2015年12月10日 星期四



1.    增加土地計應
2.    增加私人房屋供應
3.    起公
4.    減少公屋輪候時間:
5.    出售公
6.    起居
7.    /置安
8.    重建舊
9.    借錢俾市民買

1.          增加土地計應:

97The Financial Secretary has set up a task force to attack the problem, known as the Steering Committee on Land Supply for Housing房屋用地供應督導委員會, HOUSCOM for short. 97年一直是拍賣土地,2008年曾特首卻說: In the years following reunification, the negative quity faced by many home owners during the Asian financial turmoil has left a mark on the community.  Through a re-positioned housing policy and market-driven land supply over the past six years, we have rebuilt people's confidence in the property market, solved the over-supply problem and allowed the property market to resume development and vitality.  We cherish these hard-earned results and will continue to implement the Application List system 「勾地表」機制 to allow the market to decide the new land supply. [: 為什麼「地」可以「勾」?原來「勾地」是政府保障地價的拍賣方法。以前香港政府會定時以公開競投方式(例如土地拍賣和招標),批出土地作商業、住宅、其他私人發展及特定用途。1999年經濟衰退,物業價格大幅下跌,政府為了讓市場決定最合適的土地出售量和提供額外土地的時間,以達致穩定物業價格的目標,於是引入「勾地」制度。



2010年樓價開始升到顛,曾特又恢復賣地: create a land reserve, use the Application List system as the main axle, and supplement it by a government-initiated land sale arrangement, to ensure that there will not be any shortage in housing land supply.

並開始講要覓地: We have completed a study on industrial sites across the territory, and proposed to rezone about 30 hectares of land for residential use. We have also lowered the threshold for compulsory sale of land for redevelopment to facilitate the redevelopment of more old buildings. Later,
we will consult the public on the proposal for reclamation on an appropriate scale outside Victoria Harbour to generate more land in the long run. In addition, we are devoting resources and expediting internal procedures to make more residential sites available to the market. Next year, for example, we plan to put out to the market the former North Point Estate site and the Ho Man Tin site returned by the Housing Authority, as well as other sites in various districts including Tung Chung and Tseung Kwan O. Also, we will speed up infrastructure construction at the Kai Tak Development Area so that some residential sites in the area can be made available to the market earlier, in 2015.

2011年解釋了為何土地供應係一個問題: the cessation of HOS production and the slackening低迷 [to gradually become, or to make something become, slower, less active, et] of the private property market in late 1990s and early 2000s resulted in a significant decline in the demand for land. Consequently, the planning work and infrastructure projects related to developing new land were adversely affected. When the market began to recover, property prices trended upwards. However, a drop in land sales over the past few years, combined with a decrease in private housing supply, sent property prices up further.

並且定下賣地勾地為主, 賣地為輔的原則: To increase land supply of private residential housing私人住宅, I proposed last year to create a land reserve 建立土地儲備, use the Application List system as the main axle, and supplement it with a government-initiated land sale arrangement to ensure there would not be any shortage in housing land supply. We also set a target of making land available for 20 000 private residential flats each year on average in the next decade. Housing sites available for private residential developments in 2011-12
may provide about 35 000 flats.

但要勾地或賣地之前, 都要有地先. 曾特有七招:

  •  (i) To release about 60 hectares of industrial land for non-industrial
uses, half of which will be made available for housing;

  •  (ii) To explore the option of reclamation on an appropriate scale outside Victoria Harbour. Public consultation will begin shortly;
  •  (iii) To actively explore the use of rock caverns 岩洞 to reprovision existing public facilities and release such sites for housing and other uses. Tentative projects include the relocation of the Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works and Mount Davis and Kennedy Town Fresh Water Service Reservoirs;
  • (iv) To look into the use of green belt areas in the New Territories that are devegetated, deserted or formed, thus no longer performing their original functions, and convert them into housing sites. The first phase will cover an area of 50 hectares, mainly consisting of government land;
  • (v) To examine “Government, Institution or Community” sites to avoid the under-utilisation of sites long reserved but without specific development plans; and study ways to reduce the restrictions posed by government utilities to the development of adjacent areas; and
  • (vi) To explore the possibility of converting into housing land some 150 hectares of agricultural land in North District and Yuen Long currently used mainly for industrial purposes or temporary storage, or which is deserted.

Our aim is to ensure an annual supply of land for an average of about 40 000 residential units of various types. Even when demand for land declines, land development will continue. The newly developed land will be kept in the Government’s land reserve and made available when appropriate. By doing so, we will be able to supply sufficient land for more than 40 000 units each year when demand rises.

(() 釋放大約六十公頃工業用地作非工業用途, 其中半數可作房屋發展。
() 探討在維港以外進行適度填海,即將展開公眾諮詢。
() 積極利用岩洞重置現有公共設施, 從而騰出原址作房屋和其他用途, 初步選定的項目包括沙田污水處理廠和摩星嶺及堅尼地城食水配水庫。
() 檢討新界沒有植被、荒廢或已平整的「綠化地帶」,把失去其原有功能的土地改作房屋發展用途, 首階段涉及五十公頃, 主要屬於政府土地。
() 檢討作「政府、機構或社區」用途的土地, 以避免長期被預留,卻沒有明確發展計劃的土地未被善用,並研究減低政府公用設施對周邊土地發展的限制。
() 研究把約一百五十公頃位於北區和元朗主要用作工業用途、臨時倉庫或荒廢的農地作房屋發展用途。

我們的目標, 是確保供應的土地每年平均能提供約四萬個各類住宅單位。當土地需求下降時, 開拓土地工作會繼續, 新開拓土地會成為政府土地儲備, 在適當時候再推出, 務求做到當需求上升時, 可及時提供足夠土地應付超過四萬個單位的需求。)

其中活化工廈方面,可釋放多少少土地作居住用途: In 2009, I announced initiatives to better utilise vacant or under-utilised industrial buildings (1999年董建華已開始提) through redevelopment or wholesale conversion整幢改裝. These measures have been in place since April 2010 and were due to last for three years. We have made encouraging progress. By the end of last month, the Lands Department had approved 35 applications, involving the demolition and redevelopment 拆卸重建  of 9 industrial buildings and the wholesale conversion of 26 others, providing a total gross floor 16 area of 380 000 square metres for non-industrial uses. Another 23 applications are being processed.

In light of the mid-term review completed last month, we will extend these measures for a further three years. To provide room for creativity in conversions, we will allow minor alterations to the frame of the buildings. We will also encourage owners to apply for green building certification of the converted buildings.

        跟曾特一樣,CY要覓地起樓,佢開始打新界東北主意:  Should we preserve the North East New Territories as a rural area or develop it into a new town  providing public rental housing, HOS flats, private residential flats and sites for different industries? In the Kai Tak Development Area, should we build a sports         city or use the land for residential development? We must have the courage and  resolve to make hard choices and decisions with the overall interests of the community in mind. The Government will strive to balance different interests   when making choices. But the fact is that the community will never reach a full        consensus over such issues. In fact, we cannot afford to, and should not, wait for      a full consensus.

