呢方面日後再詳細講.

第四部分,又係轉折,係告訴marker, 我講完啲問題喇,依家會講解決方法:

The above abuse imposes an inhumane condition on the pets. Concrete actions have to be taken to halt this sprawling problem to ensure the welfare of our precious animals.

如第二部分, 第四部分不用長, 一句起兩句止.

第五部分便是戲肉, 提出解決困難的方法. 解決問題的方法其實識吹就得,你又唔係特首,吹完做唔到都無後果.但大前提當然係make sense

Workshops and talks can be organised to articulate the importance of taking good care of pets.

Laws should be tightened to regulate the pet owners. 

Stricter legistlations should be passed to offer better protection of the pets.

嚟到最後,當然係結尾了. 簡單嚟講, 都係要表示,小第提出的解決方法, 必定解決到問題, 前途一片光明:

With the efforts of your association and the above suggestions, I look forward to the pet abuse problem being improved in due course.

I am sure with the above means, we would be able to fight against depression and stay mentally healthy. 

以上係寫論說文基本框架, 大家要記熟. 至於句型, 上面都提過少少, 都係參考吓坊間一啲範文, 重點係要記住每一段要表達出咩感覺. 詳細我會再提供多啲句型俾大家.

2015年9月29日 星期二

分階段/ 相繼


第一個是「分階段」. 例如在2014年施政報告,有以下一句:

A 60-kilometre cycling track between Ma On Shan and Tuen Mun is being constructed in phases. 

分階段,英文是in phases. 

第二個是類似的意思:「相繼」.又係2014施政報告, 有以下一句:

Given that five new railway lines will be completed in succession in the next six years, ...


「相繼」英文是in succession. 


2015年9月22日 星期二


enshrine這個字來自shrine. shrine是指「聖地;神龕;聖壇;神殿」,而enshrine則有「某些東西放入神龕、聖壇」的意味,字

講enshrine這個字因為如果作文要寫基本法,這個字都幾有用. 各位應付DSE的同學可以背了這一句:

The Basic Law is a constitutional document for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). It enshrines within a legal document the important concepts of “One Country, Two Systems”, “Hong Kong People administering Hong Kong” and a high degree of autonomy. It also prescribes the various systems to be practised in the HKSAR. The Basic Law and our daily lives are intimately related.

當中用到enshrine這個字,因為「一國兩制」、「港人治港」、「高度自治」等important concepts都像被人供奉的偶像一樣被enshrine在神聖的基本法內.


2015年9月21日 星期一



直譯是I deeply believe that。

實際上,英文會說:I am convinced that....

因為英文convinced解作:completely sure about something。


2015年9月18日 星期五




停滯就是落後, 就像成語「不進則退」, 英文施政報告譯做:

To stand still is to fall behind. 

2015年9月17日 星期四

imbue somebody with


若說The teacher imbued the students with a love of English,即老師向學生灌輸對英文的熱愛。

2015年9月16日 星期三



讀錯重音的字包括:luxurious, photography, internship, calculator, persuade, tradition, heritage, apprenticeship, brochure, collaboration, exhibition character


and 在「和」的意思外其他譯法

英文的and是否一定譯作「和」? 事實上and字不是只有一個解法, 除了「和」的意思外, 也有其他解法.

1. 譯但是
如:Our happiness is far and danger is near.

2. 譯也是

如:This is the most important and the last of his achievements.

3. 譯或者

如:The position is open to men and women.


1. (白話文)

2. (普通話)

3. (文言文)

4. ,以及(文言文)

5. (白話文,文言文)


The car is selling badly.


The stadium filled rapidly.


I was born in Hong Kong.


The vegetables are all cut up.


The car was given to my wife.


As 和like作preposition

雖然as Like都係preposition看以下兩句:

She spoke as a lawyer.
She spoke like a lawyer.




2015年9月14日 星期一


On PRH, the committee will ensure an adequate supply of land to produce about 15 000 flats each year, thus maintaining an average waiting time of three years.

以上句子來自2010年曾蔭權的施政報告. 後半句用maintaining, 即分詞子句, 我已經談過. 但為何今次再談呢? 因為thus這個連接詞, 突出了子句與主句的關係,就係因果的關係.

