2015年11月30日 星期一


1. 沖調奶粉前,徹底用肥皂及水清洗雙手。
2. 將清洗淨的奶樽﹑奶咀﹑樽蓋及用具放進水中煮5分鐘。
3. 將清水煮至沸滾5分鐘,待水泠卻至室溫才沖調。
4. 將所需分量的水(已泠卻)倒入奶樽,並加入奶粉。
5. 蓋緊奶樽,之後搖均。


1. bb胸前鋪紗巾

2. 水用30ml剛煲完熱水(不低於70度)加90ml涷水(如用熱水瓶的熱水,比例可能去到一半係熱水),足4安士. 加奶粉. 奶樽蓋不用扭得好緊,因要讓奶樽回氣. 

3. 左右搖奶樽溶化奶粉,不要上下搖免入風。用手臂測試溫度,約38至40度為宜。

4. 右腳用櫈墊高,右腳托住bb pat pat。 右手腕墊高bb頭. bb傾斜45度。

5. 右手扶住bb右手格肋底 (另一醫院教方法是用右手姆指食指托住條頸), 把BB靠近胸部, 增加其安全感.

6. 奶樽與bb塊臉垂直,令向下奶樽盛滿奶,防止奶咀入風,但又不可太斜.

6. 飲一半掃風,飲完掃風。掃風左手姆指食指夾下把,中指及其他夾格肋底

7. 留意奶唔好唔暖,否則要熱番佢


9. 不用飲清奶樽,免吸風。

10. 飲完維持bb上身直立掃10-15分鐘, 掃完再等數分鐘,才讓BB側訓. 一個 

2015年11月29日 星期日

Office工作技巧系列1: 寄信10步曲/10個一般人唔識的word功能1:print label


1.          check清楚信件.由上至下格式: 寄件人地址,收件人地址及收件人職銜及姓名, 稱謂, 標題, 第一段, 第二段, 第三段, 寄件人職銜, 寄件人簽名空格,寄件人姓名, 日期, 副本送.

2.          check清潔有無錯字.

3.          print信. 印刷面朝下,letterhead對住自己.

4.          預備信封.信封要蓋部門回郵地址.

5.          Print label: 去word, <郵件>, <標籤>, <選項>, 揀<標籤編號>, <新文件>, 輸入地址.

6.          在信封簽名位置貼上SIGN HERE label.

7.          寫record of postage. 計算郵費,填File reference

8.          交俾上司簽名.

9.          SCAN一份做後備.

10.      成個過程重點: 盡量幫上司做可幫佢做的事, 等佢寫少啲字, 做少啲野.

2015年11月25日 星期三


初中英文課本都會教學生電影genre. Genre這個字是法文, 意思是類型.


1. Fantasy
2. Sci-fi
3. Romance
4. Action
5. Horror
6. Autobiography
7. Crime
9. Comedy
10. Drama 

2015年11月24日 星期二

再談幾種cumulative sentences的方法

上一篇10個DSE英文5星作文必用句構(10): coordinate and subordinate cumulative sentence提過cumulative sentence有分coordinate及subordinate,前者是modifying phrase圍繞住main clause咁補充資料,subordinate則是每個modifying phrase都係修飾或補充之前那clause或phrase.

今日想補充的是,提供幾種cumulative sentence最後那modifying phrase的寫法。說最後的modifying phrase,當然不一定,但擺係最後,有round up一句句子的意味.

第一種: 明喻

"The boy sat down at the table, eagerly anticipating the 
feast, never suspecting it would be the last meal he 
would eat, acting as carefree as a lark.”
句子最後的acting as carefree as a lark是present participial phrase, 功能是俾一個比喻, 給讀者一種意像.
“The chef prepared the fish, carefully, stuffing it with 
wild rice, sautéing it briefly, its sweet aroma blending 
smoothly with the other enticing odors in the kitchen, 
the fish becoming more than food, ascending to the status 
of art, as if transformed by magic.”
除了as ..as, 明喻也可以as if...的形式出現.
"She watched this smile come, awkward as if he were 
smiling from inside a mask."
awkward as if he were smiling from inside a mask是appositive adjective加上as if子句.
"He spoke slowly, mechanically, without inflection, like 
a robot."
呢句的like a robot係prepositional phrase,


很多時modifying phrase是給予一個解釋,所以會用possibly, perhaps, possibly/perhaps because開始那modifying phrase.
"The dog froze in place, ears up to detect the slightest 
sound, eyes riveted on the clump of brush, possibly 
sensing danger."
possibly sensing danger是「副詞+participial phrase」,提供了subject一系列動作的猜測.有總結之功能.
"He suddenly ran off the stage, possibly because he had 
forgotten his lines, possibly because he had just noticed 
the audience for the first time, perhaps even because he 
was in some physical distress."
除了用participial phrase作解釋外, 也可直接用subordinate clause去解釋, 不過加上perhaps, possibly等副詞.
"The fire spread quickly, its flames fanned by the stiff 
breeze, consuming the small apartment in minutes, 
possibly the result of a candle left burning too close to 
blowing curtains."
the result of a candle left burning too close to blowing curtains是apposition,modifying phrase的一種. 加上possibly作出一種猜側.

比起possibly/perhaps, likely/more likely甚至actually是更肯定的猜測:
"The guard fainted, dropping his rifle, crumpling at the 
feet of the queen, likely a casualty of poor training and 
poor conditioning."
likely a casualty of poor training and poor conditioning也是「adverb+apposition」.

