2016年1月31日 星期日

莎士比亞系列4: 四大悲劇之三《羅密歐與茱麗葉》


1. 故事的起: 故事的背景意大利Verona. Montagues 及 Capulets是兩大世仇, 經常開片. Verona個王子決定邊個再打架,便要殺頭.

Romeo係Montague的人, 佢鍾意個女仔叫Roasline. 同時間,Juliet係Capulet個女, 佢知道有個男仔叫Paris鍾意佢.於是Juliet屋企幫佢搞咗個蒙面舞會,想安排阿女與Paris相識. Romeo因為知道佢女神Rosaline會去個Ball, 佢便偷偷潛入去.

2. 故事的承: 係個舞會上,Romeo與Juliet一見鐘情. 可惜, 佢地來自兩個世仇家庭,這因此是悲劇的開始. 

羅密歐走去搵佢朋友Friar Lawrence (Friar=修士)., 佢估唔到Romeo變心變得咁快. 佢同意袐密幫佢Romeo同Juliet證婚,因為覺得咁樣兩邊家族可以結束世仇(age old feud). 至於Juliet,佢都有Nurse支持和幫助佢見Romeo. 著名Romeo在陽台見Juilet個幕,就係Nurse借出張長梯俾Romeo. 


3. 故事的轉: 話明係世仇, 當然無咁易和好. Romeo的表兄Benvolio同Juliet的表哥Tybalt又打架. Tybalt殺死了Mercutio, Romeo的老死. Romeo報仇, 殺死Tybalt. 王子知道事件後,驅逐Romeo出境.

Romeo藏身於Friar Laurence的家. Nurse與Friar合作幫佢地結婚. Romeo和Juliet洞房.


Juilet搵Friar唸辦法. 修士俾咗個屎橋佢,就係叫佢食啲草藥(類似中藥?), 昏睡42小時, 扮死. 然後等Romeo去墳墓搵佢,然後逃走.

4. 故事的合: 好衰唔衰, Romeo與Friar失去聯絡(當然無手機). 佢以為Juliet真係死咗. 因此佢先去殺Paris,然後與Juilet屍體共存一段時間, 跟著係佢身邊服毒.



5. 《羅》劇是莎士比亞當劇作家初期寫的故事, 亦是文學歷史上最偉大的愛情故事.

6. 可能因為青年人容易明白愛情,《羅》是莎劇中與Julius Caesar一樣係中學生入門研習的莎劇.學生透過《羅》,學習一點維多利亞時代的戲劇,莎士比亞的語言,及情詩.除了係中學生最容易認識的戲劇外,亦是世界各地劇團最常演的劇目,相信係因為故事最淺白.

7. 另外,係電影方面,《羅》亦是最常被改編的戲劇.1968年, Franco Zeffirelli的Romeo and Juliet贏了奧斯卡. 1967年, West Side Story改編自Romeo and Juliet. 流行曲亦有 Taylor Swifth的 "Love Story," Dire Straits' "Romeo and Juliet". 而其實, 一切被禁止的愛情也可以追溯Romeo and Juliet, 例如Wuthering Heights 或 Twilight.

8. 有些人覺得《羅》只是關於青少年衝動的愛情. 但事實上, 有甚麼愛情沒有衝動、不理性的成份? 或者說, 有甚麼的愛情,只講理性?我們都沒有羅密歐和茱麗葉那麼浪漫, 約會一次便私奔, 但我們的愛情也是不理性的.《羅》其實探討了愛情的本質, 即係浪漫與現實的衝突. 只係我們的現實不是家族世仇或父母安排了婚姻,但可以是其他阻止愛情繼續的問題, 例如是子女的教養問題, 財政的問題, 或其他相處的問題. 因此, 《羅密歐與茱麗葉》之所以歷久不衰, 因為它的主題實在偉大.