及所謂「盲搶地」,包括10項中短期措施:       The Government will take a number of strong measures to increase housing land supply in the short to medium-term –

i.       I announced in August 2012 that 36 sites, including Government, Institution or Community (GIC) sites and other Government sites, with an area measuring 27 hectares in total, would be used for housing development to provide about 11 900 residential flats. Of these sites, 10 have been zoned or are going through town planning procedures 進行城規程序 for rezoning for housing development. Rezoning for the remaining 26 sites is expected for completion by 2016. This requires the support of the community in the relevant districts. We have made some progress and will continue to consult the District Councils. To identify more suitable land for conversion to residential use, the Planning Department (PlanD)規劃署will continue to review sites currently zoned for GIC uses and other Government sites;

ii.      There are 13 sites in Green Belt areas, measuring 57 hectares in total, which are devegetated, deserted or formed and considered suitable for rezoning for residential use. Town planning process will commence in phases. For seven of the sites, the rezoning process will be completed by 2017 to provide some 13 500 units. The remaining six sites will be rezoned subsequently within a few years to provide some 9 500 units. I will ask the PlanD to expedite the rezoning process. Meanwhile, the PlanD is engaged in the next stage of Green Belt review, with the purpose of releasing more sites for housing development;

iii.     In its last round of review of industrial land, the PlanD has identified a total of 60 hectares of land to be released for non-industrial uses. Sixteen sites measuring 30 hectares in total are considered suitable for rezoning for residential use. Among them, 13 have been completed or are undergoing the rezoning process and can provide about 14 600 units upon redevelopment. The PlanD is expediting the rezoning process for the remaining three sites with capacity to provide some 5 800 units. The PlanD will also conduct another round of review of industrial land shortly with a view to increasing housing supply;

iv.     The DEVB is working with the PlanD and other departments to increase the development density of unleased or unallocated 未批出或撥用 residential sites as far as allowable in planning terms. I have also asked other government departments to take the same positive approach in handling applications from private residential developments for approval of higher development density, in order to increase flat supply as far as allowable in planning terms. Meanwhile, the Lands Department is reviewing land administration procedures and processes related to land grant and premium assessment 批地和補地價的流程to expedite land supply;

v.      I have asked the policy bureaux to act decisively to optimise the use of land and, where the original intended use is not required anymore, to convert the land for housing development or other uses that meet the more pressing needs in the community as soon as possible. For example, as the HKHS has been unable to identify partners for its short term land use project in Tin Shui Wai Area 112, the Government is considering rezoning the land for residential, hotel or other suitable uses;

vi.     We are actively considering relaxing or lifting a moratorium, which is an administrative measure, currently in force to restrict the sale of new land or modification to lease??限制出售新土地或修訂契約的延期履行權行政措施 in Pok Fu Lam and the Mid-Levels, so as to lift development restrictions in these two areas

vii.    We will step up efforts to put into full play the integrated development of mass transportation and residential property, and take forward the planning for residential development at Kam Tin South West Rail Kam Sheung Road Station and Pat Heung Maintenance Depot 錦田南西鐵錦上路站和八鄉維修中心, with land of about 33 hectares in total estimated to provide about 8 700 flats. In addition, engineering studies will be conducted for the adjoining areas, totalling about 110 hectares, to identify land for public and private housing development. The Government will also explore vigorously the residential development potential of land along existing and planned railways;

viii.   In the coming four years, the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) will supply approximately a total of 4.9 hectares of land under its development projects, which will be mainly used for residential development. It is estimated that about 4 700 flats can be provided. To address the aspirations of property owners and speed up the pace of urban renewal, I will invite the URA to forge ahead with its "demand-led" redevelopment scheme. To that end, the URA also set out to redevelop industrial buildings through a pilot scheme in October 2012, including redevelopment for residential purpose

ix.     Over the past three years, the Town Planning Board 城市規劃委員會has approved 57 planning applications for residential development. Among them, two applications involved sites identified in the last round of review of industrial land for residential use. The other 55 applications involve a total of 130 hectares of land and are estimated to provide over 45 000 flats when the projects are implemented. The Government will, in the interests of the public, expedite the administrative approval procedures and take other corresponding measures so
that these flats are made available as soon as possible; and

x.      We will develop the former Diamond Hill Squatter Areas (Tai Hom Village), former Cha Kwo Ling Kaolin Mine, former Lamma Quarry and Anderson Road Quarry, which do not involve land resumption. In order to expedite these four development projects, we will actively consider making use of private developers' capacity for development in providing infrastructure and ancillary facilities配套設施, and construction of public and private residential units on these sites. The four projects together are estimated to provide about 27 hectares of residential land for the construction of about 15 000 units.

The major sources of land for housing are land sale by the Government, sites earmarked for public housing development, redevelopment of public housing, private redevelopment projects, URA projects, and railway property development projects.  The 10 measures just mentioned will increase and accelerate housing land supply.  Seven of these measures already will make available over 300 hectares of land for housing, providing about 128 700 units in the short to medium term based on known developments.


1) North East New Territories New Development Areas

According to earlier planning, the North East New Territories New Development Areas (NDAs) will provide about 533 hectares of developable land, including housing land for 53 800 units. This will be an important source of supply for public and private housing in the years to come. The first batch of residential units will be completed in 10 years. To meet public demands, we are actively studying the possibility of appropriately increasing the development density and proportion of public housing. We are also identifying sites for new HOS flats and taking forward, as appropriate, the "Hong Kong property for Hong Kong people" policy.

2. Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area

Following the North East New Territories NDAs, the Hung Shui Kiu NDA 洪水橋新發展區 is our next major development project. With a study area of 790  hectares, this project can provide over 400 hectares of developable land according to preliminary assessment. We will step up the efforts to formulate a preliminary outline development plan for embarking on the next stage of public engagement.

3) Developing the New Territories North

Apart from the North East New Territories and Hung Shui Kiu NDAs, there are also vast tracts of land released from the Closed Areas and other undeveloped areas in the New Territories North. While some of them have high ecological significance and are unsuitable for development, there are others that have certain development potential. I have already asked the PlanD to study the feasibility of taking forward further development of the New Territories North, with a view to developing a modern new town there on a similar scale of the Fanling or Sheung Shui New Towns.

4) Review of Deserted Agricultural Land in North District and Yuen Long

I have asked the PlanD規劃署 to expedite the review of agricultural land in North District and Yuen Long currently used mainly for industrial purposes or temporary storage, or which is deserted. It is hoped that suitable land within the 257 hectares of areas under review can be released for housing development as soon as possible.

5) Development of Lantau Island

With the rapid development of the west bank of the Pearl River Delta, Qianhai, Nansha and Hengqin, coupled with the availability of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and other infrastructure, the northwest of Hong Kong will become a focal point of development. Lantau Island, in particular Tung Chung, has a geographical advantage for the development of logistics, tourism and other industries, hence creating new employment opportunities for the local residents. We are now conducting the Tung Chung New Town Extension Study《東涌新市鎮擴展研究》 to explore the potential of developing Tung Chung into a new town with more comprehensive and better developed community facilities. We will also continue to explore in earnest the development potential of Lantau Island and areas along the trunk routes 沿交通幹線地帶in New Territories West.

6) Reclamation on an Appropriate Scale適度填海 Outside Victoria Harbour

To build up the land reserve, we will actively press ahead with reclamation outside Victoria Harbour, while endeavouring to keep the impact on the environment and marine ecology to a minimum. In accordance with the site selection criteria formulated after the stage one public engagement, we will put forward possible reclamation sites for further consideration and commence the stage two public engagement as soon as possible. After that, we will conduct planning, environmental and engineering feasibility studies 可行性研究on selected sites. We hope that a total of about 2 000 to 3 000 hectares of land can be made available in this way. Initially, North Lantau, Lung Kwu Tan in Tuen Mun屯門的龍鼓灘, Southwest Tsing Yi and Ma Liu Shui near the estuary 河口of Shing Mun River are among the sites we have identified. They will provide a total of about 600 hectares of land.

7) Rock Cavern and Underground Space Development

Reclamation aside, rock caverns and underground spaces are viable sources of land supply. We are studying the feasibility of relocating the Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to a cavern to make way for housing or other uses. We are also conducting a study on the long-term strategy for rock cavern development with a view to preparing rock cavern master plans and formulating policy guidelines. Moreover, we will further explore the potential of developing underground spaces in the urban areas. This includes studying the possibility of linking up the underground spaces of existing or planned structures將興建構築物 in the urban areas.