還有seeming, seemingly, appearing等,也可作表達猜測的modifying phrase的開頭. 
"Each essay explored another of the writer’s fears, seeming to reveal an almost infinite number of pathologies, each appearing more threatening than the last."
seeming to reveal an almost infinite number of pathologies, each appearing more threatening than the last也是participial phrase, 特別之處在於seem後面可以跟adjectives, 又可跟to infinitive, 因為seem是linking verb, 同樣appear也是linking verb:
"The young novelist produced bestseller after bestseller, 
appearing to have stumbled on the magic formula for 
literary success."
seemingly則變成了另一個像perhaps的副詞, 可駁appositive adjective phrase. 
"She built her business slowly, opening a new store only 
when its success was certain, seemingly incapable of 
miscalculations when assessing likely profits."
(內容參考:Landon, Brooks. Building Great Sentences, How to Write the Kinds of Sentences You Love to Read, Plume 2013)

2015年11月23日 星期一

10個DSE說明文熱門題目(1):回歸以來政府如何處理空氣污染 (中文版)

歷年為減輕空氣污染的十大措施: (措施+解釋+數據)

1. 促使交通工具用更清潔燃料,減少柴油使用. 如2000至2003年推行的士以LPG取代柴油計劃(現時99%的士已轉), 2002年至2005年推行柴油小巴轉LPG計劃(現時68%小巴已轉). 

2. 收緊車輛廢氣粒子排放標準, 如在2012實施最新的歐盟五期廢氣排放標準(歐五柴油車粒子排放比1995歐盟前期要少95%); 又收緊燃料含硫標準, 如2005年開始無鉛汽油的S含量由0.015%收緊至0.005%(歐四).2010年又再把汽油及柴油的含硫量收緊至0.001%(歐五).

3. 其他無計一定要用柴油的, 強制安裝catalytic converter 或particulate trap, 減少粒子排放. 它們可把歐盟前期的輕型柴油車粒子排放量減少30%.

4.  鼓勵市民使用低污染交具,如地鐡,2013年開始未來7年是香港鐵路的高速發展期,是理順公共交通系統,減少路面污染的時機 及其他措施, 如開闢行人專用區 (eg奶路臣街), 優化巴士路線 

5. 要求發電廠減排, 2008年修訂了《空氣污染管制條例》,設定了2010年起發電廠的排放上限.於2014年第四份備忘錄收緊2019年及以後的排放上限,使SO2, NO, particulate的數量比2010年能分別下降63,40,44%.  方法包括安裝去硫裝置,使用更多天然氣,鼓勵使用再生能源 

6. 與廣東省政府合作, 在2012年確定了去到2020年的四種最高污染物(SO2, NO, particulates, volatile organic compound)於珠江三角洲的減排目標. 2013年"粵港澳珠江三角洲區域空氣監測網絡" 錄得的SO2, NO2, particulates比2006年分別少62%, 13%, 15%

7. 節能:2010年修訂了"建築物能源效益條例", 2012年強制實施"建築物能源效益守則".守則定出四大屋宇設備裝置(照明、冷氣、電、升降機/自動電梯)的能效規範.

8. 管制船舶排放: 2015年7月起,所有遠洋船在香港水域停泊期間必須使用含硫量不過0.5%的燃料,或液化天然氣等. 政府船隻亦必使用歐盟V期柴油.

9. 綠化: 綠化美化環境,亦能改善空氣質素,及舒緩熱島效應. 2001開始,政府已在某些新建政府建築物屋頂綠化. 2008年開始,新建的政府建築物採用了垂直綠化設計概念. 

10. 減少VOC排放:VOC係volatile organic compound,多存在於漆料、印墨,有機溶劑等. VOC與NO產生臭氧. 臭氧令微粒多咗, 產生smog. 2007政府開始管制6種消費品(空氣清新劑,噴髮膠, 潤滑劑, 地蠟清除劑, 除虫劑, 噴霧驅虫劑)及建築物paints/coatings與printing ink.2010年開始更擴大管制範圍至汽車修補/船隻paint/coating,黏合劑等. 

1. 左丁山, 低油價害環保, 香港:蘋果日報, 10 Dec, 2015
2. 港政策落後 無助減排香港:蘋果日報, 14 Dec, 2015
3. 左丁山, 環保不成錢作怪香港:蘋果日報, 16 Dec, 2015
4. 高慧然, 好彩爆得早香港:蘋果日報, 17 Dec, 2015
5. 左丁山, 中國汽油不減價香港:蘋果日報, 23 Dec, 2015
6. 空氣污染 忽視本地源頭, 東方日報, 2016年1月11日

2015年11月22日 星期日


Hong Kong has been facing two air pollution issues, namely local street-level pollution and regional smog problem. Diesel vehicles are the main source of street-level pollution. Smog, however, is caused by a combination of pollutants from motor vehicles, marine vessels, industry and power plants both in Hong Kong and in the Pearl River Delta region. Because of these air pollution problems, Hong Kong has yet to fully achieve the current Air Quality Objectives [see Air Quality Objectives Compliance Status]

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government gives high priority to controlling both local air pollution and regional smog problems. The main strategies include:

Implementing a wide range of measures to control emissions from motor vehicles, marine vessels, power plants, and industrial and commercial processes locally.

Working with Guangdong Provincial Authorities to implement a joint plan to tackle the regional smog problem

A. 路邊空氣:

1.以較環保的車種取代柴油車輛(Cleaner Alternatives to Diesel Vehicles):

LPG Taxis and Light Buses

Taxis- To encourage a quick switch of the 18,000 diesel taxis to environmentally-cleaner vehicles, the government provided a one-off grant of $40,000 for each replacement of diesel taxis with one that operates on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in a subsidy programme starting in August 2000. The programme was completed at the end of 2003. Almost all (about 99%) taxis are now fuelled by LPG.)