9.   大致上, Romeo and Juliet都係以詩句寫成. 舉前言 (Prologue)作例子: 

Two households, both alike in dignity
(In fair Verona, where we lay our scene),
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life; (Prologue.1-6)

莎翁都係用傳統的iambic pentameter,即係一行有5對、10個音節 (pentameter), 而每對音節係unstressed, stressed (iambic): 

in FAIR | VerON | a WHERE | we LAY | our SCENE

where CIV | il HANDS | make CIV | il BLOOD | unCLEAN


From AN | cient GRUDGE | BREAK to | NEW MUT | ti NY

10. 最後一提係1996年個套Romeo + Juliet, Kenneth Branagh導演.呢套戲吸引人不單因為由當時只有17歲的Claire Danes做Juliet和22的 Leonardo DiCaprio做男主角, 呢點當然吸引,但更重要係, 導演將莎翁呢套經典的背景, 搬咗去巴西, 作咗一個現代演繹, 證明經典歷久不衰.   

10個西方文學時期3: 理性時代

1. 文藝復興好快轉入了理性時代: We may see the Reformation as the first phase in this process. But at the end of the seventeenth century there came a strong reaction against much that the Reformation had stood for. Thus we move into the period we call the Enlightenment. 

2. 人的理性代替了上帝的權威: What was the Enlightenment? Very generally, we may describe it as a period in which many key thinkers turned away from building their thought on what God said in his revelation, and instead put a great emphasis on human reason, and also on what is 'natural'. Now, Christians who worked on the basis of the Bible (and particularly in the Reformation tradition) have always insisted that human reason has a fundamental problem. The idea is a little like the Marxist concept of 'ideology': there is a deep bias in our thinking that affects our beliefs. And so it is very hard for us to think clearly and accurately about God, because as we do so we tend to try and protect our independence; ideologically, we want to believe whatever will preserve our autonomy from God. But what the thinkers of the Enlightenment were doing was denying that the problem existed. (Indeed, when we come to Kant we find 'autonomy' exalted into a principle that is absolutely good.) 

3. 人相信自己的理性可發展理想的社會:Human rationality will lead us into a new dawn of civilisation, they suggested; if we live according to what is reasonable, we can expect our society to work out right. 

4. 文學上表現出一種樂觀主義:We can see this optimistic philosophy reflected particularly in much of the work of the great poet Alexander Pope, perhaps the most important British poet of the early eighteenth century. There is the same easy confidence in a novelist like Henry Fielding, author of Tom Jones, and other writers, painters and musicians of the movement that is known as 'neo-classicism'. 

5. 或稱新古典主義,因為希臘羅馬時代同樣相信理性: The rediscovery of the Graeco-Roman classical heritage tended to function as an alternative to Christianity's insistence that man needed a radical rescue: it was basically humanistic in tendency, reinforcing the optimistic confidence in human rationality and in his ability, just operating naturally, to build the society that we need.

6. 但後期發現理性製造混亂,甚至是破壞性的: But as the 18th century wore on there began to be doubts as to whether it is true. There began to be bad dreams. At the end of Pope's Dunciad, indeed, we find a nightmare of chaos overcoming human society, and the closing words are 'universal darkness buries all'. Where there should be rationality, where there should be the clarity of the human mind working out all our problems, we find that people are not reasonable, and ultimately night falls on humanity. The terrible final book of Swift's Gulliver's Travels is a parallel nightmare: human beings, devoid of reason, turn out merely to be animals wallowing in the mud. At the end of both these 18th century masterpieces we sense the same fear: what if people are not and cannot be trusted to be reasonable? What if we are, by nature, inherently destructive?

2016年1月25日 星期一

莎士比亞系列3: 關於《王子復仇記/哈姆雷特》的十件事

1. 莎翁最出名的名句 "To be or not to be, that is the question"便是出自Hamlet.