  • Streamlining Procedures and Enhancing the Mechanism

The Lands Department (LandsD)地政總署 continues to rationalise land administration processes, which include consolidating the practice notes on granting approval under lease地契條款的審批工作,整合作業備考.  The Government will also introduce a Pilot Scheme for Arbitration on Land Premium to facilitate early agreement on land premium payable by way of arbitration.  In addition, the Development Bureau (DEVB) will set up a dedicated cross-disciplinary team to assist the Steering Committee on Land Supply chaired by the Financial Secretary in monitoring land supply and promoting land development.

  • Increasing Development Intensity as Appropriate適度 and Reducing Development Restrictions in Some Areas

Except for the north of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula, which are more densely populated, the Government considers it feasible to generally increase the maximum domestic plot ratio currently permitted for the other “density zones” in the territory by around 20% as appropriate.  The Government has completed the preliminary technical assessments of the Kai Tak New Development Area and Tuen Mun East, and proposes to increase as appropriate the plot ratios of the new housing sites and the number of flats to be built on them.  In implementing these measures, we will also duly consider factors such as traffic and infrastructural capacities, local characteristics, existing development intensity and the various possible impacts of the proposed development on the areas concerned.

As the MTR’s West Island Line and South Island Line (East) are due to be completed in the near future, and as the Government is actively considering taking forward the South Island Line (West) project, we have decided to first lift the development moratorium at the south of Pok Fu Lam, i.e. the area close to Wah Fu Estate.  This area will be used for public housing development and the future redevelopment of Wah Fu Estate, providing about 11 900 additional PRH and Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) units.
  • Land Use Review
In last year’s Policy Address, I proposed to continue reviewing various land uses and rezoning sites as appropriate and, where the original intended use is no longer required, converting the land for housing development or other uses that meet the more pressing needs of the community as soon as possible.  Key work progress is provided below.

Last year, we proposed to rezone 36 sites for residential use, including GIC sites and other Government sites with a total area of around 27 hectares.  Of these, 18 have been rezoned for residential use or are undergoing the statutory rezoning process.  Over the past year, the Planning Department (PlanD) has identified another 21 GIC sites with a total area of around 34 hectares suitable for rezoning for residential use.  Of these, 11 have completed or are undergoing the statutory rezoning process法定規劃程序.  We are taking steps to rezone for residential use sites in Green Belt areas which are devegetated, deserted or formed, as well as suitable industrial sites.  The PlanD has commenced a new round of industrial land review, which is expected to be completed in 2014.


*   Developing the North East New Territories and Hung Shui Kiu

The North East New Territories New Development Areas (NDAs) project is essential to Hong Kong’s medium and long-term land supply and will become the major source of housing supply from 2022 onwards.  The Government has made every effort to increase the development intensity and proportion of subsidised housing in these NDAs.  They will provide about 60 000 units in total, of which 60% will be PRH and HOS units.

The Government has already formulated the Preliminary Outline Development Plan for the Hung Shui Kiu NDA, which is another important undertaking for the medium and long-term supply of land for development.  This NDA can accommodate a new population of 175 000.  It can also provide about 100 000 job opportunities.

*   Extension of the Tung Chung New Town

The DEVB conducted Stage 2 Public Engagement of the Tung Chung New Town Extension last year, proposing the extension of the new town to the east and the west.  The extension will provide space to construct about 53 000 residential units and a commercial hub.

*   Review of Deserted Agricultural Land in North District and Yuen Long

North District and Yuen Long have some 257 hectares of agricultural land mainly used for industrial purposes or temporary storage, or which is deserted.  The Government has identified four sites for planning and engineering studies.  According to a preliminary assessment, some sites will be available for housing development as early as 2020.

*   There are vast tracts of undeveloped land in the New Territories North. Except for some with high ecological significance, many others have development potential.  The Government will commence the Preliminary Feasibility Study on Developing the New Territories North early this year to integrate land use planning with infrastructural development to facilitate optimal land use planning for housing, social and economic developments.

*   The Government is also actively taking forward further studies on reclamation and developing cavern and underground space.  Stage 2 of the public engagement exercise on reclamation outside Victoria Harbour has been completed.  We are now carrying out a cumulative environmental impact assessment累計性環境影響評估 of the northern Lantau waters and will initiate studies on various reclamation sites, including strategic studies on artificial islands in central waters for the development of the East Lantau Metropolis, and a planning and engineering study on the reclamation in Sunny Bay欣澳.  Preliminary feasibility studies on other near-shore reclamation sites will also commence in succession.

*   The feasibility study on relocating the Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to rock caverns is largely completed, and we are planning to carry out the investigation and design works.  We are also preparing the feasibility studies on relocating the Sai Kung Sewage Treatment Works, Sham Tseng Sewage Treatment Works and Diamond Hill Fresh Water and Salt Water Service Reservoirs to rock caverns.  Under the four relocation plans, a total of about 34 hectares of land will be released for development.

*   The Government has commenced a study to identify districts with potential for developing urban underground space, with a view to increasing usable space and enhancing connectivity in the urban areas.  Meanwhile, we are preparing a pilot study covering four selected strategic districts, namely Tsim Sha Tsui West, Causeway Bay, Happy Valley and Admiralty/Wan Chai.

CY2014年重申未來十年建屋目標係每年47000, 因此要有足夠土地供應: The Government accepts the recommendation of the Long Term Housing Strategy Steering Committee to increase housing supply. The new target is to provide a total of 470 000 units in the coming ten years, with public housing accounting for 60%. To achieve this target, we have to ensure that there will be adequate supply of land, funding for the Housing Authority and manpower resources in the construction sector. This will be a tall order for both the Government and the community.

CY特別提到鐡路物業發展: Railway property development remains a major source of housing supply. Planning studies have been conducted for the residential development above Kam Tin South West Rail Kam Sheung Road Station 錦田南西鐵錦上路站and Pat Heung Maintenance Depot, which can provide about 8 700 flats. Moreover, a land use review for the adjoining areas of about 110 hectares will soon be completed. The proposed Kwu Tung Station on the Lok Ma Chau Spur Line落馬洲支線 will be the centre of development of Kwu Tung North NDA古洞北新發展區. As for Hung Shui Kiu NDA, we will capitalise on the land development near the existing West Rail Tin Shui Wai Station and the proposed Hung Shui Kiu Station.

CY2015年又鋪設一大段講佢需要盲搶地: What Hong Kong lacks is not land, but land that is developable. The difference lies in the need for land planning and development. The process of land planning and development takes time. Hong Kong experienced a long period of economic downturn and saw a declining property market after the Asian financial crisis. The Government scaled back the speed and scope of our planning and development of land, and did not foresee the huge demand for developable land as a result of the eventual economic recovery. A substantial amount of land was zoned for non-development uses such as country parks to improve the environment. We also lowered the development intensity of land newly planned for development. These are causes of the serious shortage of housing supply that we have been facing in recent years.

The consultation process for land planning and development has become drawn out [to make something last longer than usual or necessary] with increasing controversies and uncertainties, including the uncertainties and time loss brought about by judicial reviews.

We have to take into consideration more and more factors such as the impact on traffic, environment, conservation and even air ventilation in the planning process. As a result, the supply of developable land has decreased or decelerated. Society as a whole must make hard choices.

