2016年2月21日 星期日

考EDB的AI/AEO的溫習題目1: e-learning

What are the advantages of developing e-textbooks in the schools? What did the government do to promote e-learning?

Suggested framework:

Background: The use of e-learning resources has become a major trend in education. 

Advantage 1: E-leaning provides students with an interactive mode of learning, 

Advantage 2: Electronic textbooks and learning resources allow more flexibility in textbook compilation.

Advantage 3: Electronic textbooks and learning resources lower production costs and help achieve reasonable pricing. 

Advantage 4: Electronic textbooks and learning resources reduce wastage. 

Action 1: The Government is committed to developing e-learning
resources. An EDB task force set up in mid-2011 will review
teaching and learning materials and explore ways to better
utilise the advantages of e-learning and improve the provision
of textbooks.

E-learning is a desirable alternative to printed textbooks, which is currently the only option available on the market.

