2010年2月26日 星期五

A letter of advice: teaching your friend for a study tour

剛剛與中三和中四的同學做了作文練習. 因為中四的學生英文實在爛,用中三的書教他們也可以. 其實,中三的TSA係一個好好的測驗.啲參考書都幾有用.



You are Judy, a member of the Peer Counselling Team at school. You have received an email from Lily. You have to write an answer to it.

Read the email below and write an answer to it in 150 words.

Dear Judy,

Hello! I'm going to Beijing for a summer study tour. I'm feeling excited but also a bit anxious. I have some questions to ask you.

This is my first time to travel. What should I notice when I'm on board? What will the weather be like in Beijing in summmer? What kind of clothes should I wear? Shuold I bring some medicine with me?

I'll be living with other schoolmates in the hotel. I'm afraid I can't get on well with them. Can you give me some good advice? Also, we'll meet some Beijing students. Can you suggest some good ways to make friends with them? What other things should I pay attention to?


Please write to Lily and answer her questions.


Dear Lily,

I think you should ...

Peer Counselling Team


這是一封回信. 你朋友LILY第一次去旅行和搭飛機.你要教她要注意的事項. 類似一篇LETTER OF ADVICE. 要用should, can這些MODEL VERBS.並且俾的建議要MAKE SENSE.那樣,封信應該不會太差.

Suggested Answer:

Dear Lily,

As it's your first time to travel by plane, I think you should make sure you've brought the air ticket and the travel permit with you. You should follow the instructions on the plane like wearing your seat belt, because a safe trip ensures a happy trip.

Summer in Beijing is hot and dry. You can bring a hat or sunscreen with you to prevent sunburn. [sunburn:uncountable] You should also bring an umbrella too because it rains a lot in summer. Furthermore, remember to drink water frequently during your trip. T-shirts and jeans will be good enough, but it's better to bring a jacket in case you feel cold. I think you can bring some headache and stomachache pills, but you should tell your teacher immediately if you feel sick.

As for your schoomates, they may have different habits and lifestyles from yours, like when to take a bath and where to put the dirty clothes. You can talk with them so that you can live happily together. If you want to make friends with the Beijing students, I think it is a good idea to always wear a smile on your face. You should also respect the cultural differences between Hong Kong and the mainland.

Peer Counselling Team


1. 中三的作文都用到ENSURE呢個字.
2. travel permit係旅行證件.
3. sunscreen係太陽油.
4. sunburn係曬傷,個字係uncountable.
5. furthermore係連接詞,並且.
6. in case解「以防」.
7, headache and stomachache pills係頭痛和胃痛藥.
8. As for即係「至於」.
9. like即係such as.
10. I think it is a good idea to...可以用來表示意見, 像i think you can...
11. the mainland即係大陸.

2010年2月25日 星期四


早前看了本書,教寫英文.作者係台灣從事翻譯工作的教授.她整本書都係例句,示範英文應怎樣寫. 我睇過覺得幾有啟發性.

第一章,佢用左5句作為示範,從中我們可以看出, 英文係幾咁婉轉.若用中文方式去寫英文,即使文法?, style也不好. 因為中文表達的意思很白, 若用英文去講, 有多一種修飾.

大家可以試下翻譯以下這5句, 再看看作者的答案:

1. 他感到很失望, 所以他一個字都不說.

2. 不管你的心情如何, 你就是不能偷懶!

3. 他雖然窮得不得了, 但是他對自己仍是充滿信心.

4. 她辛苦工作了二十年後, 終於買下了第一個房子.

5. 我一向如此, 而且以後也不改變!