Planning must reflect the overall interests of Hong Kong and heed the priorities of society’s needs. We should not only consider the well-being of individual areas in planning and development, but also the overall housing supply and demand of  Hong Kong as a whole. We cannot have our cake and eat it. If we opt for a lower development intensity, traffic flow will be smoother and the living environment will be nicer. However, the overall housing supply will be lower, which will lengthen the waiting time for PRH and push up property prices and rents. Town planning and land supply should not cater only for the people who can afford expensive properties, but also for those facing difficulties finding a home due to inadequate supply. At present, the most pressing concern is to ensure adequate and speedy land supply for development. Increasing and expediting land supply is the fundamental solution to resolve the land and housing problems of Hong Kong.


*   We have been carrying out land use reviews on an ongoing basis. Such reviews include examination of government sites which are vacant, held under short-term tenancy and for other short-term or government uses; Government, Institution or Community (GIC) sites; and the two stages of the Green Belt review. I announced in my last Policy Address that some 150 sites had been identified. We estimate that a considerable number of these sites will be available for residential use between 2014-15 and 2018-19 and are capable of providing over 210 000 residential units, of which over 70% will be public housing units. This will only be possible if we can successfully complete the town planning procedures for rezoning and/or increasing development intensity, and press ahead with all the necessary works. Relevant District Councils (DCs) have been consulted on the overall planning of these sites. As at end-December 2014, amendments to the statutory plans 法定圖則修訂工作of 45 sites had started.

*   Moreover, a few sizable sites which were not required for the intended uses have been converted for housing development or other uses that meet more pressing needs, with a view to achieving our housing target of 480 000 public and private residential units in the next decade.

*   To optimise land use, we will increase as appropriate development intensity. Since the inauguration of the current-term Government, the Town Planning Board has approved applications to relax the development intensity of 26 housing sites, leading to an additional supply of about 3 500 units. To tie in with the transformation of Kowloon East, we are reviewing the planning for the Kai Tak Development Area and the technical studies on the development intensity. It is anticipated that the Kai Tak Development Area will provide no fewer than 6 800 additional units (including about 1 000 units already approved) and not fewer than 430 000 square metres of additional commercial floor area.

*   The development of the former Diamond Hill Squatter Areas (Tai Hom Village), the former Cha Kwo Ling Kaolin Mine and former Lamma Quarry are making good progress. These three development projects are expected to provide over 8 000 public and private residential units. The housing site in the Anderson Road Quarry will be made available for development as early as 2019-20 to provide over 9 000 public and private residential units. In addition, the Government will commence the initial study on the land use of the Lam Tei Quarry and its adjoining area in 2015.

*   The Government is also actively considering making use of private developers’ capacity to expedite the relevant developments. We believe that private sector participation will help facilitate the development of tourism and commercial facilities.

*   The Government will relax outdated restrictions and streamline procedures to facilitate land development. For example, in last year’s Policy Address, I announced lifting the development moratorium on the area close to Wah Fu Estate for public housing development and the redevelopment of Wah Fu Estate to provide about 11 900 additional PRH units in total.

*   A Pilot Scheme for Arbitration on Land Premium 「補地價仲裁先導計劃」  has been launched to facilitate agreement on land premium for lease modification 修訂土地契約or land exchange applications換地申請, with a view to expediting land supply for housing and other uses.

*   Since its inauguration, the current-term Government has continued to increase private housing land supply. It is estimated that the private housing land supply in 2014-15 is capable of providing more than 20 000 residential units, a record high since the Government introduced the private housing land supply target in 2010.

*   On land sales, from April 2012 to December 2014, the Government sold 73 private residential sites capable of providing about 25 400 units. Most of the sites put up for sale were of small to medium size and the entry barrier to tendering was relatively low. As a result, over 40 developers of different scales were awarded sites. We see increasing competition among the developers in bidding land and selling flats.

*   Recently, the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL) completed the planning procedures for the property development project at the West Rail Yuen Long Station, which is capable of providing about 1 880 units. The Government also encourages the MTRCL to launch its property development projects as soon as possible, and the MTRCL has responded positively. Last year, the MTRCL successfully tendered 招標three projects capable of providing about 6 100 units. The MTRCL is embarking on tendering work for other projects. The Government is taking forward the planning for residential development at the West Rail Kam Sheung Road Station and Pat Heung Maintenance Centre in Kam Tin South, which are expected to provide about 8 700 units. The preliminary land use review of the adjoining areas has been completed and these areas are estimated to have the potential for providing approximately 25 000 additional units. At the same time, we will continue to actively explore with the MTRCL and the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation the development potential of stations and related sites along the existing and future rail lines, such as Siu Ho Wan 小蠔灣in Lantau.


*   In the medium and long terms, Kwu Tung North and Fanling North New Development Areas (NDAs) will be an important source of housing and land supply for Hong Kong, especially in terms of PRH and HOS flats. The NDAs will deliver about 60 000 residential units, of which 60% will be PRH and HOS flats. It is anticipated that the first batch of residential units will be completed in phases from 2023 onwards. We have commenced the detailed design and ground investigation土地勘測 of the advance works前期工程 for the Fanling North NDA. We will carry out the advance works subsequently.

*   The Stage Two Community Engagement under the Hung Shui Kiu NDA Planning and Engineering Study was completed in October 2013. It involves about 60 000 residential units, of which more than half will be for public housing. According to the study, the vicinity of the proposed West Rail Hung Shui Kiu Station and the existing Tin Shui Wai Station will be used for commercial development and about 60 hectares of land will be set aside for logistics and related developments. The Stage Three Community Engagement will commence this year.

*   With the completion of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link, Tung Chung will become an important transportation hub for the Pearl River Delta and Western Guangdong. The Stage Three Public Engagement of the Tung Chung New Town Extension Study was also completed. The new town extension will provide about 48 000 residential units, and a commercial hub will be established in Tung Chung East.

*   The URA will continue to redevelop old and dilapidated private buildings through self-initiated redevelopment projects and the Demand-led Redevelopment Project Pilot Scheme. Last year, the URA successfully tendered the San Shan Road/Pau Chung Street project and the Kwun Tong Town Centre project (Development Areas 2 and 3), and awarded tenders for two joint venture projects at Hai Tan Street at the end of the year. These redevelopment projects tendered in 2014-15 will provide about 2 700 units.

*   To better use agricultural land now mainly used for industrial purposes or temporary storage, or which is deserted, the Government will continue to review a total of about 257 hectares of such sites in North District and Yuen Long with a view to ascertaining the feasibility of and scale for residential development on these sites. In this connection, Kwu Tung South, Yuen Long South and Fanling/Sheung Shui Area 30 have been identified for planning and engineering studies. The studies of Kwu Tung South and Yuen Long South have commenced while the study of Fanling/Sheung Shui Area 30 is being conducted in two phases, with Phase One scheduled for completion next year.

*   The brownfield sites 棕地in Hung Shui Kiu, Yuen Long South and New Territories North have been used for years for purposes incompatible with the surrounding environment. The Government is studying feasible measures, including accommodating some of the users in multi-storey buildings and taking the “brownfield sites” inside the Hung Shui Kiu NDA as a pilot case, with a view to taking forward the development of NDAs.

*   Reclamation outside Victoria Harbour is an important source of long-term land supply. The cumulative environmental impact assessment of the western Hong Kong waters is largely completed. Taking the assessment findings into account, the Government plans to commence a planning and engineering study on the Lung Kwu Tan reclamation at Tuen Mun in 2015.

*   The Government commenced in the second half of 2014 the investigation on and design of the relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to rock caverns and the feasibility studies on relocating three other facilities to caverns. A total of 34 hectares of land will be released for development. We will also commence a pilot study on underground space development in four strategic districts in early 2015.

*   The Government is conducting the Preliminary Feasibility Study on Developing the New Territories North to meet our long-term needs.