另一來自相同施政報告的例句: To help owners and owners’ corporations (OCs) better understand their rights and responsibilities, we will embark on a series of initiatives including establishing a panel of advisors to provide owners involved in building management disputes with impartial and authoritative advice, organising training for office-bearers of OCs, and putting in place a platform for owners to share experience, thus promoting mutual help.


For fear that, 即「恐怕」.例:I bring an umbrella for fear that it rains today.

也可用for fear of. 如因噎[讀烟]廢食的英文:not eating for fear of choking. 


The whole day, all day, all day long 都解「全日」,有無分別? 這裡有解.

2015年9月12日 星期六


Serve很多人也懂, 知道解「服務」或「提供」.日常廣東話香港人也常說:佢SERVE得唔好喎. 句中的serve解服待. 

但除此之外, 其實唔係太多人用英文識用serve呢個字.尤其是寫議論文時, serve經常被用到, 如:

 Any form of subsidised home ownership will only serve as a buffer


2015年9月10日 星期四



Not a single word did he utter.
Never have I seen such a beautiful bird.
Under no circumstances must the window be opened.
In no less measure did we fear our punishments.

用否定句的目的是為了在考試中show off (一笑). 實際上, 用否定句是為了突出「不」的意思.


Not one dollar was spent. (Not one dollar是主語)
Not a single word passed his lips. (Not a single word是主語)


第一種: only +prep (介詞)

Only in midnight do bats leave their caves.
Only with studying hard can we succeed.

第二種: only when (副詞)

Only when my mother comes home does my wife cooks.
Only then did I realize what he meant.
Only now do I realize what he means.



HardlyHardly had I got into bed when the telephone rang.
NeverNever had she seen such a beautiful sight before.
SeldomSeldom do we see such an amazing display of dance.
RarelyRarely will you hear such beautiful music.
Only thenOnly then did I understand why the tragedy had happened.
Not only ... butNot only does he love chocolate and sweets but he also smokes.
No soonerNo sooner had we arrived home than the police rang the doorbell.
ScarcelyScarcely had I got off the bus when it crashed into the back of a car.
Only laterOnly later did she really think about the situation.
NowhereNowhere have I ever had such bad service.
LittleLittle did he know!
Only in this wayOnly in this way could John earn enough money to survive.
In no wayIn no way do I agree with what you're saying.
On no accountOn no account should you do anything without asking me first.
留意以下呢幾種, 倒裝句發生在main clause:
Not untilNot until I saw John with my own eyes did I really believe he was safe.
Not sinceNot since Lucy left college had she had such a wonderful time.
Only afterOnly after I'd seen her flat did I understand why she wanted to live there.
Only whenOnly when we'd all arrived home did I feel calm.
Only byOnly by working extremely hard could we afford to eat.

(source: http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com/inversion.html)

2015年9月9日 星期三

Absolute phrase

今日想介紹的是Absolute phrase,或稱Absolute Construction.請看下句:

It must also be able to implement the Urban Renewal Strategy with minimum delay, the aim being to reduce the time taken to complete projects to an average of six years.

呢句句子有兩句,用comma連接,特別之處在於兩句都都有其subject,分別是it和the aim,為何可以這樣呢?

句子要變長,基本上得三種方法,第一種是加連接詞,第二種是加modifying phrase,包括participial phrase, prepositional phrase, infinitive phrase, relative clause.這些都已介紹了.今日介紹的是第三種:Absolute phrase.

Absolute phrase的構成部份是"subject+ modifier",這subject是main clause的subject以外的另外一個subject.從佢與主句的主語的關係,可出現三種情況。

第一種,與主句最有關係,就係重覆主句的受詞。這其實是我我另一篇:「延長句子方法系列(3):同位語 (apposition)」提到的"resumptive modifier", 它是同位語,但也是Absolute phrase.例子:
“The woman closed the door, a door made of rough-hewn oak”或
“The woman closed the door, the door she had never before dared to close.”
無論是indefinite article "a/an"或definite article "the", 所跟的名詞都係主句出現過的受詞.