Light Buses- We started a programme in August 2002 to offer incentives to encourage the early replacement of the 6,000 diesel light buses with LPG or electric ones. For diesel public light buses, we offered a one-off grant of $60,000 or $80,000 for each diesel public light bus that was replaced with an LPG or electric one respectively; for diesel private light buses, each replacement LPG vehicle was exempted from the first registration tax. At present, electric vehicles are exempted from first registration tax. The programme was completed at the end of 2005. Right now, about 68% of the registered public light buses run on LPG.)

2016年大力推動電動車:Electric vehicles have zero tail-pipe emission, and their wider use will reduce roadside air pollution. The number of electric vehicles has increased from less than 100 at the end of 2010 to nearly 4 000 now.

The Government will focus its efforts in promoting the use of electric vehicles in the public transport system, and has been working with the franchised bus companies to conduct trial runs of 36 electric single-deck buses within this year. The Government will also upgrade more public chargers to mediumspeed chargers, and support property management companies to install more charging facilities.

2. 收緊車用燃料及車輛廢氣排放標準\

Tightening Fuel and Vehicle Emission Standards:Emission standards for newly-registered vehicles have been progressively tightened since 1995. The most recent change is in 2012, when we implemented Euro V emission standards. A Euro V diesel vehicle emits about 95% less particulates and 78% less NOx than a pre-Euro vehicle manufactured before 1995.)

車用燃料標準Vehicle fuel standards

Petrol- We have tightened the sulphur content in unleaded petrol from 0.015% to 0.005% since January 2005 in tandem with the European Union.)

Ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD)- ULSD has a sulphur content of 0.005%, which is the Euro IV requirement for motor vehicle diesel. It became the only motor diesel fuel available at petrol filling stations in Hong Kong, after the Government introduced a concessionary duty on ULSD in July 2000. Since April 2002, ULSD has been the statutory minimum requirement for motor vehicle diesel, 3 years ahead of the European Union. Hong Kong is also the first place in Asia to introduce ULSD on a full scale for its vehicle fleet.

Euro V diesel- On 1 December 2007, the Government offered a concessionary duty rate of $0.56 per litre for Euro V diesel, which has a sulphur content of 0.001%. Since then, all petrol filling stations in Hong Kong are exclusively offering this fuel. Starting from 14 July 2008, the duty rate for Euro V diesel has been waived to further encourage drivers to use this more environment-friendly fuel.)

Biodiesel- The Air Pollution Control (Motor Vehicle Fuel) (Amendment) Regulation 2009 came into force on 1 July 2010. The Amendment Regulation provides statutory control on the specifications of motor vehicle biodiesel and the labelling requirement on selling of motor vehicle biodiesel with biodiesel content over 5%. )

Euro V Motor Vehicle Fuels- As from 1 July 2010, we have tightened the statutory motor vehicle diesel and unleaded petrol specifications to Euro V level. The major difference between Euro IV and Euro V motor vehicle fuels (both diesel and petrol) is the tightening of the cap on sulphur content from 0.005% to 0.001%.)

3. 管制餘下柴油車輛排放的廢氣: (Controlling Emissions from the Remaining Diesel Vehicles)

Light diesel vehicles- A programme to help owners of pre-Euro light diesel vehicles to retrofit their vehicles with particulate traps or catalytic converters was completed in 2001. More than 80% of the fleet, or 24,000 light diesel vehicles, were fitted with these devices under the retrofit programme. A particulate trap/catalytic converter can cut particulates emission from a pre-Euro light diesel vehicle by about 30%. From December 2003, a regulation requiring all pre-Euro diesel light vehicles up to 4 tonnes to be installed with suitable particulate reduction devices has been implemented.

Medium and heavy diesel vehicles- A programme to help owners of pre-Euro heavy diesel, other than those heavy duty vehicles that require the operation of on-board equipment during idling (i.e. long idling vehicles) which were retrofitted separately in another programme, to retrofit their vehicles with catalytic converters was completed in 2004. More than 96% of the fleet, or 34,000 heavy diesel vehicles, were fitted with catalytic converters under the retrofit programme. A catalytic converter can cut particulates emission from a pre-Euro heavy diesel vehicle by about 25% to 35%. From April 2006, a regulation requiring all these pre-Euro heavy diesel vehicles to be installed with suitable particulate reduction devices has been implemented.

A similar programme to help owners of long idling pre-Euro heavy diesel vehicles (i.e. concrete mixer, gully emptier, lorry crane and pressure tanker) to retrofit their vehicles with catalytic converters was completed in 2005. About 95% of the fleet, or 2,500 long idling pre-Euro heavy diesel vehicles, were fitted with catalytic converters under the retrofit programme. From April 2007, a regulation requiring all these long idling pre-Euro heavy diesel vehicles to be installed with suitable particulate reduction devices has been implemented.

Buses- The franchised bus companies have retrofitted about 2,000 older buses of pre-Euro or Euro I models with Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOC), which can reduce their particulate emissions by about 30%.

Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)- In 2010, the franchised bus companies completed retrofitting their Euro II and III buses with DPF, where technically feasible. A DPF can reduce particulate emissions from diesel vehicles by over 80%.

4. 教育市民使用污染較少的交通工具:闢設行人專用區:我們計劃在維港兩岸和多個新發展區闢設行人專用區,還打算在人煙稠密和空氣污染的地方擴大行人地帶,以減輕車輛產生的污染。修訂整體運輸策略的必要。運輸局局長日內將介紹基於「第三次整體運輸研究」的整套提議。事實上,我們已經改變有關策略,例如改善新區的鐵路服務和行人設施,鼓勵市民使用污染較少的交通工具。2013年未來7年是香港鐵路發展的豐收期,多條鐵路相繼通車,是我們理順公共交通系統,減少路面空氣污染的好時機。在發展鐵路的同時,我們將檢視其他陸路交通服務,理順不同公共交通工具之間的作用和角色。目前巴士服務路線重疊,部分使用量偏低。進行檢討時,我們會以巴士作為輔助性公共交通工具的角色為起點,優化路線、加強接駁功能、改善轉乘安排,以減低路邊空氣污染。

B. 電廠能源

​Cutting Emissions from Power Plants

Electricity generation remains one of the major sources of air pollution in Hong Kong in 2012.  It accounts for 47% of the SO2, 28% of the NOX and 16% of the RSP emissions.  The emissions of power plants would affect the air quality in the Pearl River Delta region.  Reducing their emissions could help reduce the regional levels of SO2, particulates, etc.  Therefore, to help improve our air quality, the power companies must further reduce their emissions.

