2015年9月14日 星期一


On PRH, the committee will ensure an adequate supply of land to produce about 15 000 flats each year, thus maintaining an average waiting time of three years.

以上句子來自2010年曾蔭權的施政報告. 後半句用maintaining, 即分詞子句, 我已經談過. 但為何今次再談呢? 因為thus這個連接詞, 突出了子句與主句的關係,就係因果的關係.

另一來自相同施政報告的例句: To help owners and owners’ corporations (OCs) better understand their rights and responsibilities, we will embark on a series of initiatives including establishing a panel of advisors to provide owners involved in building management disputes with impartial and authoritative advice, organising training for office-bearers of OCs, and putting in place a platform for owners to share experience, thus promoting mutual help.

