2014年6月30日 星期一

in broad daylight


While adjectives seldom follow full nouns, they often follow indefinite pronoun, despite the fact that adjectives

rarely precede pronouns of any sort.

eg. Nobody new has joined the sorority.
     Someone tall snatched the oranges from the tree.
     Nothing bad happened at the meeting.

Prepositional phrases frequently function as postnominal modifiers, usually following full NPs.

The little girl in the blue dress is my niece.

Time relationship adverbs


how often

Liz blinked twice. 

I worked there a few weeks.

I worked there a few weeks. 

Evelyn is going to stay awhile.

Around the corner came Nell.

Here comes trouble!

There goes the most obnoxious employee in the office. 

Locative inversion often has an exclamatory character.

Adverbs of direction seem more amenable [willing to accept or be influenced by a suggestion:] to locative inversion than adverbs of place.

Around the corner came Nell. 

*On the table danced Nell.

They climbed up the mountain. vs They climbed the mountain.

There is often a subtle difference in meaning between locative prepositional phrases and simple NPs, which have a locative meaning.

eg. They climbed up the mountain. vs They climbed the mountain.

The second sentence communicates the notion that this path has been completely traversed, while the first sentence contains an adverb of direction, which describes some sort of path.

lately vs recently

Lately often occurs in negatives and questions.

at 3 pm

last Tuesday


2014年6月28日 星期六

My brother fell downstairs

Many single-word adverbs and some prepositional phrases can function as both adverbs of place and adverbs of direction.

Jared is ahead/ Jared ran ahead.

Camille is downstairs./ Camille walked downstairs.

The kids are outside./ They kids have gone outside.

注:[adverbial or predicative (subject complement) ( 状语还是表语?)

【问】 He h as bee n in the ga r den .
Th e ma n was in th e corner .
句中的in the ga rde n 和in th e corn e r 究竟是表语( 主语补语) , 还是状语? 这是我在

【答】 语法学家们对于这类句子的分析是不一致的。有些语法学家把in t he g a rden 分析
为表语( 主语补语) , 另一些语法学家则把它们分析为状语。后一派语法学家论证说, be
在这里不是连系动词, 而是表示存在的动词, 另外, in th e g ard en 回答wh er e 的问题。本
书编著者同意后一说法。( 参见be1 )]

在 My brother fell downstairs中 , downstairs 是adverb of place還是adverb of direction? 這產生了歧義..

adverbs of direction

In adverbs of direction, English speakers sometimes omit the object of a preposition if it is obvious from the discourse context.

e.g. The train comes through town at midnight.

 Walk around the muddy spot. 

YOu can climb up the tree by yourself.

A car drove past our house late last night.

here, there

The forms here, there, everywhere, and anywhere can function as adverbs of direction and adverbs of place.

The baby is crawling everywhere.

e.g. I will drive there tomorrow.

Here and there are often preceded by over----

e.g. I am coming over there.  (adverbs of direction)


I am staying there. (adverbs of place)

Note: "over there" is the prepositional phrase, but there is an adverb.

adverb as prepositional complement

( 用作 介词宾 语的 副词 )
 【问】 You can just see my house from here .
h ere 在这里 是什 么词 ? 如果是 副词 , 这 是不是 说副 词可以 充当 介词的 宾语 ?

 【答】 在有限的情况下, 副词和形容词可以作介词的宾语(主要用在固定短语里):
from here, in there , over there, at once , until now , since when , at last , in brief,
before long , by far ( 参见 here1 )


near( in )here
【问】 ( 1 ) work in a middle sc hool n ear here .[《初中英语教科书》第一册( 下) , 人民教育
出版社、朗文出版集团有限公司, 1995 , p .107 ]

( 2 ) hy ar e you in h ere ? [《高中英语教科书》( 必修) 第二册( 下) , 人民教育出版
社、朗文出版集团有限公司, 1997 , p .37]

( 3 ) nce you􊳰r e in here , list en to your t each er .[ 同上, 第一册( 上) p .5 ]

我认为句中的he r e 是个名词, 而且我对学生一直是这么讲的。而您在《英语常
见问题解答大词典》( 1998 , p .33 和p .454 ) 中却说h e re 是个副词, 这使我感到