We amended the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (APCO) in 2008 to ensure a smooth, timely and transparent implementation of the emission caps for the power plants by stipulating the emission caps under the Ordinance and allowing power plants to use emissions trading as an alternative means for achieving the emission caps for 2010 and beyond.  We have issued since 2008 four Technical Memoranda (TM) pursuant to the APCO to stipulate emission caps for power plants from 2010 onwards. The latest Fourth TM was issued in December 2014 to further tighten the power sector’s emission caps for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and respirable suspended particulates from 2019 onwards by 63%, 40% and 44% respectively as compared with those caps stipulated under the First TM for 2010.

The progress of emission reduction from the power sector is as follows –

on retrofitting existing coal-fired power generation units with emissions reduction devices, The Hongkong Electric Company Limited (HEC) completed retrofitting flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) system to two 350 MW coal-fired units (units L4 and L5) and one 250 MW coal-fired unit (unit L2) in Lamma Power Station between 2009 and 2010. CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (CLP) completed retrofitting FGDs and low NOX control systems to four 677 MW coal-fired units (units B1 to B4) in Castle Peak Power Station between 2009 and 2011;

on the wider use of natural gas, the first gas-fired unit of HEC was synchronised in July 2006 and started its commercial operation in October 2006. Starting from 2010, HEC also operated another gas-fired unit (modified from two existing oil-fired gas turbines) as a baseload unit to reduce its emissions. In August 2008, we signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Energy Co-operation with the National Energy Administration to enable an increase in the use of natural gas for power generation, under which CLP started to use the new gas from the Second West-East Natural Gas Pipeline in 2013; and 
on promoting renewable energy, HEC commissioned the first local commercial scale wind power station on Lamma Island in February 2006 and installed photovoltaic solar system at its Lamma Power Station between 2010 and 2013. Both power companies are studying the development of offshore wind-farms in the Hong Kong waters. Besides, the new Scheme of Control Agreements have provided for a higher rate of return of 11% for their investment in renewable energy facilities; a bonus in the range of 0.01% to 0.05% in permitted return depending on the extent of renewable energy usage in their electricity generation; grid connection arrangement will be standardised for back up power supply for customers with embedded renewable generation.)

2016新的《管制計劃協議》: The Government will discuss with the power companies the new Scheme of Control Agreements to improve the regulatory arrangements, so as to enhance energy efficiency and promote the development of renewable energy

6. 粵港合作

Cooperation with the Mainland

In addition to reducing emissions from local sources, we have been joining hands with Guangdong to improve air quality of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region.

In December 2003, the two governments drew up the PRD Regional Air Quality Management Plan (the "Management Plan") under which both sides have been pursuing emission reduction measures targeting power plants, motor vehicles and heavily polluting industrial processes. The Special Panel on PRD Air Quality Management and Monitoring was set up under the Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Working Group on Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection (JWGSDEP) to follow up on the tasks under the Management Plan.

In November 2012, the governments of Hong Kong and Guangdong endorsed an emission reduction plan for the PRD region up to 2020 which set the 2015 emission reduction targets and 2020 emission reduction ranges for four major air pollutants, namely sulphur dioxide(SO2), nitrogen oxides(NOX), respirable suspended particulates(RSP) and volatile organic compounds(VOC) , and subsequently rolled out various emission reduction measures. . The two sides will prepare for a mid-term review on the emission reduction results for 2015 and finalise the emission reduction targets for 2020 so as to further improve regional air quality.

[參: http://hkm.appledaily.com/detail.php?guid=19440359&category_guid=4104&category=daily&issue=20160106]

From 2006 to 2013, the annual average levels of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and respirable suspended particulates as recorded by the PRD Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network recorded a decrease by 62%, 13% and 15% respectively. This indicates an improvement in regional air quality brought about by the emission reduction measures implemented by Guangdong and Hong Kong in recent years.

In September 2014, the governments of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao jointly signed the “Cooperation Agreement on Regional Air Pollution Control and Prevention among Hong Kong, Guangdong and Macao” with a view to fostering regional co-operation on air pollution control and prevention.  The three sides also enhanced the regional air monitoring network in 2014.  The number of monitoring stations has been increased to 23 with the inclusion of a station in Macao, and with real-time air quality information of the three places released. The network was also renamed as “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao PRD Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network”. In addition, the three governments commenced a Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint Regional PM2.5 Study with a view to providing a robust scientific basis for mapping out further air quality improvement strategies for the region.

In addition, we launched the Cleaner Production Partnership Programme (the Programme) in collaboration with the Economic and Information Commission of Guangdong in April 2008. It encourages and facilitates Hong Kong-owned factories in Guangdong to adopt cleaner production technologies and practices through funding support and technology promotion activities, thereby contributing to improving the regional air quality.   Both sides also jointly launched the Hong Kong – Guangdong Cleaner Production Partners Recognition Scheme in 2009 to recognize the efforts of enterprises in pursuing cleaner production.)

