2016年3月11日 星期五


1. 後現代文學開始於1941年,Virginia woolf死的一年。
2.現代小說是關於認識論(epistemological), 後現代小說關於本體論(ontological).
3.idolatory of economism.
4. Munro: unpredictabiliy of life, very quiet, embed more than announce, strong regional focus
5. Characters confront deep rooted traditions 
6. Plot :little happens, epiphanic moment, sudden enlightenment, obsession with time but humans are unable to delay its relentless movement forward
7.評論:Helen Hoy: ambiguities of life; R Thacker: feeling of being itself
8. 評論: M Nunes: Intrusion and disruption; fragments without holes, putting pieces together , never suggests a preexistent whole; controlling the uncontrollable; not follow usual narrative plotting; characters are neither heros and villains, complex and contradictory; life is banal
9. Patchwork piecing: knitting, stitching, quilting
10. Illusion of the self: not sure of one's identity, dislocation, identities change 