【答】 我国出版的英汉词典, 大都把in( nea r , from) h e re 中的h er e 看作是名词, 如《新英汉
词典》、《最新高级英汉词典》、《英汉大词典》等都是这么处理的。但是, 这种处理方法虽
然容易被学生接受, 但是有一个很大的缺点: 必须把大量没有名词语法特点的副词和形
容词, 如( from) he r e, ( ove r) the r e, ( a t ) on ce, ( sin ce )wh en , ( in) br ief , ( by ) fa r 等等视作
名词, 这显然是违背词的分类原则的, ( 它们没有复数形式, 没有所有格形式等等) , 因此,
许多英美出版的英英词典和英语语法著作( CGEL) 把上面的词仍看作是副词或形容词,
并明确提出, 副词和形容词可以作介词的宾语。例如, NODE( 1998) 对h e re 和t he r e 是这
here􊲣adverb . . .[ a f te r pr ep ] I􊳰m get t ing out o f here .
there􊲣adverb . . .[ a ft e r pre p] I􊳰m not going in there— it􊳰s fr eezing .
薄冰教授主编的《高级英语语法》( p .601 ) 也明确提出“ 有些表示地点、时间的副词可
以作介词的宾语, 如h er e 和the r e . . .
from he r e, in t he r e, ove r t he r e, at once , unt il now, since w he n , be for e long , by
f a r , from a broa d , from b elow

1. Ge t out of he r e . 滚出去!
2. Come o ver here ! ( CGEL) 到这边来!
3. Do you liv e near h ere ? ( 同上) 你住在附近吗?
4. H ow f a r is th e town f rom here ? 该城离这里有多远?
5. Why did you br ing t ha t dog in h ere ? 你为什么把那条狗带到这里来了?


Many one-word adverbs were originally prepositional phrases:

aboard= on board

adverbs of directions

They waded into the water.

The horses galloped across the meadow.

The baby crawled up the stairs.

...climbed over the fence.

adverbs of place

The played croquet on the lawn.

Aunt Sue is sitting in the bathtub.

in the least, in the slighest

i dont like her in the least.


I only tapped him.

I just sneezed.

adj+ prepositional phrases

jealous of the new baby.

glad of that.

aware of her problems.

resentful of Philip's success.

afraid of

certain of

bad at Math

mad at our neighbour

pleased about Kemp's promotion.

mad about Tom's comment

angry with you


This is too big a house. 

You are too kind.

adverbs: downtoners

sort of

kind of




a bit

eg. Patsy is rather tall.

very, terribly, extremely, bloody, wicked

It was absolutely disastrous.

It was awfully messy.

It is wicked cold.

That was bloody rude.

That is a super good school.

only, just

He ate only the grapes.

I visited just the woman 

Only Evelyn knew the answer.

Just the oak trees survived.


 formal very
It was a most beautiful morning.

sort of, kind of, rather, a bit of, kind of

He is sort of a teacher.



complete or extreme
utter confusion/misery/chaos


fell asleep (= I started to sleep) as soon as my head hit the pillow.

(never say: asleep I)


d like to thank everyone concerned for making the occasion run so smoothly.

2014年6月26日 星期四


hereafter adverb


for the reason that

More words related to for the reason that



The film, three hours long, is directed in his usual idiosyncratic style.


seeming to be in all places
Leather is very much in fashion this season, as of course is the ubiquitous denim.
The Swedes are not alone in finding their language under pressure from the ubiquitousspread of English.
The radio, that most ubiquitous of consumer-electronic appliances, is about to enter a new age.

2014年6月25日 星期三

adjective complements介紹



 until now or until a particular time
Mira revealed hitherto unsuspected talents on the cricket pitch.

How to circulate the minutes?


A few things to bear in mind with the email you are sending:
  1. Subject – the subject should be “Minutes of {name} meeting held on {date}”
  2. Body – in the body of the email you should write:
    Please find attached / below the minutes of the {name} meeting held on {date} at {location}.
    Please read the minutes and if you have any questions regarding them please contact me before {date}.
  3. Attach the minutes – you can either do this with a document link (to a Google Document), as part of the body of the email (in text) or as a PDF file (attachment).  It is never a good idea to send the minutes as a Microsoft Word document (or similar format). This is because not everyone has Microsoft Word or if they do they might have different versions. A PDF file or a Google Document is a much better, universally readable, alternative.