2016年重點去咗ozone: From 2010 to 2015, air quality has improved considerably.  The average ambient and roadside concentrations of major air pollutants, including nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and respirable suspended particulates, saw drops ranging from 12% to 25%, though that of ozone increased due to the regional smog problem.  The Government will proceed with the review of the Air Quality Objectives within this year. 

7. 節能:

Buildings account for 89% of the total electricity consumption at end-use level in Hong Kong. Therefore, promoting energy efficiency in buildings is an effective measure to achieve energy conservation and help alleviate climate change.

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions arising from electricity consumption in buildings, an important step which could be taken by owners and managers of buildings is to find out the amount of greenhouse gas released to the atmosphere arising from the operation of their buildings and to take appropriate actions to reduce such emissions.

To this end, the Environmental Protection Department and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department have drawn up a set of "Guidelines to Account for and Report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals for buildings (Commercial, Residential or Institutional Purpose) in Hong Kong".

The Guidelines provide a systematic and scientific approach for building owners and managers to account for and report on the greenhouse as emissions arising from the operations of their buildings in Hong Kong, identify areas of improvement and conduct voluntary programmes to reduce and / or offset emissions arising from buildings according to the their own goals. 

A Hong Kong Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for Buildings (HKEERSB) has been launched since 1998. The HKEERSB promotes the application of a comprehensive set of Building Energy Codes (BECs) which stipulate the minimum energy performance standards of different building services including lighting, air conditioning, electrical, lift and escalator installations.

The Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance (Cap. 610) was enacted in 2010 for full operation on 21 September 2012. It provides a legal basis for the mandatory implementation of the Building Energy Codes to stipulate the minimum energy performance standards of four major building services installations viz. lighting, air conditioning, electrical and lift & escalator installations.)

2016呼應聯合國氣候大會: The Paris Climate Conference held last month achieved positive outcomes by laying down a clear direction and objectives for global co-operation to address climate change. To this end, the Government will take forward mitigation measures proactively and has published the Hong Kong Climate Change Report 2015. The Chief Secretary for Administration will chair an inter-departmental committee to steer and co-ordinate the implementation work.

 2016《香港都市節能藍圖2015~2025+》及「強制性能源效益標籤計 劃:The Energy Saving Plan for Hong Kong’s Built Environment 2015~2025+ has set a new target of reducing energy intensity by 40% by 2025. The Environment Bureau will expand the scope of the Mandatory Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme to cover more electrical appliances and promote low-carbon living in the community.

C. 船:


Reducing Marine Emission

To control emissions from marine vessels, Hong Kong has adopted MARPOL Annex VI requirements and regulated excessive vessel smoke emissions.  The Government has also been leading by example by powering Government vessels with Euro V diesel.  The sulphur content of locally supplied marine light diesel is capped at 0.05% starting from 1 April 2015. Ocean going vessels are required to switch to compliant fuel (i.e. fuel with sulphur content not exceeding 0.5%, liquefied petroleum gas and any other fuel approved by the Director of Environmental Protection) from 1 July 2015. The Government has been collaborating with the governments in Pearl River Delta to reduce vessel emissions in the region.

2016包括珠江三角洲的船:Co-operation with the Mainland will be strengthened.  The focus will be on designating an emission control area in the waters of the Pearl River Delta, reducing emissions from marine vessels, monitoring air quality, and studying the formation and control of ozone and fine suspended particulates. 

D. 綠化

9. 綠化:

Greening can bring about many benefits. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, thus refreshing the air for our breathing. They also absorb gaseous contaminants such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere. 

Greening can beautify our environment, especially in a densely populated city like Hong Kong where trees and shrubs provide freshness, beauty, comfort and elegance for our enjoyment. It can improve the urban living conditions and enhance the quality of our lives.

To better guide the planning, design and implementation of greening works, the Government started to develop Greening Master Plans (GMPs) since 2004. The Plans aim to define an overall greening framework by identifying suitable locations for planting with desirable themes and species, thus paving the way for continuous and consistent results in enhancing the green environment.)

Besides GMPs, greening has been positively integrated into the design of government buildings.  In addition to implementing greening at ground levels, Government has been exploring ways to increase the greening areas in government buildings, like roof greening and vertical greening.

Since 2001, Government has been incorporating roof greening designs where practicable into the appropriate new government building projects. The buildings involved include schools, crematoria, hospitals, offices, community centres, etc.  Furthermore, Government has been taking the chance during the major roof works of existing government buildings to introduce retrofitted roof greening to the buildings where practicable since 2006.  Roof greening not only provides extra green spaces but also improves cityscape and enhances the effectiveness of heat insulation.  When applied on a large scale, it can attenuate urban heat island effect as well. 

Apart from roof greening, Government has been exploring opportunities for vertical greening in government buildings.  Since 2008, vertical greening has been adopted in some government capital works projects including schools and government buildings.  Vertical greening not only increases the amenity value of the site but also improves air quality.  In the long run, it can also reduce urban heat island effect.)



VOCs mean volatile organic compounds and are found in a wide variety of products such as solvent-based paints, printing inks, many consumer products, organic solvents and petroleum products. In addition to motor vehicles, the use of these VOC-containing products releases VOCs that eventually cause air pollution and smog.) 

VOCs play a significant role in the formation of ozone and fine particulates in the atmosphere. Under sunlight, VOCs react with nitrogen oxides emitted mainly from vehicles, power plants and industrial activities to form ozone, which in turn helps the formation of fine particulates. The accumulation of ozone, fine particulates and other gaseous pollutants results in smog that reduces visibility.  The economic growth in the Pearl River Delta comes with increased formation of these pollutants, thus aggravating the regional smog phenomenon. Smog is particularly severe under stagnant weather conditions, e.g. a typhoon approaching, or northerly winds that are common in autumn)

Smog can irritate our eyes, nose and throat, or can worsen existing heart and respiratory problems such as asthma. People with heart and lung problems, the elderly and children whose respiratory systems are still developing are most at risk. Healthy adults of all ages who exercise or work vigorously outdoor are more sensitive to the pollution because of their higher level of exposure than people who are less active outdoors. Prolonged exposure to severe smog condition may cause permanent damage to lung tissue and affect our immune system.  In addition, smog impairs visibility and has a negative impact on tourism.)

