2015年9月5日 星期六

同位語 (apposition)


其中一種分類法是restrictive 及non-restrictive. 

1. non-restrictive
例: Miss Wong, our English teacher, is wonderful.
在這句句子中,our English teacher即是Miss Wong,our English Teacher是Miss Wong的同位語。Miss Wong是是很具體的名字,不用去限制(restrict)是哪個Miss Wong, 而our English teacher只是額外的資訊。
例:My father, a policeman, is very strong. (我的父親是個警察,他很健碩。)

又例如我們常用的for example,也是在介紹apposition的狀語:

I  love fruits, for example, apples and oranges.(apples and oranges是同位語)
2. restrictive


My sister Gloria became a nurse after her classmate Ben took a job at hospital.

在呢句裡,Gloria是My sister的同位語,Ben是her classmate的同位語;因為我有多過一個妹,我因此要指月我指哪個妹;因為她有多過一個同學,所以要用Ben來指定是哪個同學。這一種同位語不用comma. 

限定性同位語也可以由that、if/whether或wh-word所形成,例如:That you are late annoys me.(你遲到激怒了我。)這種that子句,經常是加在一些名字後成為同位語。例:
He tried to conceal the fact that he was not rich. (他企圖隱藏他根本不有錢的事實。)
Fact是經常接that子句作同位語的名詞,另外還有fact, truth, evidence, proof, law, statement, explanation, apology, excuse, suggestion, advice, promise, opinion, notion, theory, view, conclusion, decision, news, report, rumor, saying, idea, thought, belief, doubt, knowledge, generalization, possibility, likelihood, probability, danger, difference等等。


1. resumptive modifier

And so he fought for the country, the country ruled by dictators. 
the country 係同位語,ruled by dictators係part participle adjective.

這resumptive modifier不一定用名詞開頭,可以係形容詞:
He is both responsible and honest, responsible in that he never submits homework late, honest in that he never cheats on exam. 
 大家睇到,以上的main clause後的hypen後的兩組phrases: responsible in that he never submits homework late, 及honest in that he never cheats on exam開頭的都是main clause最後出現的形容詞: responsible及honest, 兩個形容詞後接的是modifier其中一種: 介詞短語. 

我個人認為呢種手法好似中文的「頂真」.例如:例如:「人影溶進了晨霧,晨霧溶進了湖水,湖水溶進了琴聲,而琴聲,溶進了我的心。」用resumptive modifier也可以這樣接龍下去:
He is both responsible and honest, responsible in that he never submits homework late, homework of various subjects to help students to improve their results. 
Resumptive modifier最常見係重覆main clause的名詞,或形容詞,但我也見過是重覆動詞,但比較少見:
The teacher threatens to give the students a hard time, threatens to give more homework, and threatens to punish those who do not submit homework on time.

2. Negative Appositives

My mother, rather than my girlfriend, will go with me. 
除rather than,也會用 not, never.

3. summative modifier

所謂summative modifier, 其實也似resumptive modifier, 只係resumptive modifier係重覆之前句子的一個詞, 而summative modifier則係用一個名詞去總結或歸納之前句子出現旳名詞或整句句子,再加relative clause或participial phrase. 例如:
The PE teacher teaches basketball, football, handball, and tennis----ball games that interest boys more than girls.
Ball games就係同位語,歸納主句最後出現的幾個名詞: basketball, football, handball, and tennis.