*   Since its establishment in January last year, the Lantau Development Advisory Committee has examined in detail the positioning and recommendations for short, medium and longterm economic and community development in Lantau. This seeks to capitalise on the benefits brought by the three-runway system of the Hong Kong International Airport, the Hong KongZhuhai-Macao Bridge and other strategic infrastructure in the area, and to attain synergy with the Greater Pearl River Delta development. In 2015, short-term projects such as the revitalisation of Tai O and Mui Wo, construction of mountain bike trails, improvements to narrow road bends along Keung Shan Road and South Lantau Road, and review of arrangements for closed roads and issuance of closed road permits封閉道路和發放通行許可證的安排 for Lantau will be rolled out in full swing. In the medium term, we will continue with the development of the Tung Chung New Town Extension, and proceed to commence studies in connection with the reclamation in Sunny Bay and topside commercial development on the Hong Kong boundary crossing facilities of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. In the long term, we will seek support of this Council for early commencement of the preliminary study on the East Lantau Metropolis 東大嶼都會to look into the development of artificial islands in the eastern waters off Lantau, including the provision of ancillary transport infrastructure to link up to the western part of the New Territories and Hong Kong Island.

CY都知道佢啲計劃咁大工程一定有唔少阻滯, 因此都要客客氣氣:

*   The Development Bureau and the Planning Department are updating the “Hong Kong 2030: Planning Vision and Strategy” published in 2007 to examine the strategies and feasible options for overall spatial planning and land and infrastructure developments for Hong Kong beyond 2030, in the light of our latest needs.

*   The current-term Government is committed to putting an end to the long-standing shortage of land supply. The Government plans to hold multi-party discussion with all sectors of the community, such as professional bodies, environmental groups, local communities and young students, in order to jointly examine the issues concerned, balance competing considerations, break through the bottlenecks and solve the problems.

2.          增加私人房屋供應

老董35000大計: set my Administration three main targets : to build at least 85 000 flats a year in the public and private sectors; to achieve a home ownership rate of 70% in ten years; The land disposal programme, the streamlining of procedures, the rezoning and the infrastructure development that I have outlined will make it possible for the private sector to produce up to 36 000 flats a year from the year 2000. (1998年修正: I announced in last year's Policy Address the target of producing 85 000 flats annually, I was setting a long-term housing target and looking towards our long-term land production programme. The announcement was made against the background of an over-heated economy and rapid rises in property prices/  the 35 000 flats to be supplied by theprivate sector within the overall long-term flat supply target of 85 000 units annually was projected with regard to the supply and demand situation at the time. I see it as our first priority to do what we can to promote stability in this sector. Nonetheless, the actual number of flats built
annually by the private sector over the next five years is likely to vary according to market demand, and in line with developers' own commercial considerations.) 35000個私人住宅目標只有一年貨仔.

曾特2010又重新開始估算私樓數目,訂下20000數量的保守目標: the Financial Secretary announced that the Government would put up specific sites on the Application List for sale by auction or tender to increase land supply. As at end-September, a total of eight sites were sold, of which three were put up for auction by the Government and five were triggered by developers from the Application List. Altogether, these sites can provide some 4 700 flats. Taking into account further sites made available through lease modifications and land exchanges with premium paid, as well as projects to be tendered by the MTRCL and URA, and other private redevelopment projects not subject to premium payment, we estimate that a total of 61 000 first-hand private residential units will come on the market in the next three to four years. [平均每年15250-20000個私人單位供應目標出現]

但亦帶定頭盔: In the past 10 years, the average annual take up rate of first-hand private residential flats 私人住宅吸納量was 18 500 units. To ensure a healthy and stable property market, in the next 10 years, on average land needs to be made available annually for some 20 000 private residential flats. I need to stress that this is not a fixed target for residential flat production. Our aim is to build up a sufficiently large land reserve over a period of time to ensure stable land supply for the residential property market. In particular, we need to make available sufficient land for building small and medium residential flats to keep their prices stable.

曾特有新橋, 「限呎限量」:  To address the shortage of first-hand small and medium flats, we have already reserved a site at the former Yuen Long Estate and will, as a pilot, specify in its sale conditions the minimum number of units (限量>註:供應要多)and unit size restrictions (限呎>註:呎數要細). We are preparing to sell the site by tender later this year. In light of experience gained, we will explore applying this arrangement to other sites. We will discuss with the URA and MTRCL the provision of more small and medium flats in their urban renewal projects and residential developments along the West Rail respectively.

CY上場,第一件事,係鬧爆曾特,又話定咗20000私樓目標, 但實際上每年只有9800落成量: Supply shortage lies at the heart of the prevailing housing problem. In the past five years, on average only 9 800 private residential flats and about 15 000 PRH flats were completed each year; the figure for Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats was zero. In other words, the public and private sectors on average produced only about 24 800 flats each year in the past five years. In mid-2012, the vacancy rate of private residential units was 4%, the lowest in 15 years.

        CY2013年個目標都係同曾特差不多,每年1675022333供應目標:            Regarding the private residential property market, we estimate that a total of        67 000 first-hand units should come on the market in the next three to four   years, including units under construction but not yet sold or offered for sale,     unsold units of completed projects, and units from disposed sites ready for        construction    熟地項目上可隨時動工興建的單位.

2014年寫落成預測為13600: The private sector has only produced an average of about 9 680 flats each year over the past five years.  Based on the preliminary assessment of private residential developments known to have or to be started on disposed sites熟地, it is projected that the private sector will, on average, produce about 13 600 flats each year in the next five years, an increase of about 40%.

2015, CY又提昇番私樓「供應」數目至1850024666, 而「落成」數字每年只有14600: On private housing, according to the latest projection in December 2014, the housing supply from the first-hand private residential property market for the coming three to four years is approximately 74 000 units, which is the highest on record. The private sector only produced an average of about 11 400 flats each year over the past five years. Based on the preliminary assessment of private residential developments known to have started or to be started on disposed sites, the private sector will, on average, produce about 14 600 flats each year in the next five years, representing an increase of about 30%. The Government will continue to maintain the stable and healthy development of the private property market through steady and sustained land supply and implementation of demand-side management measures when necessary. 

(C觀點 - 施永青





最近出席一個有烽煙(phone in)的電視台節目,發現不相信供應量增加可壓樓價的市民為數不少。他們認為,即使供應量增加,發展商也不一定減價。他們認為強調供應有用,是政府虛與委蛇的說法,目的在於保護地產霸權,不想用更強硬的手段,向發展商開刀。


3. 起公屋:       

98年說 long-term production target set in 1997 was based on a programme to provide on average 50 000 units annually for the five years from 1997. This programme includes both public rental and HOS units built by the Housing Authority, as well as Housing Society flats.

自從97金融風暴加SARS一疫, 政府連公屋都唔敢起. 2010年才開始一個保守目標: On PRH, the committee will ensure an adequate supply of land to produce about 15 000 flats each year,

2011年開始講起公屋2大困難: We face two major challenges in maintaining an average production of 15 000 PRH units a year. The first is a shortage of land. Both PRH and private housing require land. To achieve our PRH production target, we need to open up new sites and explore ways to appropriately increase the densities and plot ratios of PRH projects without compromising the living environment. The second challenge is the objection of some local communities to PRH development. In my view, these objections are prejudiced and not in the public interest.

但亦重新承諾會達標: According to the Public Housing Construction Programme of the Housing Authority, about 75 000 PRH units will be completed in the next five years. That means an average of 15 000 units each year. This production level, together with units recovered each year, should enable us to meet the target of maintaining an average waiting time of three years for General Waiting List applicants. Our pledge to meet this target is an important government policy to ensure social stability and harmony. Under no circumstances will this policy be changed. To honour our pledge, we will adjust flat production when the demand and supply of PRH flats so warrant [to make something necessary or appropriate in a particular situation].