What has the Government done to reduce VOC emissions and smog? Implemented VOC Regulation in phases since April 2007 to control the VOC content in architectural paints/coatings, printing inks and six selected consumer products (i.e. air fresheners, hairsprays, multi-purpose lubricants, floor wax strippers, insecticides and aerosol insect repellents), and require emission reduction devices to be installed on certain printing machines. The regulation was amended in October 2009 to extend the control in phases starting from 1 January 2010 to vehicle refinishing paints/coatings, vessel and pleasure craft paints/coatings, adhesives and sealants.)



香港清新空氣藍圖 http://www.enb.gov.hk/tc/files/New_Air_Plan_tc.pdf




1. 環保署, Letter to the editor of South China Morning Post - Response to reader's letter relating to air quality, 28-05-2015

2. 環保署, Letter to the Editor of South China Morning Post - Response to an article on emissions control for petrol and LPG vehicles, 25-11-2015

3. 環保署, Letter to the Editor of South China Morning Post – Response to a reader’s letter on measures to improve air quality in Hong Kong, 3-12-2015


1. 左丁山, 低油價害環保, 香港:蘋果日報, 10 Dec, 2015

2. 港政策落後 無助減排香港:蘋果日報, 14 Dec, 2015
3. 左丁山, 環保不成錢作怪香港:蘋果日報, 16 Dec, 2015
4. 高慧然, 好彩爆得早香港:蘋果日報, 17 Dec, 2015
5. 左丁山, 中國汽油不減價香港:蘋果日報, 23 Dec, 2015
6. 空氣污染 忽視本地源頭, 東方日報, 2016年1月11日

2015年11月21日 星期六

10大西餐禮儀之十: 食生蠔







2015年11月20日 星期五







2015年11月19日 星期四



第一, 切牛扒方法其實有美式及歐洲式之分.

第二, 無論美式及歐洲式,牛扒都係一路切一口食, 唔會一次過切嘥啲牛扒然後先食.

第三, 美式方面, 會用左手攞叉,右手攞刀. 左手的叉用來控制住(Use the fork to pin the meat),然後用刀切完一口, 放低把刀, 把叉由左手轉右手, 用右手攞叉叉來食.

第四, 法式方面, 唔會左手轉右手咁麻煩.都係左手攞叉, 右手攞刀. 右手把刀用來控制(use the knife to hold the cut meat in place), 然後用左手把叉扯開,再同樣用叉將塊牛扒入口. 

第五, 牛扒由左面開始切,由左向右食.


2015年11月18日 星期三

10大西餐禮儀之七: 如何與人share食物







2015年11月17日 星期二

10大西餐禮儀之六: 餐巾點用


第一:一坐低就攤開餐巾, 攤在膝上.不必等有食物到先做.

第二: 餐巾攤開向前摺少少便可以.

第三: 俾女士先取餐巾,男士才攞嚟用。






2015年11月16日 星期一

2015年11月15日 星期日


I hope to win the lottery. 
句中的to win the lottery是hope的受詞, 又或:
To succeed is my goal. 
句中的To succeed主詞也是名詞.

留意不定詞主語可以延後,英文叫extraposed subject:
It is dangerous to swim in bad weather.
句子的it究竟指什麼呢? 中學時我也有概念, 便是這個it 其實是代替句子的尾部,即to swim in bad weather這infinitival clause (不定詞子句). 換句話說, 句子本身是這樣的:
To swim in bad weather is dangerous.
由於句子主語太長,我們便將它放到最後,而以it 去代替其位置. 這個it, 英文叫anticipatory it或introductory it.句子文法上的主語 (grammatical subject)是it, 但詞義上的主語(semantic subject)卻是to swim in bad weather.

以上例句的主語to swim in bad weather 不是很長, 延後不延後似乎沒有特別差別;但有時候主語可以很長,例如:
It is gratifying to note that more people are realizing the harm of eating fast food.
句子「詞義主語」是 to note that more people are realizing the harm of eating fast food. 如果用它作「文法主語」,便會「頭大身細」:To note that more people are realizing the harm of eating fast food is gratifying.  在這種情況下, 把主語延後,便可使句子更易理解.

2015年11月14日 星期六

10大西餐禮儀之四: Lady first

特別講講當入到餐廳後, 三點有儀態的事:

第一:如果係同女朋友/友人/老婆食飯, 就俾女士跟著侍應行先吧. 



2015年11月12日 星期四

coordinate and subordinate cumulative sentence

來到呢個系列最後.之前介紹過, 用post noun modifier,包括participial clause, adjective,prepositional phrase等等,來修飾主句的主語或受詞, 或用adverbial修飾動詞,甚至自己作個新的subject出嚟,以Absolute phrase去修飾主句. 其實目的,都係想教大家,不要只係以用conjunction, 無論係coordinating conjunctions,或subordinating conjunction去串連, 而要用modifying (adjectival/adverbial/apposition) phrase的方法. 

呢度要指出一點,就係呢啲modifying (adjectival/adverbial/appodition) phrase,一定要兩個或以上. 因為加一個太少. 但加兩個,也有分兩種,一種叫coordinate cumulative sentence, 一種叫subordinate cumulative sentence.

所謂coordinate cumulative sentence, 即係那兩個或以上的modifying phrase, 都係修飾一個main clause,或叫base clause. 例如:

The dog lunged toward him, fangs bared, eyes rolled back in anger.