Dean Professor or Dean and Professor


If someone, called John, for example, has two titles that include Dean and Professor, which of the following expressions is better?
  1. Dean Professor John visits Oxford University.
  2. Dean and Professor John visits Oxford University.

best answer: 

Use one or the other. In English, we do not say "Herr Dekan Professor Doktor Johann", like they do in German. I would suggest using whichever capacity is related to his visit. –  Peter Shor 12 hours ago 



adjective     /fɔːˈtjuː.ɪ.təs/ US  /fɔːrˈtuː.ə.t̬əs/ formal
  (of something that is to your advantage) not plannedhappening by chance
The timing of the meeting is certainly fortuitous.
The collapse of its rivals brought fortuitous gains to the company.
fortuitously     /fɔːˈtjuː.ɪ.tə.sli/ US  

2014年6月24日 星期二

hindsight / In hindsight,

the ability to understand an event or situation only after it has happened

With (the benefit/wisdom of) hindsight, I should have taken the job.
In hindsight, it would have been better to wait.

2014年6月22日 星期日

adverbs 和adverbial 有何分別??

  • "Adverbs and adverbials are similar but not the same. Though they share the same modifying function, their characters are different. An adverbial is asentence element or functional category. It is a part of a sentence that performs a certain function. An adverb, on the other hand, is a type of word or part of speech. We can say that an adverb may serve as an adverbial, but an adverbial is not necessarily an adverb."
    (M. Strumpf and A. Douglas, The Grammar Bible. Owl, 2004)

present participle2

【问】 您在前面说过, 分词短语充当状语时, 其逻辑主语应当是句子的语法主语。为什么

Broa dl y sp ea king , adjec tives a r e word s tha t qu alify nouns .( FWF )
粗略地说, 形容词是修饰名词的词。
【答】 关于这种句型, 张道真教授编著的《实用英语语法》说:“间或可以用一个分词短语
来解释整个一句话。”章振邦等主编的《新编英语语法》只是说“ gen e ra lly sp eaking ,
judging f rom . . ., ta lking of . . ., ass uming . . .等等已经成为固定用语, ”而没有作进一步的
解释。Ox f or d En gl ish 则作了如下的解释: 当分词短语的逻辑主语可以理解为one 或
p eople 时, 则分词短语的逻辑主语可以与句子的语法主语不一致。例如:

1 . J ud ging f rom his ap pe arance, h e ca n􊳰t be ove r for ty .
从他的外貌来看, 他不可能超过40 岁。

2 . T a k in g every thing into consid er at ion , you we r e luc ky to esca pe .
从各方面考虑, 你能逃离真是幸运。

3 . Gen er al l y s pe ak ing , boys a re mor e int er est ed in su ch ac tivi ties t ha n gir ls .

上面的分词短语分别相当于“ If one judg es . . .”,“ If on e ta k es . . .”,“ If one sp eak s . . .”。

A Com preh ensiv e Grammar o f the Engl ish L an guag e( § 15 .59 ) 对于这种分词短语

A .分词短语隐含的主语常常是I :

Putt ing i t mi ldl y , you h ave cau sed u s some inconvenien ce .
说得温和一些, 你给我们造成了一些不便。

B .分词短语隐含的主语是整个句子:

Th e si r en s ounde d , in dicat in g tha t the ai r r aid was ove r . [ “ . . . whic h indica te d
th at . . .”] ( CGEL)
警报响起来了, 证明空袭结束了。

C .分词短语隐含的主语是不定代词或支持词it :

Wh en dining in t he res ta ur ant , a jac ke t a nd tie a r e re qui re d .[“Wh en one din es . . .”]
( CGEL )
在饭店吃饭, 必须穿西服系领带。

D .在正式的科学论著中, 分词短语隐含的主语是I , we 或you ( 即作者或读者) :

Whe n treating p at ient s wi th la nguag e r et a rda tion a nd d evia tion of l angua ge
dev elopme nt , th e t he r apy consists , in pa r t , of disc us sions of th e p at ient􊳰s probl ems
with pa r ent s a nd t each e rs , with subsequ ent langu age teac hing car ri ed out by th em .