1. He feels very disappointed, so he does not say a word.

2. No matter how you feel, you can't be lazy.

3. Even though he is terrribly poor, he is still confident in himself.

4. After she has worked very hard for 20 years, she finally bought her first apartment.

5. I am always like this, and I won't change, either.

係咪好熟口熟面呢?因為我們大多數香港人也是這樣寫英文. 看看教授如何寫正確的英文:

1. Disappointedly, he remains speechless.

2. Your state of mind can't justisfy your laziness.

3. His extreme poverty doesn't deprive of his self-esteem.

4. Twenty years' hard work was rewarded with her first apartment.

5. I will be what I have been.

2010年2月20日 星期六

SCMP Feb 09, 2010 :Every student must be provided internet access

Every child should have an equal opportunity in life. In an internet-driven age, an important part of this means having sufficient computer and broadband access. Poverty means that this is not the case for thousands of Hong Kong students. The government should make amends in the upcoming budget.

Teachers increasingly rely on the internet for homework, providing information and communication. Students without access from home are at a disadvantage. Their only way to meet their obligations is through the help of friends or by using the limited-time resources at school, in public libraries or provided free in places such as shopping malls. Since screen-based work often takes several hours a day, assignments are invariably rushed, inadequately researched and, in some instances, incomplete or not handed in.

Second-hand computers are readily available for minimal or no cost through community projects. But broadband does not come so easily; private telecommunications companies provide home connections and service, and they are not charities. Their fees are negligible to most of us but out of reach for about 12,560 primary and secondary school students whose parents cannot afford them.

The inequality of internet access means a considerable number of children are unnecessarily falling behind their peers at school. That they are from the poorest part of society is lamentable. All students should have a chance to excel no matter what their background. They must have equal access to the tools to thrive and grow academically. Most jobs are advertised on the internet and many applications have to be made online using an e-mail address.

Ensuring home broadband access would not be financially debilitating for the government. Whichever way it is attained - a voucher system, subsidy or as part of welfare - there must be enough financial support for upkeep and long-term running costs. Education is essential to our city's future and to nurturing our best resource: people. Internet access is part of education today, and it, like schooling, should be available to all students.

每個小孩生命中都應有相同的機會.在一個被網絡驅趕的年代,這其中一個重要部份是有足夠的電腦和寬頻獲得. 貧窮導致這不是數千香港學童的情況. 政府應該在新財政預算裡作出補償.

教師們越來越多地倚賴互聯網在功課上,給予資料和溝通. 家裡沒有上網的學生係身處不利位置. 他們要履行他們的義務惟有透過朋友幫忙或在學校、公眾圖書館使用有時間限制的資源或像商場的地方免費上網. 因為要上網做的功課總是要一日花幾個完成, 功課總係匆忙,沒充足作資料搜集, 和在某些例子中, 不完整或未能提交.

二手電腦可透過社區計劃以低價錢或免費來容易得到. 但寬頻則不會那麼容易出售. 私人電訊公司提供家庭連接和服務, 而他們不是慈善機構. 上網費對我們大部份人都是微不足道,但對12560個父母負擔不起的中小學生,卻是遙不可及.

網絡的獲得上的不公平導致有相當大的小孩子是不需要地落後於他們在學校的同輩. 可悲的是他們是來自社會最窮的部份. 所有學生都應有機會去勝出,無論他們的背景怎樣. 他們應有相同的途徑到學術上興旺和成長的工具.大多數工作都在網上作宣傳, 而很多申請都要用電郵地來網上做.

確保家庭寬頻獲得不會令政府財政上疲弱. 無論以何種方式它被獲得-學劵,津貼或福利一部分-那一定要有足夠財政支持作保養和長期的營運費. 教育對我們城市的未來和發展我們最好的資源-人, 都是重要的. 上網是今日教育的一部份, 而它, 像學校教育一樣, 應讓所有學生可獲得的.


1. internet-driven: Drive係驅趕, internet-driven即我地好似被internet去驅趕咁. 

2. mean: 可解導致.

3. make amends: 係一對字, 解「作出補償」.

4. at a disadvantage: 即無咁著數.

5. obligation: 責任. 履行責任係meet the obligations, 或fulfill the obligations. 

6. invariably:總是 

7. rushed:匆忙的

8. readily available: 容易得到. 

9. project: 這個字大家都很熟悉. 一個意思係計劃, 另一個意思係學生做的專題研究. 

10. come: 解「出售」. 