第二種,仍與主句有關,係用一個與主句的主詞/受詞/動詞有關的posessisve pronoun開始,加上一個名詞。例子:
“The woman closed the door, its massive hinges creaking eerily.” 或
“The woman closed the door, her delicate fingers white as she seemed to try to choke the doorknob.”
第三種,真係同主句可以話係無關係了,因為係用完全獨立於主句的字作absolute phrase的主語:
“The woman closed the door, a car alarm beeping in the background”
呢三種absolute phrase可同時用於一句句子中,例如:
(1) They sat down at the table, (2) he quietly awed by the restaurant’s fabled elegance, (3) his left hand admiringly rubbing the silk tablecloth, (3) his right hand tracing the etching on a fine crystal goblet, (2) she distracted by and obviously more interested in the other diners, (3) her eyes drawn to tables at which sat well-known celebrities, (3) her imagination running wild about others she didn’t recognize, (2) the table an altar to excess,(3) its place settings sporting no less than four different kinds of forks, (3) its intricately patterned china giving off a kind of radiance, (2) the overall scene suggesting what it might be like to dine at a restaurant in heaven.


而modifier則不限participial phrase(包括present participial phrase和past participial phrase),可以是簡單adjective、prepositional phrase(介詞短語)、或不定詞短語(to-infinitive phrase).現逐點列舉:

1. subject+現在分詞短語

Time permitting, we can have a gathering.

2. subject+過去分詞短語

The job done, we can relax a bit.

3. subject+形容詞

He asked me to go out, his face red. 

4. subject+介詞短語

He asked me to go out, a bunch of flowers in his hands. 

5. subject+不定詞短語

I have watched the first two episodes, the last one to be watched later. 


Lessons over, the students went home happily.

其實這句是"Lessons being over, the students went home happily." Lesson being over簡化為Lessons over, 原本的over是修飾being的副詞,因being可簡化,所以個結果好似係副詞修飾名詞咁.

2015年9月5日 星期六

同位語 (apposition)


其中一種分類法是restrictive 及non-restrictive. 

1. non-restrictive
例: Miss Wong, our English teacher, is wonderful.
在這句句子中,our English teacher即是Miss Wong,our English Teacher是Miss Wong的同位語。Miss Wong是是很具體的名字,不用去限制(restrict)是哪個Miss Wong, 而our English teacher只是額外的資訊。
例:My father, a policeman, is very strong. (我的父親是個警察,他很健碩。)

又例如我們常用的for example,也是在介紹apposition的狀語:

I  love fruits, for example, apples and oranges.(apples and oranges是同位語)
2. restrictive


My sister Gloria became a nurse after her classmate Ben took a job at hospital.

在呢句裡,Gloria是My sister的同位語,Ben是her classmate的同位語;因為我有多過一個妹,我因此要指月我指哪個妹;因為她有多過一個同學,所以要用Ben來指定是哪個同學。這一種同位語不用comma. 

限定性同位語也可以由that、if/whether或wh-word所形成,例如:That you are late annoys me.(你遲到激怒了我。)這種that子句,經常是加在一些名字後成為同位語。例:
He tried to conceal the fact that he was not rich. (他企圖隱藏他根本不有錢的事實。)
Fact是經常接that子句作同位語的名詞,另外還有fact, truth, evidence, proof, law, statement, explanation, apology, excuse, suggestion, advice, promise, opinion, notion, theory, view, conclusion, decision, news, report, rumor, saying, idea, thought, belief, doubt, knowledge, generalization, possibility, likelihood, probability, danger, difference等等。


1. resumptive modifier

And so he fought for the country, the country ruled by dictators. 
the country 係同位語,ruled by dictators係part participle adjective.

這resumptive modifier不一定用名詞開頭,可以係形容詞:
He is both responsible and honest, responsible in that he never submits homework late, honest in that he never cheats on exam. 
 大家睇到,以上的main clause後的hypen後的兩組phrases: responsible in that he never submits homework late, 及honest in that he never cheats on exam開頭的都是main clause最後出現的形容詞: responsible及honest, 兩個形容詞後接的是modifier其中一種: 介詞短語. 