2014年6月21日 星期六

究竟participle phrase是adjectival 定adverbial?




What are adverbials?


adverbials answer questions such as:
How often?How long?How much?


WIkipedia 的解釋:
In grammar an adverbial is a word (an adverb) or a group of words (an adverbial phrase or an adverbial clause) that modifies or tells us something about the sentence or theverb. (The word adverbial itself is also used as an adjective, meaning "having the same function as an adverb".) Look at the examples below:
Danny speaks fluently. (telling more about the verb)
Lorna ate breakfast yesterday morning. (telling when the verb's action occurred)

The form of adverbials[edit]

In English, adverbials most commonly take the form of adverbs, adverb phrases, temporal noun phrases or prepositional phrases. Many types of adverbials (for instance reason and condition) are often expressed by clauses.
James answered immediately. (adverb)
James answered in English. (prepositional phrase)
James answered this morning. (noun phrase)
James answered in English because he had a foreign visitor. (adverbial clause)
An adverbial is a construction that modifies, or describes, verbs. When an adverbial modifies a verb, it changes the meaning of that verb. Word groups that are also considered to be adverbials can also modify verbs: for example, a prepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a finite clause or a non-finite clause.[1]
In every sentence pattern, the adverbial is a clause element that tells where, when, why, or how. There can be more than one adverbial in a sentence. In addition, the same adverbial can be moved to different positions in a sentence.
One way to analyze sentence structure is to think in terms of form and function. Form refers to a word class—such as noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and preposition—as well as types of phrases, such as prepositional phrase, nominal clause, and adverbial clause. Function refers to the function of the form in a sentence. For example, the function of a prepositional phrase in a sentence may be adverbial; that is, it modifies a verb.

Types of adverbials that form sentence elements[edit]

Adverbials are typically divided into four classes:
adverbial complements (i.e. obligatory adverbial) are adverbials that render a sentence ungrammatical and meaningless if removed.
John put the flowers in a vase.
adjuncts: these are part of the core meaning of the sentence, but if omitted still leave a meaningful sentence.
John and Sophia helped me with my homework.
conjuncts: these link two sentences together.
John helped so I was, therefore, able to do my homework.
disjuncts: these make comments on the meaning of the rest of the sentence.
Surprisingly, he passed all of his exams.


2014年6月20日 星期五

relating to vs related to


relating to直接有關

related to間接有關


These two words are close, and in most cases, they are interchangeable.

However, I think there is a subtle difference between the two, one I can't readily support with a good source at the moment.

"Related to" only means that there is some kind of connection while "relating to" indicates something that is about the topic.

For instance, if I asked for websites relating to english.stackexchange.com, I might expect to get meta.english.stackexchange.com, maybe some news articles that cover the site, and a blog entry by a founder.

If I asked for websites related to english.stackexchange.com, I would expect to receive those same sites listed above, but I would also expect to see other SE network websites, other English-learner websites, and perhaps other Q&A type sites.

Cambridge dictionary

relate to sb/sth
— phrasal verb with relate /rɪˈleɪt/ verb [T]
› to be connected to, or to be about someone or something
Chapter nine relates to the effects of inflation on consumers.

relating to
› connected with something
Anything relating to maths is a complete mystery to me.

relate to sb
— phrasal verb with relate /rɪˈleɪt/ verb [T]
›  to understand someone and be able to have a friendly relationship with them
Many parents find it hard to relate to their children when they are teenagers.

2014年6月19日 星期四

strike a delicate balance

求取一 個審

取得微 妙的




to give someone so much work or so many things that they cannot deal with them all
We have been inundated with requests for help.

2014年6月18日 星期三



recognized and respected

I think the statutory status of Chinese medicine practitioners musbe recognized and respected

至 於中醫 師 的法定地位 , 本 人 認 為 必 須 受  確 認和尊 重 。