11. negligible: 微不足道

12. out of reach: 本身指觸摸不到, 引申為遙不可及

13. considerable: 相當大的

14. lamentable:可悲的

15. excel: 字典解勝出. 其實即成功.

16. no matter what: 即無論什麼. 後面加個名詞如no matter what background即變成「無論什麼背景」.可以不加is.

17. application: collocation個動詞係make. 即make an application.

18. debilitate: 使疲弱.

19.attain: 得到.

20. upkeep and running costs: upkeep係保養,即maintenance, running costs係營運費, 是一個字. 記住cost後有s, 因為是plural noun.

21. essential:可解很重要的, 或基本的.

22. nurture: 可解培育, 也解發展. 視乎配什麼名詞.

2010年2月19日 星期五

UE Mock exam Question


Recent statistics show that the number of drug abusers under the age of 18 is continuously on a rise. This suggests that the problem of drug abuse among young people in Hong Kong is getting more serious. Write a letter to the school newspaper discussing the severity of the problem and provide some methods to address it. Sign your letter “Chris Wong”. 


毒品問題的嚴重(the severity of the drug abuse problem)


差: 吸毒原因

好:數字上升, 情況的嚴重, 或為何問題比以前嚴重, 吸毒的禍毒,販毒的泛濫(入校園)

如何處理毒品問題 (address the problem)



好: 實施嚴刑阻嚇販毒 (impose stricter law  as a deterrent against drug trafficking), compulsory drug tests等. 學校加強教育,如舉辦講座

從他們的答案看到, 一條簡簡單單的題目,同學都可以離題. 有可能他們不懂解severity 這個字, 也可能他們無睇清楚條題目.

楊鐡樑: 英國人說話含蓄

英國人往往不會誇大其詞。相反,他們有時會較為避重就輕。例如,說一個人很有錢, 他們不會說very rich,而是說quite comfortably off,即他的生活過得頗舒適,其實那已意味很富有。又例如說某人很窮,會說他have some difficulties(有些困難)。好開心,不會說overjoyed(欣喜若狂),而是說rather pleased(頗開心)。惱一個人,不會說I am angry with John.,而會說I am not pleased with John. 其實這句話已表達出他對John感到很不滿。英國人的說話方式就是這樣含蓄。

繼續談英國人的說話方式。有一個人是國際公法的世界權威,英國人不會形容他為 top expert,只會說He is quite knowledgeable. (他的知識不少。)深愛一個女生,會說I rather fancy her.而已,而把真正的感情埋藏在心中。

2010年2月18日 星期四



英文很刁鑽,有時明明文法在那裡定得好好的,看似有規,實則無矩;狀若無方,實則有序。外人眼花繚亂,像小貓玩絨線球一樣,愈扯弄愈纏作一團。中國人學英語,有三大基礎問題。一是難適應英語過去未來繁複多變的時態,像The bell rang when I was taking a shower,特別是不知道被動式隱去主語佯裝客觀的妙用;二是搞不清楚冠詞a和the甚麼時候用哪一個,或甚麼時候兩個都不用,像I've got the money——一般都以為不定量名詞不加冠詞,但有例外;三是前置詞的混亂——最近收過幾封本地人士寫的英文信,全把「期盼一晤」寫成I look forward to see you;或「我決心完成任務」寫成I am committed to do my duty之類。這是因為中文不講究文法,像「雞聲茅店月」,三個名詞的純美組合,沒有動詞、連接詞、時態,像武俠小說裡的水上飄,向海上扔幾塊木板,一躍而足尖蹬板就過對岸了。不要問為甚麼可以克服地心吸力,因為這是武俠世界差不多先生式的感性;但英文卻嚴守「法治」︰「有月光下,有一家茅店,遠地傳來一些雞的啼叫聲。」主詞賓語動詞時態,像一所房子,門框窗戶樑柱螺絲釘大大小小定要交代清楚。