2.情節的起: 故事發生在丹麥. 前度皇帝剛駕崩, 他化死鬼魂. 他就是Hamlet的父親。Hamlet不知誰殺死他父親,總之他發現新皇帝是他的阿叔Claudius. 佢阿媽Gertrude好快又再嫁俾Claudius. 這個時候挪威的王子Fortinbras正準備攻打丹麥。


3.情節的承: 你係Hamlet的話你會點做?殺你阿叔?大逆不道喎。Hamlet唸到一招,就係扮儍。Hamlet女友Ophelia於是宣佈,Hamlet儍L咗。

Ophelia阿爸叫Polonius,係Claudius的近臣.佢同皇帝話Hamlet顛咗,於是佢地策劃搵間諜調查Hamlet儍咗係咪因為Ophelia. 這時, 一些丹麥註挪威大使從挪威回來,報說暫時不會跟挪威打仗.Rosencrantz和 Guildenstern是Hamlet和Horatio的兒時朋友。皇帝皇后叫佢地做間諜,調查Hamlet發顛的原因,但佢地查唔到。

這個時候,一些演員出場,Hamlet委託佢地做一場戲,就係佢老豆被阿叔Cladius殺的情節. 哈姆想睇Claudius的反應,睇下隻鬼講嘅係咪真.

4. 情節的轉: 就係做戲個陣,哈姆說出「To be or not to be, that is the question」.他詐儍扮矇,當知道佢阿叔個反應顯示佢真係佢嘅殺父仇人後,佢想殺Claudius,但反而佢錯手殺咗佢未來外父Polonius. Claudius送哈姆去英國,佢係途中遇上挪威王子Fortinbras,他準備去丹麥打仗.哈姆決定返番丹麥.

死咗老豆的Ophelia變瘋了.這同時激怒了佢細佬Laertes. Claudius於是說服佢安排與哈姆比劍, 順手殺咗佢. 條橋就係係劍上落毒, 而唔係用「挖頭劍」.

Ophelia自殺死咗, 哈姆與Laertes有一場激戰. 哈姆返英國途中,發現佢兩個同伴Rosencrantz 與 Guildenstern帶著一封說要殺死他的信,佢逃走返丹麥.

5.情節的合:哈姆與Laertes決戰. 哈姆不知Laertes預備咗酒,但最後中毒的卻係哈姆個阿媽, Gertrude. 雖然Laertes用毒劍刺到哈姆,但最後哈姆用番佢支毒劍殺左佢. 臨死前Laertes爆大鑊係Claudius指使佢咁做, 因此哈姆再用毒劍殺左佢阿叔.

哈姆老死Horatio也想自殺,但哈姆叫佢唔好死, 惟有佢才可將哈姆的故事同人講. 結尾挪威王子Fortiinbras攻入丹麥, 佳上皇位保座. 

6. Hamlet在文學史上的重要性在於, 它開始探討人類內心的掙扎(man vs himself), 而不只是人與人之間的衝突(man vs man). 可以說Hamlet是現代主義的開始. 在莎士比亞的年代,戲劇通常遵循亞里士多德的《詩學》,即戲劇應該注重劇情,而不是人物。在《哈姆雷特》當中,莎士比亞翻轉了這一規則,將重點放在了獨白,而不是劇情上,這樣觀眾就可以獲悉哈姆雷特的動機和思想.

7. 大陸導演馮小剛2006年的電影《夜宴》和迪士尼電影Lion King,也是改編自Hamlet. 

8. 《哈姆雷特》其中一個很特別的主題係不確定性. 全戲的高潮位雖然係Hamlet殺佢弒父仇人Claudius,但問題係Hamlet一直拖延殺佢的時候.為什麼呢?因為他一直唔肯定Claudius係佢弒父仇人. 哈姆一直在發問, 例如: 鬼係可信嗎?無證人之下,點確定佢阿叔殺咗佢老豆?從Claudius睇戲的反應就可推斷佢就係殺父仇人?

9. 當哈姆說出其著名句子: To be or not to be時,佢唸緊個樣野叫自殺。哈姆認為,人間太痛苦,自殺係最好的解決,但基督教不准許自殺,因此哈姆不自殺因為呢個道德考慮。引申開去,其實人間每個決定要考慮的因素太多,所以猶豫係可以理解的。

10. 另外一個主題,係大男人主義(misogny)。哈姆因為佢阿媽嫁叔叔,變得憎恨女人。佢叫女朋友Gertrude去修道院,而不要被性愛引致腐敗。他說:「脆弱,你的名字叫女人。」( “Frailty, thy name is woman” (I.ii.146).)