The dog lunged toward him是base clause, fangs bared係absolute phrase, eyes rolled back in anger又係absolute phrase. 兩個modifying phrase都修飾個base clause.

The storm raged on, a brutal assault, indiscriminate in its destruction.

a brutal assault是apposition, indiscriminate in its destruction係appositive adjectives+介詞短語. 

She served the dessert, a French pastry affair, dripping with dark chocolate.

a French pastry affair係同位語, dripping with dark chocolate係present participial phrase.
I photographed her against the sunset, a goddess, her white gauze robe glowing blond with mellow light.
a goddess係同位語, her white gauze robe glowing blond with mellow light係absolute phrase. 

所以你睇到,modifying phrase有好多類, 製造好多句子變化.

理論上, coordinate cumulative sentence的modifying phrase可在任句子任何位置, 可以是句子頭,句子中,句子尾, 次序也無限制. 但實際上, 呢啲modifying phrase的擺位和先後次序其實要合乎邏輯. 呢方面有機會再詳談.  

而subordinate cumulate sentence,係那些modifying phrase,只會修飾之前(preceding)那句或短語. 當然也有兩種結合的mix subordinate cumulative sentence, 即同時係有兩個或以上的modifying phrase修飾base clause, 但也有些modifying phrase係修飾之前的子句/短語的,而不是修飾base clause. 事實上大部分真實句子都係mix cumulative sentence, 因為如果係pure coordinate cumulative sentence, 會好重覆,因為啲modifying phrase無論加幾多,都係為咗base clause加多啲細節. 另一方面, pure subordinate cumulative sentence又係另一個極端, 將主句係咁延伸, 去到最後個主句講咩已經變得唔重要,例如:
“He drove carefully, one hand on the wheel, the other hand holding a sandwich, a fossilized ham and cheese, a strangely colored lump made three days before by his sister, a success, the basic happiness of feeling loved and needed.”
上面呢句就係pure subordinate cumulative sentence, 因為每個modifying phrase都係修飾緊之前的子句或短語 (the immediately preceding clause or phrase). 它的特徵係那些modifying phrase唔可以隨便調來調去, 一定係跟死它要修飾的子句/短語.  

完結時以一句有名小說家Joseph Conrad寫的句子,作為mix cumulative sentence的例子:

The great wall of vegetation,an exuberant and entangled mass of trunks, branches, leaves, boughs, festoons, motionless in the moonlight, was like a rioting invasion of soundless life, a rolling wave of plants piled up, crested, ready to topple over the creek, [ready] to sweep every little man of us out of his little existence. (Heart of Darkness)
嘗試自己分析下,邊個modifying phrase係coordinate (修飾主句),邊個modifying phrase係subordinate(不是修飾主句)吧!

[以上句子和參考內容來自: Brooks Landon, "Building Great Sentences, How to Write the Kinds of Sentences You love to Read")

2015年11月11日 星期三



當中提到考評局指出,考生將Career讀成Korea,但網民質疑兩者無分別;又引述補習天王JUNE LEUNG說,兩者的分別好少,考評局不宜捉呢啲錯誤.


我查咗劍橋,Korea係/kəˈriː.ə/, Career係 /kəˈrɪər/ ,與JUNE LEUNG引述的朗文一樣.Korea的第二個音節係長音/i:/,只係劍橋的短音係以/I/表示,朗文則以/i/表示.

我同意JUNE LEUNG的睇法,考評局係度挑剔. 根本我認為,個common error唔係個i音或是I音度,因為讀得快唔係咁易聽出,而係係Korea第一節音度,因為正如我係<10個容易讀錯的英文字 (10之二): method>中所講,好多人見O就讀/o/音,實情因為Korea個響音係第二個音節,所以Ko係讀弱(schwa)音. 反而,如果考生識得把Ko讀弱音,我唔會俾得佢低分!

2015年11月10日 星期二

10大西餐禮儀之三: 坐姿

其實食西餐定食其他, 坐姿都差不多. 就係背唔好靠著椅背, 做到呢點, 已經俾咗人一種尊重別人尊重自己,又精神的感覺. 

2015年11月9日 星期一

10大西餐禮儀之二: 用刀叉

Cutlery etiquette - plate, fork, knife







1. 如何吃意粉不失禮?, 香港:蘋果日報, 16-12-2015

2015年11月8日 星期日


It takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three feet deep.

2015年11月7日 星期六


我曾經寫過一篇講介詞短語.我說介詞短語又可做形容詞,又可作副詞,很百搭. 我唸起,其實不定詞(To-infinitive)也有這個特徵,它可作形容詞修飾名詞,如:
The best way to prevent cancer is healthy diet. 
句中的to prevent cancer便是修飾way的. 

Mary is taking a Semantics course this year to understand the relationship between words. 
句中的to understand the relationship between words是修飾is taking,解釋為何Mary要take a Semantics course.

I hope to win the lottery. 
句中的to win the lottery是hope的受詞, 又或:
To succeed is my goal. 
句中的To succeed主詞也是名詞.


To avoid being punished by the teacher, she submits homework on time. (不定詞短語修飾動詞submit)
The movie, to be honest, is boring. (不定詞短語to be honest是sentence adverb,或稱disjunct,修飾整句句子)
Vanessa and her friends went to the shopping mall, to meet her boyfriend. (不定詞短語to meet her boyfriend修飾動詞went)

Vanessa and her friends went to the shopping mall to meet her boyfriend.

 (比較,介詞短語卻可以跟comma後面, 例如:
As a modern city, it is only right that the people of Hong Kong should be able to enjoy a better environment, with clean streets and markets as well as a beautiful countryside.) 

2015年11月6日 星期五

10大西餐禮儀之一: 飲西湯


點解? 同英文有咩關係? 哈哈,其實無關.