不過華人的英語再好,文法無懈可擊了,在作文時總不免用上了中文的思維。最近一群教職員給學校的高層寫投訴信,一開頭Dear Sir之後,開宗明義就說We are a group of teaching staff and academics,這就是中文公開信的普通格式,第一句就表明身分︰「我們是一群教師和研究員」,「人」的身分亮相一般放開頭;但正宗的英文信,會先把申請的「事」的重點先在頭兩段陳列出來,再在尾隨的段落表露身分︰We, as teaching staff and academics of the University, found it difficult to share your view,明明是不同意,還要含蓄一點,說是「恕難分享你的觀點」。因此文法全對,也難免令人感到突兀(Odd),因為沒有道地的流暢(Flow)和語感(Sense)。英文寫到這一重,已非文法問題,甚麼劍譜真經都可以丟開,一股真氣貫通經脈,到了無為自在之境。


The main role of the government

在剛過去的中七mock exam出了一條題目,係問現在氣候轉變問題惡劣, 請討論問題的迫切性和建議政府約能的措施. 是否中七學生始終視野較窄呢?

問題: Climate change is a global issue that poses a great threat to life on Earth. A lot of organizations have paid great effort to persuade people in different cities to save energy. For example, the World Wide Fund has organized a campaign the participatory cities of which need to switch off the lights for an hour in one day. Write a letter to the editor of Hong Kong Post discussing the urgency of climate change and suggest measures the government can take to conserve energy.

他們提議的措拖很個人, 例如叫公務員用少點冷氣, 政府在電視宣傳用少點電的信息. 只有一兩個同學提出去立訂限制車輛數目, 立例限制廢氣排放, 或要開燈的大廈繳多點稅. 是否他們不懂英語的表達呢?我認為又不是. 是腦筋的部份. 中七學生未有那種成熟度去了解社會的運作.

在寫不到制定政策等意見的學生作文上, 我寫道:

"The main role of the government is to introduce legislation and ensure the enforcement of the law." (政府的主要工作是提交法案及確保法律的執行.)                                                                                  

a few informal words

剛譯完一篇同極簡主義有關的文章. 呢篇文有些字比較口語,同書面語個解釋唔同:

leading: 最好的

cut back on: 縮減 eg. When you simplify your life, you’re cutting back on the complexity of what you do and what you own.

striking back: 反擊

say: 英文最麻煩係一詞多義. say可以解「說」,但也解「認為」.
例如:Minimalism says that what’s unnecessary is a luxury, and a waste.

great: 除解偉大, 也解非常好

now: 口語裡可解「好了」

so: 除了解所以, 口語裡是一個引出跟著說的內容的字

do:呢個字又係百搭. do minimalism點譯呢? 我譯「實踐極簡主義」.

mean:有好多意思. 一般人知道mean解「意思係」,但亦解「導致」.例如: Don't let her see you. It will only mean trouble. 

3rd Feb SCMP社評:Tobacco tax increase is best way to curb smoking增加煙草稅是約束吸煙最好的方法

3rd Feb SCMP社評:Tobacco tax increase is best way to curb smoking增加煙草稅是約束吸煙最好的方法

It took years to extend anti-smoking laws to restaurants and bars, a ban which came into effect last July. It has taken only a few months for activists to take their campaign to curb smoking outdoors. The Council on Smoking and Health is considering recommending that the government should introduce measures to corral smokers into designated outdoor smoking areas. Because more smokers have been driven onto the streets, it argues that second-hand smoke is now an outdoor health hazard,especially in crowded pedestrian areas, and that this justifies further action. A street ban would be difficult to police, but council chairwoman Lisa Lau Man-man cites the example of Tokyo, another densely populated area, where smoking in the streets has been banned in some areas.

花了很多年將禁煙條例延伸至餐廳和酒吧,一條去年七月生效的禁令.活躍分子只花了幾個月進行其運動去約束室外的吸煙. 吸煙及健康委員會正考慮建議政府實施措施去限制吸煙者去指定室外吸煙範圍.因為有更多的吸煙人士被趕到去街上,委員會辯稱說二手煙現在是室外健康危機,尤其是在繁忙的行人路上, 而那證明更進一步行動有道理.街道禁令會難以去管制,但委員會女主席劉文文引述東京的例子,另一個人口稠密的地方,那裡在某些範圍在街上吸煙是被禁止的.

