2014年4月2日 星期三

Liberal studies not suitable as core subject

I refer to the article by Linda Yeung ("Core of the problem", March 3). I think that liberal studies should be an elective (rather than a core) subject in schools.
Secondary students are not familiar with the subject. Before it was introduced, they did general studies.
Many therefore have difficulty dealing with the questions that are asked in exams, even if they watch more news programmes and try to have a deeper understanding of current affairs.
Also, I do not think there are enough experienced liberal studies teachers in Hong Kong. Most of them have not had experience of teaching this kind of course and it shows. And they need to teach two subjects in schools. Some have been given very little time to acquire the skills needed to organise a course effectively.
This means they are of little help to 不太幫助到those students who are having difficulty getting to grips with the subject. 對掌握科目感到困難. [come/get to grips with sth 掌握]
I also feel that liberal studies is too subjective. Each teacher has his, or her, own views on a particular question on a topic.
This issue of subjectivity can cause problems when different teachers are marking answers in the Diploma of Secondary Education exam paper. It means that for the students, there is not really a level playing field.沒有一個公平的競爭環境.
Officials need to think carefully about whether it should be an elective or core subject.
Lisa Chung Lai-yan, Tiu Keng Leng

Liberal studies too subjective for core topic
I refer to the letter by Lisa Chung Lai-yan ("Liberal studies not suitable as core subject", March 8).
As a secondary student, I absolutely agree that liberal studies should be an elective subject rather than a core part of the curriculum in schools.
It is said practice makes perfect, but there are no standard answers in this subject. Students cannot be sure of high marks even if they practise tests a lot, since there are no model answers to offer guidance.
According to the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, only 7.8 per cent of candidates in 2013 could get level 5 or above, the lowest percentage among core subjects.
Liberal studies has been a core subject since 2009. I do not think the government has provided enough training for teachers of the subject.
There is no liberal studies degree, so at best 最多只是 they will have studied social sciences at university. Teachers cannot transfer their knowledge to students accurately if they lack training.
In the school-based assessment students are assessed by their teachers. The marks awarded count towards 計落their results in the Diploma of Secondary Education.

( count towards: to be part of what is needed to complete or achieve something:
The work that the students do during the year will count towards their final degrees.)
In liberal studies, the assessment is called independent enquiry study.
Students need to research a lot of material, which places a heavy burden 造成沉重壓力 on them, mentally and physically.

[ to study a subject in detailespecially in order to discover new information orreach a new understanding:
She's researching into possible cures for AIDS.Journalists were frantically researching the new prime minister's background, family, and interests.]
People have different points of view, making liberal studies subjective and difficult to mark exam papers fairly.

1. teachers have different points of view. subjective marking.
2. teachers lack training; no experience
3. heavy burden, particularly the independent enquiry study
4. easy to pass but difficult to get high marks ( only 7.8 per cent of candidates in 2013 could get level 5 or above)


news report:

Education Bureau puts liberal studies under the microscope

Educators are divided over 在教育界人士之間出現分歧 the effectiveness of liberal studies being taught as a mandatory subject(=core subject) in local secondary schools. Linda Yeung found students also had strong opinions on the subject

Terence Poon (above), a liberal studies teacher at De La Salle Secondary School, believes keeping the subject as a core one will broaden students' horizons. Photo: Edmond So

