2014年4月3日 星期四


hardly...when, hardly...before, hardly...than?
你該說 "hardly...when","hardly...before" 還是 "hardly...than" 呢?
hardly, barely 和 scarcely 有時被用來表示一件事緊接另一件事之後發生,即「剛剛...就」的意思。但你是說 -- 舉例而言 -- "He had hardly sat down when the phone ran.","He had hardly sat down before the phone rang." 還是 "He had hardly sat downthan the phone rang." 呢?(他剛剛坐下,電話就響了。)
  • He had hardly settled into his office when Irana came in. (小說)
  • Carter had hardly left Teheran before demonstrations began in the holy city of Qom. (一本有關伊朗的書籍)
  • Hardly had Mr Gorbachov stopped speaking than he was faced with a dramatic new challenge to his position. (電台報導)
傳統的論點是,在這類句子中應該使用 when 或 beforethan 被視為不正確。
在英國一本著名的字典中,"when" 出現在 "hardly", "barely", 或 "scarcely" 之後的次數是212次,"before" 130次,"than" 54次。"than" 幾乎都是出現在副詞挪到最前面,其後緊接著助動詞的倒裝句中 (例如:"Hardly had he sat down than the phone rang.")。
你可以在"hardly", "barely", 或 "scarcely" 之後使用 when 或 before 來表示一件事緊接另一件事之後發生:
  • He had hardly settled into his new job when he got the sack due to cutbacks. (雜誌的文章)
  • He had hardly settled in Cardiff before he was called to Rome to take part in the Second Vatican Council. (訃聞)
  • Barely had I set foot in the street when I realised I was lost. (短篇小說)
  • Barely had he disappeared down the tunnel before his side drew level. (足球比賽的報導)
  • I'd scarcely had time to have the glass replaced when someone broke in again.(報紙的文章)
  • She had scarcely got downstairs before she heard the smash of glass and the clang of a bucket falling. (小說)  
你也可以在 "hardly", "barely", 或 "scarcely" 的後面使用than,倘若你將其中一個副詞 置於句首,其後接助動詞再接主詞:

  • Hardly had this process got under way than everything was changed. (雜誌的文章)
  • Barely had his parachute opened than the plane exploded into a ball of fire. (報紙的文章)
  • Scarcely had I arrived in the capital than my hopes received a boost. (報紙的文章)