Designated non-smoking outdoor areas are already to be found, for example along the promenade outside the Central ferry piers. Smokers generally respect them and Lau believes they would also discipline themselves if the balance were reversed and smoking areas were designated instead.
So long as tobacco use remains lawful, however addictive and unhealthy it may be, these ideas raise the question of balance between personal freedoms and community interest. Bans respect non-smokers' right to breathe clean air. Butthere is room for more effective enforcement of the recently introduced indoor bans and the HK$1,500 on-the-spot fines for breaches. That would reinforce the educational message to the slowly shrinking minority who smoke that theirs is an anti-social and risky habit.

指定的非吸煙室外區已經可以被找到, 例如沿著中環渡輪碼頭的海濱長廊. 吸煙者普遍都重視這些地方,而劉相信他們也會約束自己如果那平衡是調換.只要煙草使用仍繼續合法, 無論它是多令人上癮和不健康, 這些建議提出了個人自由和社會利益之間的平衡. 禁令重視非吸煙者呼吸乾淨空氣的權利.但最近實施的室內禁令和違反的仟伍元當場的罰款有更有效的執行的空間. 那會增強對慢慢減少的吸煙少數人士他們吸煙是一個反社會和危險的習慣的教育性信息.
Lau rightly concedes that the most effective way of curbing smoking remains rises in tobacco tax. Having raised it by 50 per cent last year - the first increase for eight years - the government should not shrink from imposing a smaller incrementalrise in this year's budget. Unfortunately this would hit the poor hardest. But given that smoking is addictive, and taxpayers at large fund the earlier, more frequent and extra health care that smokers are prone to need, this is one tax increase for which there is an argument in social equity.

劉有道理地承認最有效抑制吸煙的方法仍然是煙草稅提昇. 政府已在去年把它提高了50巴仙-八年來第一次提昇-它不應該避免在今年的財政預算強制一次定額的提昇. 不幸地這會把窮人影響得最大. 但既然吸煙是令人上癮的, 而且納稅人普遍都支持早前吸煙者頃向需要的更頻繁的額外照料,這是一次在社會公正上有爭議的稅增加.

1. extend有好幾個意思. 常用包括延長,如延長時間, 延長距離-可以使...延長或自己延長(The shelf extends 20cm from the bookcase).在這裡,則是指擴大..的影響: extend the law即擴大條例的影響.

2. came into effect: 生效

3. curb 類似stop, 但stop是停止, curb只是壓抑, 或控制/約束.

4. corral ...into和drive意思差不多一樣,都是驅趕....到某個地方.

5. 危險通常用danger, risk等, 也可用hazard.

6. promenage讀音似法文, 讀ˌprɒm.əˈːd/, 美國讀 /ˌprɑː.məˈneɪd/.

7. respect除了解尊敬, 也解重視. 尊敬係對人, 重視可以對人對事.

8. remain解留下, 即stay, 也解繼續/依然是, 後跟形容詞, 如remain lawful, remain seated,也可跟as ..., 如She remains as a teacher.

9. raise又係有十個解法的字. 解提起, 如raise the flag; 解增加, 如The number raised; 解籌錢, 如raise the money; 解提出, 如raise the question; 解引起, 如raise doubts; 解養育, 如raise a kid. 還有少見的解改善, 如raise the standard.

10. 執行係enforce,配law, code, ban等.

11. shrink 最多人識係"縮水",即縮少, 但亦都作"減少,變細",如shrinking number of people,可以是"變細/少"或"使...變細/少", 如"shrink the tumor". 另一少見用法係解退縮.

12. rightly即有道理地.

13. concede係承認, 另一意思係認輸.

14. shrink from又唔太同shrink,那是phrasal verb. 意思是"避免", 有逃避的含意.

15. impose唔係解執行, 係"強制推行", 如impose a fine, 即強制罰款.

16. increment係定額增加.

17. hit又係有20個意思的子. 在這裡, hit解嚴重影響,或打擊.