A jovial 愉快的 atmosphere prevailed in the classroom as groups of senior form students took on adult roles as directors of a company debating where they should set up a regional base - Hong Kong or Shanghai. In turn, they argued their case before the audience of fellow students acting as company shareholders.
The students appeared to enjoy the role play in the liberal studies class at De La Salle Secondary School.
Nobody would choose [liberal studies] if it were an elective subject
A core subject in the senior secondary curriculum launched in 2009, liberal studies is intended to broaden the mindsets of students and encourage them to put on their thinking caps. But it has remained controversial, being blamed for exacerbating the workload of both students and teachers.
Many have also cast doubt over its effectiveness in fostering critical thinking.
As part of a mid-term review of the new curriculum, the Education Bureau is seeking views from schools and other stakeholders on improving the subject's curriculum and assessment methods.
Students have griped about the extra work needed for the independent enquiry study (IES), an extensive research endeavour that includes a 1,500- to 4,000-word research essay for the school-based assessment of the subject. Some want liberal studies to be an elective, not a core subject.
"Nobody would choose it if it were an elective subject," says Betty Kui, a Form Six student. "Its content is too broad. The IES just made you exhausted. We were supposed to get individual guidance from teachers, but there was not enough time for them to discuss the projects with each student in class. Often I could not find them after school and I ended up doing it mostly on my own."
The bureau is due to make recommendations on refining the IES this July and on liberal studies by July next year.
Judging from responses so far, the IES will most likely be further simplified and the weighting in students' final grades reduced.
Lee Suet-ying, chairman of the Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools, notes the gap between the ability of students and the demands put on them by the research exercise.
"About half of the students at an average school cannot handle it. They have to formulate their own inquiry-based topic, research scope and research method," she says.
"What is being asked for is university level, not what a Form Four or Five student can handle."
But she does favour retaining the subject in the core curriculum as it exposes students to topical issues under the six prescribed預定的 modules: personal development and interpersonal relationships; Hong Kong today; modern China; globalisation; energy, technology and the environment; and public health.
"There is room to cultivate critical thinking. Students today pay more attention to newspaper reports. They all know about the Occupy Central movement, for example.
"No major [events] have happened since the subject was introduced so there is no good reason to go backwards."
Terence Poon Man-yiu, a liberal studies teacher at De La Salle Secondary School, agrees. "When I was in school, I did not know as much about current affairs as students today. Keeping it as a core subject helps broaden students' horizons and nurture students' critical thinking."
But views are split on how effective it is in achieving that goal. A liberal studies teacher who asked not to be named is highly sceptical, given the proliferation of courses and so-called star liberal studies tutors at tutorial schools.
"They teach model answers and it is easy for them to guess what topics are likely to be featured in the public exam. They are likely to be hot topics. Hong Kong is the only place in the whole world with this subject called LS."
He also questions the professionalism of those teaching the subject. The teachers come from various disciplines and often simply took up the subject at the request of their principal.
"You can be a geography or biology major. Not all are capable of leading discussions or research projects."
He thinks the subject should be an elective. "For students' well-being, they should be given the freedom to choose to take it or not."
Fifteen-year-old Joy Pamnani, who is studying at a local school, says many teachers make students follow a particular writing style or stick to model answers. "And most students do so because they are scared they will be penalised in terms of marks if they don't. This defeats the whole purpose of liberal studies. If we are learning to express our opinions, why should we follow model answers?"
Jessie Pang Yu-tung, a Form Six student, says many teachers and students focus more on acquiring the skills necessary to answer exam questions than on discussing current affairs. "It would be better if LS was more coursework-based than exam-based."
Poon maintains there are no model answers and students are simply expected to provide reasoning for their answers.
To ensure fairness, examiner meetings are held before the grading of the papers in schools and by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education examination.
"Students need to show they have a clear stance on an issue. Those who only memorise views will not get a good grade."
Poon says teachers without a social science background can gain an understanding of various issues by taking part in joint lesson preparations.
Tsang Sui-ming, a liberal studies teacher and spokesman for the Education Concern Group, supports a review of the subject to explore how best to develop civic-mindedness and independent thinking in students.
"It serves the important value of developing civic qualities which are indispensable for democracies," Tsang says.
"Civic education is weak here and students tend to know little about the outside world. But the scope of the subject can be narrowed down. An unhealthy aspect of our education system is that it is examination-oriented and drillings are common. We can explore whether liberal studies has to be exam-based," he says.
One possibility, he suggests, is to model it on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme where students submit an essay on a topic before graduation.
Together with liberal studies, one goal of the new senior secondary curriculum is to broaden students' knowledge base. Whether that is happening is also being studied by the bureau. With an emphasis on core subjects, the response may be negative.
"We can't say their learning scope is broadened when most students take two electives on top of four core subjects.
"Schools need to make sure they get good results in the core subjects for the purpose of university admission as universities give limited recognition to students' other learning experiences," says principal Lee.

Link: http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/family-education/article/1437231/education-bureau-puts-liberal-studies-under-microscope

arguments for LS
1. broaden horizons
2. cultivate critical thinking
3. exposes students to topical issues under the six prescribed預定的 modules
4. developing civic qualities which are indispensable for democracies

