2015年9月1日 星期二


He went to speak to Mrs. Bean. 
She was tiny among the pillows.
一個方法就是用adjective modifier,把形容Mrs Bean的形容詞以comma放係第一句之後:
He went to speak to Mrs. Bean, tiny among the pillows.
His business plan was a joke, little more than a childish dream. 
其實呢一種句子後的adjective有一個名俾佢,叫appositive adjectives, 因為呢種形容詞擺法好似apposition (同位語), 只係同位語通常係noun phrase. 

Donald is a good man, kind, strong, and helpful.
I still love to live in Hong Kong--open, free, and civilized.  
He went to university to study English literature, classical and modern.  
The birds, lovely and noisy, are my pets. 
留意,adjective也是free modifier的一種,所以可以出現句子的開頭、中間、或最尾:
The birds, lovely and noisy, are my pets. Lovely and noisy, the birds are my pets. The birds are my pets, lovely and noisy. 
"Melrose in his skullcap, sitting sideways in his chair, his cigarette held aloft, presented a profile which might have been that of some Venetian Doge, old, withered and crafty."(Mary Augusta Ward, The Mating of Lydia, 1913)