CY上場係鬧爆曾特私樓唔達標, 但公屋數字目標都算合格: Supply shortage lies at the heart of the prevailing housing problem. In the past five years, on average only 9 800 private residential flats and about 15 000 PRH flats were completed each year; the figure for Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats was zero


We will increase and expedite the supply of subsidised housing –

i.       As a production target, the total supply of PRH will be at least 100 000 units over the five years starting from 2018 [由萬五跳到去二萬!];

ii.      I have asked the Transport and Housing Bureau (THB) to review and expedite the construction of public housing flats without compromising quality, and find ways to simplify technical assessments under different regulatory requirements;

iii.     I will invite the HKHS to build more subsidised housing. In view of the very favourable response to the Greenview Villa project, the Government has set aside a site in Sha Tin for the HKHS to develop a similar housing project. Another site in Sha Tau Kok will also be allocated for rental housing development. Together, the two sites will provide about 1 000 units;

iv.     I have asked the Development Bureau (DEVB) and the THB to examine all projects in the pipeline to increase the plot ratio as appropriate;

v.      The Housing Department will step up its efforts to combat the abuse of PRH resources. Together with the PRH flats surrendered voluntarily by tenants, on average a net number of about 7 000 units will be recovered every year. With another 15 000 or so new flats completed, there will be more than 22 000 PRH flats available for allocation a year;

vi.     The first batch of 2 100 new HOS flats will be offered for pre-sale next year. In due course, PRH tenants who purchase HOS units will vacate their PRH flats, which will then be available for reallocation; and

2014CY再確認2000公屋目標,但時間不明:  The Government has identified sufficient land for 179 000 PRH units and 17 000 HOS units as pledged. With the unreserved efforts of the government departments concerned, we are making good progress in this respect. To meet the new housing supply target, the Government aims to provide an average of about 20 000 PRH units and about 8 000 HOS units per year

(又推遲) 2015CY重申2020年之後建2000公屋的目標: After taking office, the current-term Government has been vigorously speeding up the development of public housing, and public rental housing (PRH) production has seen continuous increase. It is estimated that during the five years from 2014-15 to 2018-19, a total of 77 100 PRH units will be completed, among which 23 300 units are scheduled for completion in 2015-16. In the Long Term Housing Strategy, we have maintained our PRH production target of about 20 000 units each year for the next decade. To achieve this target, I have requested the relevant departments to keep co-ordinating the priorities, make proper planning and provide suitable community facilities so as to increase supply. However, of crucial importance is the support of local communities and other people.

[東方日報 31-10-2015





落成量減 房委會:難覓地



社區憂配套 建屋遇阻力


4.          減少公屋輪候時間

老董97年想 reduce the average waiting time for public rental housing to three years. improving the supply of subsidized rental housing 資助租住房屋 to those in genuine need is no less important a part of our housing strategy. We will reduce the waiting time for public rental housing from the present average of six and a half years to under five years by 2001, to four years by 2003 and to no more than three years on average by 2005. At present we assign about 14000 flats a year to waiting list applicants. To meet our targets, from 2001 we will provide an average of 20 000 flats each year, and to ensure that they go to those in genuine need, we will introduce in 1998 a means test of income and assets 入息及資產審查  for all prospective public housing tenants

2010年再次承諾三年上樓目標:thus maintaining an average waiting time of three years. To ensure rational allocation of limited resources, the Housing Department will step up checks on PRH tenantshousehold income and assets. In addition to checking some 5 000 randomly selected cases a year, an additional 5 000 random checks will be conducted this year.

5.  出售公屋


97over the next ten years, we will provide the opportunity for at least 250 000 families living in public rental housing to buy their flats at reasonable and affordable prices. 97年目標係 the first batch of about 25 000 flats can be sold early in 1998

[嘩嘩嘩] CY2015年宣佈會賣公屋(!):In addition to the Housing Authority’s HOS flats and the subsidised sale flats of HKHS, I consider that there should be different forms of subsidised sale flats to meet the needs of different people. To further improve the housing ladder, I have proposed to the Housing Authority that suitable flats should be identified among its PRH developments under construction for sale to Green Form applicants in the form of a pilot scheme, with prices set at a level lower than those of HOS flats. Target buyers are mainly sitting PRH tenants and PRH applicants who have passed the detailed vetting審核 and are due for flat allocation. This scheme will help Green Form applicants achieve home ownership while releasing more PRH flats for allocation to families on the PRH waiting list.

6.    起居屋 

97年話Build more subsidized home ownership flats. 98年卻又說The property market has a vital bearing 影響 on our economy and people's livelihood. Recently we introduced a moratorium on the sale of Home Ownership Scheme flats.

留意2010年曾特首重申特區的三大房屋政策的第二點: Second, apart from PRH, the major role of the Government is to supply land. The Government should refrain from participating in subsidised housing schemes as far as possible盡量退出房屋資助計劃, and minimise intervention in the property market. 政府從來覺得上樓係港人自己嘅事, 與政府無關)

但佢又帶頭盔, 話會考慮重新推居屋:  The Government recognises the importance of a stable home, and is fully aware of our people’s wishes to improve their quality of life and move up the social ladder through home ownership. Many find it unnerving that property prices have kept rising and years of hard-earned savings cannot even cover a down payment. They hope that the Government will help them realise their aspirations for home ownership. The Transport and Housing Bureau (THB) started consulting the public on subsidising home ownership last May. The exercise was completed in mid-September./ There are diverse views on the resumption of HOS.
We share the public concern over soaring property prices and the difficulties in purchasing their first flat. The conventional HOS has already helped over 300 000 families buy their homes. We believe that we should introduce more targeted measures in light of the latest situation to help the sandwich class
purchase their own flats.

值得留意是居屋二手市場。2010, 曾特「活化」了二手居屋市場,俾白表人士不用補地價 (像綠表人士一樣) 買二手居屋:The Housing Authority is taking measures to revitalise the HOS secondary market. These include the Premium Loan Guarantee Scheme launched by the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited香港按揭證券有限公司 which allows HOS owners to pay the premium by instalments.

2011年曾特回顧居屋計劃的目的: Apart from PRH, the Government put in place the Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) and other subsidised home ownership initiatives. These schemes enabled PRH tenants to purchase their own homes so their units could be vacated for other people in need. Such schemes also helped other home seekers acquire their properties. (你老闆,居屋停建咗10年仲講!)

亦講咗停居屋係為維持私樓價錢: The private market plays a major role in offering a wide range of options to meet the people’s housing needs. In the late 1990s, our economy was hard hit by the Asian financial crisis and the collapse of the hi-tech bubble. Persistent deflation also exerted great pressure on the local property market. As a result, overall property prices dropped by more than 60%, and many properties slipped into negative equity. In 2002, after a housing policy review, the Government decided to withdraw from the property market progressively. The Housing Authority subsequently stopped the construction of HOS flats and other subsidised home ownership schemes.

但當樓價升得太高,政府便會出手:our policy is to ensure that all Hong Kong people have a home. Second, it is the responsibility of the Government to supply sufficient land for the private sector to build a mix of residential units. Third, the
Government will provide public housing for low-income people who cannot afford private rental accommodation. When private housing is in short supply and property prices rise to a level beyond people’s purchasing power, the Government has to intervene and make adjustments through the provision of additional land and through subsidised housing policy. The HOS was previously the major subsidised housing scheme.