我個人認為呢種手法好似中文的「頂真」.例如:例如:「人影溶進了晨霧,晨霧溶進了湖水,湖水溶進了琴聲,而琴聲,溶進了我的心。」用resumptive modifier也可以這樣接龍下去:
He is both responsible and honest, responsible in that he never submits homework late, homework of various subjects to help students to improve their results. 
Resumptive modifier最常見係重覆main clause的名詞,或形容詞,但我也見過是重覆動詞,但比較少見:
The teacher threatens to give the students a hard time, threatens to give more homework, and threatens to punish those who do not submit homework on time.

2. Negative Appositives

My mother, rather than my girlfriend, will go with me. 
除rather than,也會用 not, never.

3. summative modifier

所謂summative modifier, 其實也似resumptive modifier, 只係resumptive modifier係重覆之前句子的一個詞, 而summative modifier則係用一個名詞去總結或歸納之前句子出現旳名詞或整句句子,再加relative clause或participial phrase. 例如:
The PE teacher teaches basketball, football, handball, and tennis----ball games that interest boys more than girls.
Ball games就係同位語,歸納主句最後出現的幾個名詞: basketball, football, handball, and tennis.

2015年9月4日 星期五


不定詞(infinitives)與prepositional phrase相似,它可作名詞修飾語,如:
The best way to prevent cancer is healthy diet. 
句中的to prevent cancer便是修飾way的. 

the party after the lesson to celebrate Christmas
the best place in Hong Kong to eat Japanese cuisine
留意,adjectival infinitive有個特徵,就係佢個subject往往不是佢修飾的名詞.例如在上面那兩句, the party to celebrate Christmas, 誰celebrate?當然不是the party,而係學生, students,或whatever. the best place to eat Japanese cuisine, to eat Japanese cuisine當然不是the best place,係人,遊客。 


2015年9月3日 星期四


要係英文作文度成功,一定要識prepositional phrases,介詞短語. 

Some of us have to go to summer school.
句中的of us,便是preposiitonal phrase, 修飾some呢個代名詞(pronoun), 因此of us的作用是adjective.

If enough of you are interested, we'll organize a trip to the theatre. 
當中的enough也是代詞,of you是修飾它的介詞短語/形容詞.

I go to school.
句中的to school是介詞短語,修飾go,所以是副詞.

We walked out of the gallows yard, past the condemned cells with their waiting prisoners, into the big central yard of the prison.
上句共有三個介詞短語(out of the gallows yard, past the condemned cells.., into the big central yard...), out,past和into也修飾walked. 注意,同時間後兩個的介詞短語裡也有介詞短語: with their waiting prisoners修飾cells, of the prison修飾yard.

With the exam approaching, it's a good idea to review your notes.
這種with的用法有「因為」的意思, 也可表達雖然:
With all her faults, she's still a really good friend.
總之,唔識用prepositional phrase,永遠也寫不出好英文.

2015年9月2日 星期三



如果是疾病,便用suffer from, 如suffer from a stroke.

如果不是病,便不用跟from, 如suffer a financial loss.

2015年9月1日 星期二


He went to speak to Mrs. Bean. 
She was tiny among the pillows.
一個方法就是用adjective modifier,把形容Mrs Bean的形容詞以comma放係第一句之後:
He went to speak to Mrs. Bean, tiny among the pillows.
His business plan was a joke, little more than a childish dream. 
其實呢一種句子後的adjective有一個名俾佢,叫appositive adjectives, 因為呢種形容詞擺法好似apposition (同位語), 只係同位語通常係noun phrase. 

Donald is a good man, kind, strong, and helpful.
I still love to live in Hong Kong--open, free, and civilized.  
He went to university to study English literature, classical and modern.  
The birds, lovely and noisy, are my pets. 
留意,adjective也是free modifier的一種,所以可以出現句子的開頭、中間、或最尾:
The birds, lovely and noisy, are my pets. Lovely and noisy, the birds are my pets. The birds are my pets, lovely and noisy. 
"Melrose in his skullcap, sitting sideways in his chair, his cigarette held aloft, presented a profile which might have been that of some Venetian Doge, old, withered and crafty."(Mary Augusta Ward, The Mating of Lydia, 1913)