咁講有關又得的, 因為學英文, 同時食西餐, 兩者都是西方文化. 


其實講西餐禮儀係點, 就即係食西餐唔應該做咩野.

第一, 舀湯唔好發出碰撞聲.

第二, 面包唔好沾湯食.

第三, 唔好吹啲湯,好肉酸.

第四, 唔駛把湯飲到一滴不剩, 搞到要傾斜盤子. 剩番少少唔緊要.

第五, 湯未飲完,不用攞支湯匙出來.

第六, 飲完, 湯匙可照擺係入面, 也可攞係盤子邊.

第七, 唔好同人爭拗究竟湯匙係向外舀定向內舀,因為呢個係英法之別. 英式係向外舀,法式係向內舀. 

第八, 如果係無餸個啲西湯, 湯匙橫擺咁用, 但若湯匙有餸, 就最好把湯匙直向嘴把食物送進口裡. 咁樣可以令個嘴無咁污糟.

第九, 喝酥皮湯的話, 先把刀將酥皮切開一半, 然後把靠近自己的酥皮放進湯裡來喝. 

第十, 當然係, 飲湯唔好發出sh sh聲, 超醜樣. 記住飲湯英文唔係drink soup, 係eat soup. 所以要好似食野咁去「飲」個湯.

2015年11月5日 星期四

10大老師面試熱門問題3: 如何處理讀寫障礙學生?

我寫這個面試熱門問題係列寫到上癮添. 其實對DSE學生也有用的,因為作文若遇到關於教育的題目,若無IDEAS就真係難搞.作文語言方面固然重要,但肉容更重要,因為內容先於語言. 



1.話明係讀寫障礙,佢地讀同寫都有困難. 首先在寫中文字時, 會搞錯啲筆劃, 例如多咗一橫,或漏咗一橫(omit or add unnecessary strokes to the Chinese characters when copying),如圖:

2.我教英文的, 曾經也有教過疑似讀寫障礙的學生,對佢地嚟講,串字係比較辛苦的事(cannot spell words even after making considerable efforts), 串唔到字, 把字母次序調轉(reverse letters/characters)

3.甚至把字寫成鏡像倒影(write the mirror images of letters/characters),如圖

4.因為英文字的讀音同佢個串法好有關係,因此佢地會唔係好讀到英文字(mispronounce words or forget the pronunciation)

5.不過佢地好多時,講野係好叻的,轉數唔會太差 (do better in oral than written expression)


1. 善用資訊科技, 多使用互動性教育軟件、教育網站幫助讀寫障礙者學習(make use of  interactive educational softwares and education websites)

2. 作為老師,要明白佢地係串字個度有困難,所以要減少默書的字, 另外因為佢地需要額外少少時間閱讀寫作,要俾多啲時間佢地測驗考試(reduce the amount of materials for dictation, allow extra time for tests and examinations etc.)

3. 佢地學字要用多啲方法, 例如透過視覺、聽覺,如兒歌、遊戲等渠道幫助學生認識生字(use visual, oral, auditory channels through nursery rhymes and games to help them learn new words)

4. 教佢地六何寫作法,及腦圖、蜘蛛圖、流程圖、樹圖等方法,構思作文,增強其寫作能力(strengthen their writing ability by introducing the 6Ws method, using mind-mapping, spidergrams, flowcharts, and tree diagrams, etc.)

5. 功課方面也要作出適當調適,遷就佢地特殊需要,例如放大字格,減少抄寫等(administer homework accommodation, e.g. reduce assignments which require a lot of copying, enlarge the writing grid)

2015年11月4日 星期三




1.因為專注力不足,所以好容易分心,少少野都會搞到佢地唔專心(often distracted by irrelevant signs and sounds)

2.因為過度活躍,佢地坐唔定, 一定要搵野搞(cannot remain seated and often keep fidgeting and fiddling with objects around them)

3.因為過度活躍,佢地無咩耐性,較衝動,做野唔唸後果 (lack patience, are impulsive and act without considering the consequences)

4.咁樣嘅性格點聽老師的指示?(fail to follow through on instructions)

5.唔聽指示之餘,老師講書仲會打岔,騷擾老師或同學(interrupt or intrude upon others)



1.佢地咁容易分心,咁就要安排佢地坐第一行,一嚟等老師容易睇住,二嚟佢地無咁被其他野分心(let them sit in the front row, remind them to keep their desks tidy so as to minimize the source of distraction),或安排啲好乖,好勤力嘅學生坐佢地隔離(arrange the students to sit next to a conscientious classmate who may remind them to be attentive when necessary)

2.將缺點變為優點:既然佢地咁活躍,老師又成日要搵學生幫手,咁就好好利用佢地幫班做野(ask them to run an errand to allow a break from remaining in seat for too long. They can take the form of asking them to distribute worksheets, exercise books, etc., or invite them to help the teacher when using the computer or showing slides during the lesson)

3.至於衝動呢方面,真係要運用啲行為調校(behavorial management)的技巧,適時、合理、公平賞善罰惡(apply reward/punishment in a timely, reasonable and consistent manner to help them improve their behavior)

4.佢地係唔聽老師指示,但可能佢地真係有啲身不由己,因專注力不足聽唔到指示,所以指示要清晰具體簡單, 而且要重複俾指示(give clear, specific instructions and give one instruction at a time; repeat the instruction if necessary so as to ensure students' reception and understanding)

5.係課堂設計方面,老師應照顧佢地容易分心呢方面的徵狀, 把課堂分成唔同部分,增加多媒體成分,安排刺激唔同感官的活動,提高佢地學習興趣(enhance the child's learning interest with activities packed with multi-sensory stimulations such as colors, sounds, actions and pictures)