2011年曾特終於搵到居屋的定位,叫做新居屋, 轉售計到叫做「白屋二」:

  • 資助對象:We share the public’s concern about rising property prices and the difficulty in buying affordable small and medium flats. The pressure is most felt by families whose household income exceeds the limits for PRH application but who may not be able to afford owning a flat. With a monthly household income under $30,000, these families are unable to bear large down payments and mortgage repayments. Their purchasing power is therefore rather limited in the current property market. Moreover, the supply of private flats that they can afford has been diminishing. [唔好話3萬蚊, 月入5萬都買唔到樓啦!] In response to the aspirations of low and middle-income families to buy their own homes, the Government now puts forward a new policy for the resumption of the HOS. The new scheme will be targeted at families with a monthly household income under $30,000, mainly first-time home buyers.(L係掛) Flats with a saleable floor area of 400 to 500 square feet will be offered at affordable prices.

I will ask the Housing Authority to work out implementation details of the new HOS, including the allocation ratio between green form and non-green  form applicants, income and asset criteria for non-green form applicants, price benchmarks based on affordability and premium payment arrangements.

  • 目標數量2500-6500: The Government will allocate sites for this scheme. With the sites identified at this stage, we plan to provide more than 17 000 flats over four years from 2016-17 onwards, with an annual production of between 2 500 and 6 500 flats.(私樓2, 公屋1萬五, 居屋得2千五至五千?)  For the first year, 2 500 flats can be made available. As more sites become available, we will set our planning target at 5 000 flats a year on average. To be flexible, the actual number of flats to be built or put up for sale each year will depend on demand at the time. [[留意201412月真係賣第一期新居屋, wiki講述真係賣2160個單位:


新居屋主要於細小及不規則形的地盤興建,大廈採用非標準型設計,單位則採用近年公屋常用的構件式單位(居屋版本)設計(Modular Flats Design)。單位與公屋一樣,不設固定間格,而用料交樓標準與公屋貼近,如門外沒有鐵閘,廚房及洗手間不設組合櫃,採用明喉,企缸只設支架。較以往八萬五時代居屋內廚房及洗手間交樓標準附設組合櫃,並以暗喉設計,企缸有門、部份單片位亦設浴缸的設計大倒退。因此被市民及業界批評香港政府復建居屋只為應酬市民,實際上擔心影響私人市場,因而設計百無,盡量簡單,面積又細,以減低居屋吸引力,根本沒有由用家角度出發。[5]






I have asked the Housing Authority to be responsible for producing flats under the new HOS. The first batch is expected to be ready for pre-sale in 2014 or 2015. To meet this target, the Housing Department has already started preliminary planning and investigations for sites identified in Sha Tin, Tsuen Wan and Yuen Long, and will commence similar work for other sites

The new HOS will serve as a buffer when the private residential
property market is in disequilibrium due to unbalanced demand and supply, as well as internal and external macroeconomic factors such as low interest rates and quantitative easing measures taken by other economies.

When the private residential property market cannot provide enough reasonably priced small and medium flats, the Housing Authority will make available a maximum of 5 000 new HOS flats on average each year for eligible buyers.

仍然帶頭盔: When there are enough reasonably priced small and medium flats in the private market, we will adjust the number of subsidised flats to be built and sold for the year. We may even stop building and selling such flats. (帶定頭盔的政府)

[CY上場,插爆曾特首無起過居屋: Supply shortage lies at the heart of the prevailing housing problem. In the past five years,the figure for Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats was zero

首先佢重覆曾特的新居屋每年約4250個單位的目標: With the concerted efforts of various departments, we have secured land for the development ofabout 17 000 HOS flats over the four years starting from 2016-17.

佢亦好快在2013年賣咁啲貨尾居屋單位: In a couple of months' time, we will put on sale about 830 remaining surplus HOS flats.]

(有無睇錯)CY2014年話居屋數目會增至8000一年: To meet the new housing supply target, the Government aims to provide an average of about 20 000 PRH units and about 8 000 HOS units per year. This would mean that the supply of public housing in the coming ten years will increase by 36% compared to what was pledged by the Government last year.

2015,CY睇到居屋的overwhelming public response: Greenview Villa, put up for pre-sale by the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) at the end of 2012 and the first batch of 2 160 new HOS flats put up for pre-sale by the Housing Authority last month received an overwhelming public response.

第二期(201512)新居屋有2700個單位: The Housing Authority will put up approximately 2 700 and 2 000 HOS flats for pre-sale in 2015-16 and 2016-17 respectively. 

[明報: 2015124 星期五

【新居屋】沙田元朗2700單位2月推出 入場150萬元起 房委倡留200單身配額 (20:22)







[新居屋明春推 150萬可上車
星島日報星島日報  2015125日星期六上午5:55

星島日報 - 沙田綠怡雅苑約一千個單位,預計一九年底推售。




         至於沙田顯田街「嘉順苑」僅提供二百四十八個單位,單位面積約為四百五    十呎,售價介乎二百四十五萬至三百二十八萬元,折實平均呎價為六千八百二十八元,預計一八年六月入伙。

  • 價錢: The pricing and resale policies of the new HOS have been revised in light of changing circumstances. The prices of flats will be set with reference to the mortgage repayment ability of eligible households. For example, the price of a new HOS flat with a saleable floor area of 400 to 500 square feet will roughly be set in the range of $1.5 million to $2 million to make it affordable to a family with a monthly income of $20,000 to $30,000.

  • 白居易: Flats sold under the new HOS will be subject to resale restrictions as in       previous subsidised housing schemes. Our initial plan is that within the first five       years from the date of purchase, owners may only sell their flats to green form   applicants or the Housing Authority. After five years, owners may sell their flats         on the open market after paying a premium to the Housing Authority. This will enable owners to trade up and shift to the private residential market. In light of the rather inactive HOS secondary market, I have asked the Housing Authority to     seriously consider measures that can facilitate upward mobility of those in the   new scheme. When calculating the premium to be paid, the Housing Authority may take the subsidised portion of a unit’s purchase price as a loan to the owner, the amount of which will not be adjusted even if the market value of the unit   increases in future, and require the owner to repay this loan to the Housing        Authority before selling the unit on the open market. When working out the     details, however, we will ensure that the new arrangements are fair to existing HOS flat owners. As the arrangements will involve subsidising home ownership        with public money, they should also be acceptable to the community as a whole.
        (: 傳統上, 在白居易之前, 綠表人士除可購置一手居屋外,亦可透過「居      屋第二市場」不用補地價方式購買居屋,而白表人士在「居屋第二市場」則     要以補地價方式購買二手居屋。所謂「居屋第二市場」,基本上與公開市場        買賣私人物業手續無異,居屋業主可透過地產代理進行交易和自由議價,除    非買方持有綠表資格證明,否則買方在購買時必須支付「補價」,因為居屋      原是房委會以折讓率的方式以低於市價售予綠表人士。

        白居易,就係俾白表人士,可以綠表人士方法, 購買居屋)

        CY 2013上場便立即推出5000白居二單位俾白表人士申請: The first batch of    new HOS flats is scheduled for pre-sale next year. We have just put in place a        scheme to allow 5 000 eligible White Form applicants to purchase on the         secondary market in two phases HOS flats with premium unpaid.

7.   夾屋/置安心

97increase the number of Sandwich Class Housing flats to be built, raising the total stock to 50 000 units by 2006;

置安心 (幫中產儲首期): 2010年曾特的超級頭盔,唔敢起居屋但又怕俾人鬧,整個置安心, 幫一批月入申請唔到居屋但又儲唔到首期的市民: Any form of subsidised home ownership will only serve as a buffer. In the face of short-term market fluctuations, it is appropriate for the Government to offer relief measures to potential sandwich class home buyers to give them time to save up. In this regard, the Government, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS), will introduce an enhanced scheme of subsidised housing known as the My Home Purchase Plan. Under this Plan, the Government will provide land for the HKHS to build “no-frills” [especially of a service or product) including only the basic features, without anything that is unnecessary, especially things added to make something more attractive or comfortable] small and medium flats for lease to eligible applicants at prevailing market rent. The tenancy period will be up to five years, within which the rent will not be adjusted. Within a specified time frame, tenants of the Plan may purchase the flat they rent or another flat under the Plan at prevailing market price, or a flat in the private market. They will receive a subsidy equivalent to half of the net rental they have paid during the tenancy period, and use it for part of the down payment. 