18. 我承認我唔係好明呢一句:and taxpayers at large fund the earlier, more frequent and extra health care that smokers are prone to need

19. argument啲意思是爭吵, 但argument也是論點, 也解異議. 

30th Jan SCMP社評:Access to information must be made easier資訊獲得要更容易

Our government claims to value transparency and accountability. But when it comes to putting these principles into practice, its actions often leave much to be desired. Many departments have failed to live up to disclosure standards set by the code on access to information, which predatesthe handover. The Ombudsman has rightly lambasted the government for lacking commitment to promote transparency and easy access to information. Alan Lai Nin has singled outdepartments which displayed a lack of understanding of the code and proper staff training to fulfil their obligations. He has, however, overlooked the root cause of the problem: the code is voluntary and does not have the force of law.

我們的政府聲稱說重視透明度和問責性.但當將這些原則實行起來,它的行為卻大大未逹標. 很多部門都沒有逹至資訊獲得條例中的定下的揭露準則,這些條例在回歸前已存在.申訴專員公署正確地嚴重地批評政府缺乏推廣透明度和方便獲得資訊的決心. ALan Lai Nin已點名批評展示了對條例缺乏理解和缺乏適當令員工能實現履行他們的職責的培訓之部門.但是他忽視了問題的根本原因:條例是自願性的,而且沒有法律影響力.

Perhaps the most egregious example the Ombudsman cited involved the Chief Executive's Office, where we are entitled to expect staff to do better. The case involved public requests for disclosure of the salaries of the then newly appointed undersecretaries and political assistants. They were refused without an adequate explanation. One reason given was that the information was personal data. This was a permissible reason to withhold information under the code, which permits requests to be refused for a wide variety of reasons. Eventually, the appointees' full salaries were disclosed. Only one of the two decisions could be right, not both. The Ombudsman attributed the action of the Chief Executive's Office to ignorance about the code. It looked more like it wanted to avoid controversy by not disclosing the high pay and perks the new appointees would enjoy.


Of other cases the Ombudsman cited, the bodies involved - Hongkong Post, and the housing, lands, home affairs and food and environmental hygiene departments - appeared not to have actively blocked access or denied request for information. Rather, the problem stemmed fromstaff ignorance and lack of training.

在其他申訴專員引述的個案中,涉及的部門-香港郵政, 和房屋、土地、民事、和食物環境衞生部門-看來沒有主動阻礙對資料的獲取或拒絕對資料的要求.反而,問題源於職員的無知和培訓的缺乏.

Some legal boundaries in disclosure need to be respected; not everything can be disclosed, especially if law enforcement and public security are concerned. But none of the cases cited by the Ombudsman involved sensitive issues that would justify secrecy. In most cases, department staff appeared to have a poor grasp of how the code works, the result of the government having gone out of its way not to promote the code. According to the Ombudsman, only two circulars and a memo were issued to departments between 1997 and 2007 to promote the code. During most of this time there was no training for officers to handle the code, or the hiring of support staff to speed up information requests from the public.

在揭露中有些法律的界線需要被尊重;不是所有東西都可被揭露,尤其如果那關法律執行和公共安全.但申訴專員引述的個案中沒有一個涉及能合理化保袐的敏感事項.在大部分個案裡,部門職員顯 得對條例如何有效果有很差的了解,而那是政府沒有推廣條例的後果.根據申訴專員,在1997年至2007年之間只有兩張通告和一張備忘錄被分發過給部門.在這期間大部份時間沒有培訓給職員去處理條例,或是聘請支援同事去加快公眾的要求.

A culture of transparency requires both a government that respects the principle and a public that takes it seriously. Yet the Ombudsman finds that there has not been a publicity drive to raise public awareness of the code for 11 years. Whether this is an oversight or the result of a desire not to encourage requests for information, it clearly needs to be rectified. The result is that not only has the public not been well-informed, but government employees do not know much about the code either. The Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, which enforces the code, has accepted the Ombudsman's recommendations and promised to improve.