2016年1月22日 星期五

中文應用文系列2: 答覆投訴

1. 右上角政府地址

2. 本署編號、來檔編號

3. 收件人地址、機構名、收件人姓名+稱謂

4. 上款

5. 標題: 投訴灣仔政府合署升降機大堂24小時照明

6.第一段: (先客氣一番)蒙貴報關注灣仔政府合署的用電問題,並專文報道,謹此致謝。

7. 第二段:  (解釋)根據本署調查所得資料,上述政府合署其中三層的升降機大堂,實有通宵照明的必要,原因如下:

8. 第三段:(再解釋) 事實上,灣仔政府合署各層的升降機大堂,在陽光充沛的日子,都盡量節省燈光,而且大樓的管理員在每日下午六時三十分左右巡視各層時,如發現升降機大堂無人使用,亦會關掉照明系統。

9. (再多謝)本署向來注重善用資源,避免浪費公帑。多蒙貴報關注,日後定會倍加留意。

10. 下款及日期:政府產能署署長 (李XX代行)

2016年1月19日 星期二

中文應用文系列1: 一般格式

1. 右上是寄信人地址,如果係公司,應該有印咗公司地址的信紙.

2. 公函的緊急程度會在右上角反映,例如是否掛號、是否機密. 



a. 梁一鳴先生
b. 俞諍小姐(未婚)、汪明荃女士(未婚或已婚)
c. 陳可兒君(唔知男定女)
d. 鍾樹根議員、黃嘉琪博士(榮銜)
e. 李國章主席、石內卜教授、葉文娟署長(職銜)
f.  劉勵超署長先生(職銜加尊稱)

5.上款不用全名,只用姓. 有四種:

a. 梁先生, 陳小姐(姓+尊稱)  
b. 鍾議員, 黃博士(姓+榮銜)
c. 李主席,石教授(姓+職銜) 
d. 主席先生, 各位市民 (不知收件人姓名)

注意, 中文的上款後,用冒號,不是逗號.






2016年1月18日 星期一


1. 英語係比中文嚴謹,或者說,中文係較精簡,因此中譯英要增補番一啲詞.

2. 主要要增補有四類: 代詞、連詞、介詞、冠詞. 另外有其他情況.

3. 代詞又有分三類:

a. subject pronoun


英譯:When there is a will, there is a way. 

There 是增補的主詞。

b. possessive pronoun

英譯: We responded to the call to our Motherland.

Motherland在英文要有個determinator, 可以係possessive adjective,或者articles: a/an/the,但唔可以無.

c. object pronoun

例: 唔好意思.
英譯: Excuse me.


People are lined up waiting for you to help them.


4. 中文無話咩主句、從句之分,句子同句子之間不用連詞。英文就唔可以,主句要清清楚楚。如果係英文主句連接主句,要用coordinating連詞; 如主句連接子句,就用subordinating連詞。

英譯:If she does not come, I won't go.

當然中文可以說「如果她不來,我便不走」。但英文卻唔以說:She does not come, I won't go. 

5. 介詞方面,唔係話中文無介詞,亦唔係英文一定有介詞,但介詞在英文比中文必要:

例:We go to church on Sundays.



英譯:All citizens are equal before the law.


7. 有些情況, 中文很簡潔, 用了借代的技巧,但英文要明白說出代替了什麼,否則鬼佬唔明你講咩:

例: 結婚大為酒席,實在可以免去了。
英譯:The practice of giving lavish feasts at weddings can well be dispensed with. 

如果只譯Giving lavish feasts at weddings can well be dispensed with,比較似中式英文。

莎士比亞系列2: 關於《李爾王》的十件事

1. 在莎士比亞的悲劇中,《李爾王》的情節是最慘的.

2.《李爾王》寫於1604至1606年之間. 其實英國內戰1642-1651)之後, 觀眾不太喜歡它,嫌它太慘,太暴力,結局太悲.直至兩次世界大戰之後, 《李》開始受到觀迎,因為大家在戰爭後發現人性實在醜陋.

3. 二十世紀裡,《李爾王》被改編過無數次,包括日本黑澤明的《亂》、美國Jane Smiley的 A Thousand Acres, 甚至是Beatle的歌曲"I Am The Walrus",都受《李》劇影響.