The Plan has the following merit: (1) It provides the sandwich class with flexibility in their home purchase plan, including the choice of opting to purchase the flat they rent, another flat under the Plan, or a flat in the private market; (2) It provides them with rental flats for a maximum of five years so that they will have sufficient time to think through their housing plan while building up their capability to buy a flat. This means they will not have to rush into buying flats that are over-priced during short-term fluctuations in property prices. Also, there will not be any rental adjustment during the five-year period. This will help them save for part of the down payment for their future flat purchase; (3) There will be no re-sale restrictions or premium payment requirement as is the case of conventional HOS flats. This will facilitate upward mobility in the property market; (4) Flats under the Plan will, to an extent, fill the supply gap of “no-frills’ flats in the first-hand private market; and (5) The Plan will not reduce the supply of private residential land or land for PRH, as the land will not come from either
the Application List or the sites earmarked for PRH.

The subsidy equivalent to half of the net rental paid may not be sufficient to cover the down payment in full. Tenants must conscientiously 努力 build up savings to meet the down payment and related expenses. The Plan reflects Hong Kong people’s spirit of self-reliance by enabling them to make their home purchase wish come true in a practical and step-by-step manner. The Secretary for Transport and Housing will announce details of the Plan later. The Government has already earmarked sites in Tsing Yi, Diamond Hill, Sha Tin, Tai Po, Tuen Mun and other areas for a total of some 5 000 flats to be built under the Plan. The first project will provide about 1 000 flats in Tsing Yi by 2014.

[note: 置安心計劃已告「死亡」



杯水車薪 難息民怨


Wikipedia: 置安心資助房屋計劃(英文:My Home Purchase Scheme)是香港特別行政區行政長官曾蔭權《20102011年度香港行政長官施政報告》中其中一項新推出的公共房屋計劃,由香港房屋協會負責興建房屋及發展並以市價租予中等收入之市民,而租戶在購入其單位或私人市場上的單位時,可獲租住期間所繳納淨租金之一半作為資助。預計首批共5千個單位於2013年落成。




2011年曾特再優化置安心  :Some families, although earning up to $40,000 a month, and who can afford a property in the long run, do not have enough savings for a down payment. The Government, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS), will continue to implement the My Home Purchase Plan (MHPP) to provideno frills” small and medium rental flats so these families will have time to save up.

The MHPP is positioned above the new HOS. It offers another choice on the housing ladder. [置安心微調: 先租後買變成可租可買]The tenancy period of MHPP flats will be up to five years. To allow tenants to save according to their plans, the rent will not be adjusted during the tenancy period. The MHPP will also provide tenants with a subsidy, equivalent to half of the net rental paid during the tenancy period, to help them cover part of the down payment.

The public generally considers the MHPP sufficiently flexible. Given the volatility of the property market, if MHPP flats are to be sold at the prevailing market price, then tenants intending to buy such flats under the rent-and-buy” arrangement may find their plans upset by soaring prices.

After considering public views, we will enhance the MHPP. First, apart from the proposed “rent-and-buy” mode, we will offer a “buy-or-rent” option which allows participants to buy their MHPP flats direct at market price without going through a rental period.

Under the MHPP, the initial market selling price will serve as the ceiling price of that flat. A participant choosing the “rent-and-buy” option will be guaranteed the “ceiling price” regardless of any rise in property prices within two years after termination of tenancy 租約. This will protect participants from soaring property prices disrupting their plan for home ownership, and enable them to set more specific saving targets. Should prices fall, they can buy MHPP flats at the prevailing market price. The THB will discuss with the HKHS the mplementation details.

The Government has already earmarked a number of sites for about 5000 MHPP flats. The first development project at Tsing Yi will provide around 1000 no frills small and 11 medium flats. These are expected to be completed in 2014 and pre-letting 預租will begin next year. (曾蔭權計劃建5000, 首批1000)

CY2013年一上場,便把置安心當居屋咁賣: The Greenview Villa project launched by the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) will also provide 988 flats.

Since the latest income limit for subsidised housing is capped at $40,000 a month, we believe that in future, the income limit for HOS flats should enable those who were previously eligible for the My Home Purchase Plan (MHPP) to become eligible under the HOS. As such, we have decided not to roll out any more projects under the MHPP. The four pieces of land in Tai Po, Diamond Hill, Choi Hung and Ma On Shan respectively, originally earmarked for the MHPP, will be used for new HOS development instead.

2015年除推第二期居屋(房委會), 仲有房協(HKHS)1000單位: The HKHS will also offer 1 600 subsidised sale flats for pre-sale in 2016-17. Of these flats, 1 000 will be units provided in Sha Tin at the Government’s request made in 2013. Moreover, two sites in Tseung Kwan O and Tuen Mun respectively have been set aside for development by the HKHS, providing an estimated total of about 600 units.


商業電台商業電台 20151220日星期日上午10:02


1. 蘋果日報,焦點故事:夾屋是怪胎 置安心=?,2013年01月19日 

8.      重建舊區

: Added to the challenge of providing enough new housing is the large stock of old or inadequate housing in the urban area. At current rates of redevelopment, this stock of housing over 30 years old will double from 20% to 40% of private housing over the next ten years. Redevelopment is a complex process but we must address the challenge more vigorously if we are to ensure that Hong Kong's inhabitants have good homes in a good environment. This will involve a number of measures, including the redevelopment of old industrial areas into housing a review of plot ratios 地積比率 and set time limits for handling public objections to residential developments. Ability to resume land 收回土地 for redevelopment is the key. We aim to set up an Urban Renewal Authority by 1999 to build on the good work that has been accomplished by the Land Development Corporation. We will introduce legislation to give the Authority effective powers to carry out resumption and comprehensive redevelopment. We will also introduce legislation to assist property owners and developers to assemble land so as to quicken the process of renewal by the private sector.

9      借錢俾市民買樓:


97will launch a new "Home Starter" loan scheme首次置業貸款計劃 over and above the existing Sandwich Class loan scheme夾心階層住屋貸款計劃 , targeted at first time home buyers, under which in each of the next five years 6 000 families will be given a loan of about $600,000 each;

2010,曾特否決借錢俾市民買樓: As to whether the Government should offer loans to these prospective home buyers, many consider that home ownership loan schemes may lure some families into acquiring properties they cannot       afford. Some are also concerned that such a scheme will spur 刺激short-term demand for properties, which will further push up property prices.
2011年曾特透露了全港業主的數目: Housing is an issue of great public concern.      The joint efforts of the Government and our people over the past decades have  produced good results in this area. There are currently 2.6 million residential units in Hong Kong, accommodating 2.35 million households. Of those, 730   000 households live in public rental housing (PRH)[香港有三分一人住公屋]and     380 000 in self-owned units acquired with government subsidies(曾蔭權在2010 年說有300000居屋業主, 董建華在2000年說有50000係公屋業主)[17%人係居/公屋業主]. In other words, almost half of the households in Hong Kong are benefiting from some form of housing subsidy by the Government. Of the 1.24 million households living in private properties, 870 000 are owner occupants.[私樓的有70%係業主; 全港嚟計,私樓業主佔37%] 

Taken together, nearly 85% of households live in PRH units, subsidised home ownership scheme flats or their own private properties. (全港有一半人住公屋/, 全港只有15%人係租私樓住!)(董建華1997年的「香港要有70%人係業主的目,2010, 仍只有54%人是私樓/居屋/公屋業主)