一種透明度的文化需要尊重其原則的政府和會視之為重要的公眾,但申訴專員發現十一年來沒有一次宣傳運動去提高公眾對條例的認識.無論這是一次疏忽或是一種不去鼓勵對資料的要求的渴望之結果, 那顯然需要被糾正.其結果不但是公眾沒有被充足告知, 而且政府僱員也不太了解條例.執行條例的政制及內地事務局已接受了申訴專口員的建議並且承諾改善. 

There is a need for easier access to government information. This would improve governance by promoting both accountability and informed debate on matters of public interestSteps must be taken to make the code more effective, otherwise a freedom of information law will be required to ensure greater transparency.


1. 批評一般用criticize,而lambaste是嚴厲地批評.

2. 英語為了婉轉的緣故,會用多些VERB+NOUN的組合,例如如文中...displayed a lack of understanding...,而不會直接說did not understand.

3. 最差當然可以用the worst,egregious係比較深的字.

4. deny一般人知道解否認,但deny也是拒絕, 例如deny requests,拒絕要求.

5. Justify唔係譯做"使合理化"咁生硬,譯做"使..顯得合理"更合適.justify後跟名詞,如justifty secrecy. 

6. Appear唔係只係解"看起來",也解"顯然是", 兩個意思竟然係相反,英文真係麻煩.

7. concern解"有關"時通常用主動式,但也可以用被動式:..is/are concerned.

8. publicity係宣傳,而drive係活動(campaign).

9. enforce係執行,配搭的賓語有code, law等等.

10. recommend不是只解推薦,也解suggest, recommendation便是suggestion.

11. 措施在英語中係measures,也可用steps.實施措施的動名詞配搭係introduce the measures, 或take the steps.

12. ensure係確保,英語中ensure後跟名詞/名詞片語,如ensure greater transparency,ensure safety. 留意ensure好似justify,兩者後都跟名詞片語.

introduce legislation

制定法律係legislate. 後跟on. 或 for /against, 或 to+ verb.

若為名詞legislation, 用introduce 或者bring in,即提交法案. 

2010年2月16日 星期二

06 UE, Question 4

Q: You are the chairperson of the school hiking club. Recently there have been several reports of accidents that have happened to people hiking on their own in remote areas.

Write an article for your school newspaper offering advice to students on safety measures that they need to take when they should do in case of an emergency. Give your article an title.

A: [這篇答案來自pilot 參考書.]

Hiking in the picturesque countryside is beneficial to both our mind and souls. Not only can you strengthen your body and willpower, you can also refresh your ind through escaping from the hustle and bustle of the city. Yet, every rose has its thorn. Hiking may cause tragedies if people cannot get hold of the situation. Recently there have been several reports of accidents that have happened to people hiking on their own in remote areas.- getting lost, being hurt by plants, being robbed by illegal immigrants are emergencies frequently encountered by hikers. Yet, if you are adequately equipped and know exactly what to do under such emergencies, you can prevent misfortunes from happening. This article will firstly introduce to you the necessary safety measures to be taken when hiking. Being well-prepared, among all other factors, is the key to a safe trip.

To commence with, you should never go hiking alone. Having companions is more than just having somebody to talk to. You can always discuss with the others when you sense something going wrong. In case of an emergency, your pals can give you a hand. In particular, we recommend you to hike in a group of four or more.

Secondly, you should plan your route properly before you set out. While the sense of achievement of conquering a demanding route is too overwhelming to resist, you should never choose a route which exceeds your competence. Sleeping well the night before is also a means to protect yourself from exhaustion. Before leaving for your trip, you should check again if weather is suitable for hiking. If that happens to be a rainy or foggy day, putting off your trip will be a more sensible decision.

You should also equip yourself with essentials like a mobile phone, a map, a compass, sufficient food and water as well as a first-aid pack. Communication devices are especially crucial as you will need them to stay in touch with others. It is equally important to make sure that there is mobile coverage where you go hiking. You may feel the need to wear short-sleeved shirts and shorts for hiking, but what you should do is just the contrary-long sleeved shirts and trousers should be worn instead to prevent you from being scratched by prickly vegetation and get burnt by the scorching sun. They can also keep you warm even if the temperature drops suddenly. The last thing you should do before you leave your home is to inform your family about your trip. Give a brief account of where you are going and the approximate time of return. Your family can then seek help and inform the police of your whereabouts if you do not return home as scheduled.