4.  King Lear的主角是李爾王及其三個女兒.李爾王因為要退休,將其王國分給他三個女兒,名叫Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia,防止其女兒爭產.《李爾王》表面上是一套政治劇,實際上是一套家庭劇.家庭裡的人際關係, 甚至吸引佛洛伊德引用論證他的「機能不全家庭」( dysfunction family)理論.

5. 故事的悲劇情節,其實源自李爾王的錯誤決定.他決定如何分配王國給他的女兒的方法,竟然是玩「誰更愛爸爸」的遊戲。最愛他的女兒 Cordelia不玩這個遊戲,惹怒了父親,把她趕走,她出走法國,與法國皇帝結婚。這反映有權力的人,都鍾意人擦鞋。

6. 李爾王有一個忠臣,叫Kent, 他直諫皇帝犯了錯誤.李爾王竟把他趕走.但Kent又化身成Caius,成為李爾王的僕人.李爾王帶他、其私人喜劇演員Fool及100個粗魯的武士去到女兒Goneril及其丈夫Albany家中.李爾王發現無論係Goneril或是Regan,都想奪去其武士,令佢失去權力.

7. 這劇除了李爾王家族這條線,還有另一條線,是關於另一個家庭,Gloucester及他兩個兒子的故事.Glucestor是King的一個大臣. 他有一個私生子叫Edmund. 他妒忌他哎吔細佬Edgar, 因而周圍同人講Edgar想害死父親. Edgar惟有出走,扮成乞丐,叫自己作Poor Tom. 

8.李爾王出走去暴風及草叢之間.遇上了Poor Tom, 發現大家同病相憐. 同時間, Gloucester決定去幫李爾王, 並提議大家去法國找Cordelia回來. 原來Cordelia正在計劃攻打Goneril及Regan. 當Gluocester回英國,他被控叛國, 被Regan及其丈夫Cornwall行使私刑, 把他的眼珠挖出來. Gluocester其中一個僕人替他報仇,殺了Cornwall. Regan殺了這僕人.

9.Gluocester的叛逆仔Edmund伴隨Goneril回王宫, 原來二人有婚外情. 又原來Goneril也擔心佢個妹Regan會上佢條新仔. 

盲咗的Gloucester在Poor Tom的伴同下, 出走到咗Dover. 他想自殺. Poor Tom開解咗佢,令他打消自殺念頭. 但Goneril的僕人Oswald追上, 想殺Gloucester,Poor Tom保護老豆, 殺咗Oswald.  Oswald死之前, 交出了一封Goneril託佢交俾Edmund的信, 原來佢打算同愛人Edmund一齊,叫佢殺死佢老公Albany. Poor Tom知道佢阿哥Edmund, 真係一個仆街. 

10, 最後, 李爾王與最乖的女兒重逢, 奈何法國輸了給英軍, 兩人被捕. 大家姐條仔Edmund捉咗佢地坐監. 最搞笑係Albany發現佢老婆同Edmund有路又想殺佢, 便又判咗Edmund同佢老婆叛國罪坐監. 呢個時候,Edmund個仇人Edgar出現,刺死了佢哎呀兄弟. Edmund臨死前, 說佢搵咗人殺細妹Cordelia和李爾王. Edgar俾佢阿爸知道一直係佢陪住佢, Gluoucester心臟病發死. 

另外, 妹妹Regan被佢妒忌的家姐Goneril毒死. 家姐Goneril自己又自殺. 

李爾王已太遲, Cordelia已被殺. 李爾王抱住女兒, 心臟病發. 

最後兩個死剩種係Albany和Edgar, 但其他人已死,佢地生不如死.

2016年1月16日 星期六


英文一項特徵,是經常用被動語態(passive voice). 翻譯成中文,卻有很多方式,因為中文表達被動語態方面,比英文多啲款式。

頭幾款都係中文裡有「被」意思的字, 除「被」字,還有其他:

1. 最常見,用「被」,例: He was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment. >他被判處了十年徒刑.

