2015年11月4日 星期三




1.因為專注力不足,所以好容易分心,少少野都會搞到佢地唔專心(often distracted by irrelevant signs and sounds)

2.因為過度活躍,佢地坐唔定, 一定要搵野搞(cannot remain seated and often keep fidgeting and fiddling with objects around them)

3.因為過度活躍,佢地無咩耐性,較衝動,做野唔唸後果 (lack patience, are impulsive and act without considering the consequences)

4.咁樣嘅性格點聽老師的指示?(fail to follow through on instructions)

5.唔聽指示之餘,老師講書仲會打岔,騷擾老師或同學(interrupt or intrude upon others)



1.佢地咁容易分心,咁就要安排佢地坐第一行,一嚟等老師容易睇住,二嚟佢地無咁被其他野分心(let them sit in the front row, remind them to keep their desks tidy so as to minimize the source of distraction),或安排啲好乖,好勤力嘅學生坐佢地隔離(arrange the students to sit next to a conscientious classmate who may remind them to be attentive when necessary)

2.將缺點變為優點:既然佢地咁活躍,老師又成日要搵學生幫手,咁就好好利用佢地幫班做野(ask them to run an errand to allow a break from remaining in seat for too long. They can take the form of asking them to distribute worksheets, exercise books, etc., or invite them to help the teacher when using the computer or showing slides during the lesson)

3.至於衝動呢方面,真係要運用啲行為調校(behavorial management)的技巧,適時、合理、公平賞善罰惡(apply reward/punishment in a timely, reasonable and consistent manner to help them improve their behavior)

4.佢地係唔聽老師指示,但可能佢地真係有啲身不由己,因專注力不足聽唔到指示,所以指示要清晰具體簡單, 而且要重複俾指示(give clear, specific instructions and give one instruction at a time; repeat the instruction if necessary so as to ensure students' reception and understanding)

5.係課堂設計方面,老師應照顧佢地容易分心呢方面的徵狀, 把課堂分成唔同部分,增加多媒體成分,安排刺激唔同感官的活動,提高佢地學習興趣(enhance the child's learning interest with activities packed with multi-sensory stimulations such as colors, sounds, actions and pictures)