Making precautions, pitifully, does not guarantee that emergencies would never happen. What you should do is to acquaint yourself with the skills in coping with contingencies. The first and unbeatable rule is to stay calm. A clear mind is the cornerstone of sensible decisions. You should then call 999 to seek help and give accurate information clearly. Stating where you are is of utmost importance. If there is a distance post nearby, cite its number so that the rescue team can locate you more efficiently While you are waiting for rescue, stay where you are unless your present location is particularly inappropriate, to avoid wasting your energy unnecessarily. In case you are  bleeding, try to stop it as soon as possible with the first aid kit that you bring with you. For other types of injury, especially sprain and joint dislocation, avoid unnecessary movements.

All in all, hiking is fun and you are sure to get the most out of it if you are, mentally and physically, well prepared for accepting the challenge.

English note:
1. get hold of the situation: 查字典話get hold of即是to find someone or obtain something, 我懷疑這篇文章作者用錯字.

2. emergencies : 緊急情況

3. adequately: 香港學生好鍾意用enough表示足夠, 其實英文的enough很多時用係動詞,形容詞和副詞後,例如old enough, warm enough. 我覺得更好的字係用sufficient,和adequate.

4. measures: measures作為措施, 除了用introduce(實施),也可用take作動詞.

5. to commence with: 即to begin with. 在口語, 大部分人都用start, 書面語則用begin較多. 無論口語定書面, commence都係少用的字.

6. set out :set out有幾個解釋. 呢度解「起程」.

7. competence :能力, exceed your competence即超越自己的能力.

8. ...happens to be...: 即 ...碰巧是..., 這裡即「若那天碰巧是雨天或多霧」.

9. put off= delay

10. scratched by prickly vegetation: scratch 係割傷, prickly 係多刺的, vegetation即係plants.

11. scorching sun: 即好熱的sun.

12. of utmost importance= very important

13. contingencies: 我地經常聽到咩"contingency plan", 解緊急應變計劃, 但本身呢個字解意外事件.

14. sprain : 扭傷.

2010年2月15日 星期一

“Above all” vs “after all”

Above all means the most important of all. It aims at telling readers what follows is the most important point or idea.

e.g. You should stop smoking. It simply wastes money. Moreover, you will lose friends. Above all, it will kill you.

After all implies concession. It means something like Dont forget this.

e.g. We should forgive John for his rude speech to David. After all, he was very angry at that time.

“On the contrary” vs “On the other hand”

When we use on the contrary, we are actually emphasizing, or reinforcing, a statement by saying it the other way round. We can use indeed to replace it.

e.g. John is not a modest person. On the contrary, he is very proud.

Modest and proud are antonyms. The two sentences mean quite the same thing.

On the other hand is used to connect two contrasting ideas. It is similar to however in meaning. 

e.g. Many people are planning to emigrate to other countries; on the other hand, they dont want to leave their close relatives in Hong Kong.

connecting sentences: prepositional phrases

 Besides conjunctions and adverbial adjuncts, you may use a prepositional phrase to connect the ideas of two sentences.

Prepositional phrase = preposition + noun

You should use a full-stop or a semi-colon to separate the two sentences.

S1V1O1. Prepositional phrase + S2V2O2
Or  S1V1O1; prepositional phrase + S2V2O2

Examples of prepositional phrases are:

In fact; besides this; in addition; on the other hand; for example; on the contrary

e.g. Please dont call me up. In fact, I dont want to talk to you.
   John is keen on drawing. In addition, he has a talent for singing.
   Mary is not outspoken. On the contrary, she is reticent.
   Most Hong Kong people say they feel confident of Hong Kong future. On the other hand, there are many Hong Kong people applying for overseas residence