2. 用「受到/遭到」,例:He was given punishment..>他受到懲罰.

3. 用「給」:My life has been destroyed by her.>我的一生給她摧毀了.

4. 用「由」,如: The letter was posted by him.> 那封信由他寄出。

5. 用「為...所」,如: She was abandoned by her husband.>她為她丈夫所拋棄.

有些情況, 中文用被動動詞.只係不會譯出「被」字眼:

6. 英文在譯成中文時,直接用被動的動詞,但不加任何「被」的生字:

He is called Sam.

他叫Sam. (不是「他被叫Sam」)

The vegetables are all cut up.


7. 意思雖然係被動,但英文用主動動詞. 中文則用沒有「被」等字的被動動詞:

The tickets are selling well.


有些情況, 中文用主動動詞譯出:

8. 英文用被動語態,中文帶出英文被動動詞本身的主語,再用主動動詞譯出:

He was seen eating fishballs on the street.


It is believed that she is gay. 


9. 英文用被動語態,中文把英文被動動詞的賓語轉為主語, 再換另一個主動動詞譯出:

I was born in Beijing. 

我在北京出世 (不是「我在北京被生出」或「阿媽在北京生我出嚟」.注意,born是bear的過去分詞,bear解作「生」,「生仔」個「生」.)

We’ve been given a new heater.


10. 最後呢一種好似第8類,但不用「有人」什麼什麼的,因為本身中文已有一些慣用語表示,都唔會顯示主語. 例:

It is assumed that =假設
It is said that= 據說
It cannot be denied that=無可否認
It is well-known that=眾所周知
It must be admitted that=必須承認

2016年1月11日 星期一

莎士比亞系列1: 基本資料

1. London Olympics 好多人話好悶,其實係唔明入面的references, 例如開頭speech係來自Tempest

2. 莎翁唔係係佢自己個代紅,而係Victorian Period (why?). 莎士比亞在世時被尊為詩人和劇作家,但直到19世紀他的聲望才達到今日的高度。

3. 莎士比亞根本係一個工業

4. 莎翁4月23日生日,但不是公眾假期,52歲死

5. 他大部分作品都取材自當時流行的故事,真至後期作品如Tempest

6. 他流傳下來的作品包括38部戲劇、155首十四行詩、兩首長敘事詩和其他詩歌。

7. 早期作品1590~1600年的伊麗莎白一世的中央主權尚屬鞏固,王室跟工商業者及新貴族的暫時聯盟尚在發展。1588年打敗西班牙「無敵艦隊」後英國國勢大振。這使作者對生活充滿樂觀主義情緒,相信人文主義思想可以實現。這時期所寫的歷史劇和喜劇都表現出明朗、樂觀的風格. 包括: 1591 Henry VI, Richard III, 1593 The taming of the Shrew, 1594 Romeo and Juliet, 1595 A Midsummer night's dream, 1596 The merchent of Venice, 1597 King Henry IV, Much Ado About Nothing, 1598 The life and death of Julius Caesar, 1599 As you like it, 1600 Twelfth night

8. 中期作品背景是1601~1607年英國農村的「圈地運動」加速進行,王權和資產階級及新貴族的暫時聯盟正在瓦解,社會矛盾深化,政治經濟形勢日益惡化。詹姆士一世繼位後的揮霍無度和倒行逆施,更使人民痛苦加劇,反抗迭起。在此情況下,莎士比亞深感人文主義理想與現實的矛盾越來越加劇,創作風格也從明快樂觀變為陰鬱悲憤,其所寫的悲劇也不是重在歌頌人文主義理想,而是重在揭露批判社會的種種罪惡和黑暗。包括:1601 Hamlet, 1604 Measure for measure, 1604 Othello, 1605 King Lear, The tragedy of Macbeth, 1606 Antony and Cleopartra

9. 晚期作品背景是1608~1612年詹姆士一世王朝更加腐敗,社會矛盾更加尖銳。莎士比亞深感人文主義理想的破滅,乃退居故鄉寫浪漫主義傳奇劇。其創作風格也隨之表現為浪漫空幻。包括1610 The tempest, 1612 King Henry VII

10. <鲁豫有约:解密莎士比亚>(2012-08-23)值得一看! 

2016年1月6日 星期三


1. 普通人可以讀經: 在中世紀,天主教教庭控制了聖經的傳播, 只有修士可以讀聖經, 仲要用拉丁文讀. 文藝復興時期普通人可以自己讀經.

2. 民主開始發展:當聖經開始被翻譯成英文、德文時,統治階級開始緊張,為甚麼? 因為當只有天主教會可以讀經,他們便擁有了權力, 但當一般人都可以讀經, 你自己可以去了解神對你的生命有何旨意,教會便害怕失去權力. 在英國有一段時間, 翻譯聖經的人要秘密地工作,否則會被警察拘捕甚至處決。馬丁路德就係one man against the Church,堅持每個人都有權透過聖經信上帝。「惟獨聖經」,即天主教會不能阻擋人自己認識上帝。當人發現自己可以直接與上帝溝通,即普通人的地位不比皇帝和教會低,民主思想亦開始同步發展。

2.普通人成為文學、藝術的對像:If you study the painting or the poetry of this period, you see a shift in what is considered to be worth depicting. Where in earlier centuries painters had been creating pictures of the saints, or of the great heroes of Greek legend and history, now they begin to paint pictures of ordinary people. One thinks of artists like Jan Steen, or indeed Rembrandt, in the Protestant culture of Holland, who love realistic scenes of ordinary people going about their ordinary lives. Why? Because they are working within a culture that has grasped that God is deeply interested in ordinary people, not just in the heroes and the saints. So too when you look at the English literature in this period you see writers emerging who reflect that kind of value for the life of the ordinary person. One thinks of poets like John Donne or George Herbert, writing about their experiences of love or of worship as they are for ordinary people.

4. 描寫普通人生活的小說因此開始出現:It is in this context that the novel arises. One might say that the novel begins to emerge in England with the work of the radical Protestant preacher John Bunyan, the author of Pilgrim's Progress and The Life and Death of Mr Badman; and then more plainly with the journalist Daniel Defoe, also writing very clearly from a Protestant background, as we see in his masterpiece Robinson Crusoe. Earlier on, the great literature had written more about 'epic' concerns; but now there begins to develop a form of literature that deals with ordinary people, and their loves, their worries and their struggles towards God. 

5. 文學的主題開始與個人選擇有關: For the same reason we must take into account the background of Protestantism as we think about Shakespeare's plays. We see Hamlet standing alone on the stage, struggling with crucial personal choice: ‘To be or not to be’. And it is not by accident that Shakespeare changes the Hamlet story to make him a student at Luther's university in Wittenberg; this, says Shakespeare, is man as we now know him to be since Luther, an individual whose choices about life are supremely important. Nor is it accidental that Shakespeare centres The Merchant of Venice on the apparently insoluble clash of justice and mercy that is also so basic to the Reformation's understanding of the Christian gospel. These were issues of compelling importance, and we must understand them to understand the art of the time.

6. 往後三四百文學的發展就是人如何看自己: This is to be expected. 'God' is the name we give to that which is of the most overwhelming importance in the universe. Obviously our relationship to that God will have implications and consequences for everything else we do. If we believe that the most important being in the universe is a God who we, as ordinary people, can and must know and follow, then our lives – and the works of art we create – will move in a particular direction as a result. If, for us, there is no such God at the centre, then there will be a different pattern or mosaic to our lives, and everything they contain, literature included. Thus it seems that we can look at the history of the past 300-400 years since the Reformation, and see a movement in the development of the novel form and of poetry that reflects – among many other things – what their authors thought about God

2016年1月5日 星期二

成語10: 慢慢接受

She has already come to terms with one of life's harshest lessons: that the world isn't fair. Picture Quote #1

come to terms with.

She's never really come to terms with her son's death. 
It's very hard coming to terms with the fact that you'll never have children.

2016年1月4日 星期一


竭盡全力的英文是go to great lengths to+ infinitive.

Some ​people go to ​great ​lengths to make ​their ​homes ​attractive.
He'll go to any ​lengths to get what he ​wants.