2014年4月6日 星期日


u           Example 1:

One day, you read an advertisement for a newly opened fitness club, Burn Fat Gym, in a magazine. It said the club was the largest fitness centre in Hong Kong, and had first-class equipment and professional trainers. You were eager to slim down so you joined the club the next day. During your first visit, however, you found that the club was not spacious, the facilities were poor, and the trainers were neither professional nor helpful.

Now write a letter of complaint to the editor of a local newspaper. Sign your name Chris Wong. Do not write any address.

Sample letter:

Dear editor,

I am writing to complain about Burn Fat Gym. I joined the club because of its advertisement on a magazine, saying it was the largest fitness centre in Hong Kong with first-class facilities and professional trainers. Last week, when I visited the club, however, I was extremely disappointed to find that it did not live up to its promises.

First, the centre was not as spacious as I had expected. It was only about the size of half of a basketball court. To the best of my knowledge, its size was not even comparable to that of mid-scale fitness centres in Hong Kong. The lack of space resulted in serious overcrowding and I ended up wasting most of my time waiting in line for the facilities.

Equally disappointing was the facilities. Instead of being first-class, they were poor and inadequate. Some basic fitness facilities such as treadmills and rowing machines were not found in the gym. There were only five cycling machines, which were all occupied at that time, a few rusty dumbbells and some filthy yoga mats scattered on the floor.

My last complaint concerns the professional trainers. When I consulted one of the trainers about how to train my muscles with the dumbbells, he told me bluntly that I was overweight and lifting weights would not help. He then recommended I should join a fitness programmer which cost over $10,000. When I said I needed time to think about it, he scorned me and turned away. I felt deeply humiliated.

I hope the club would stop placing misleading advertisement and take immediate actions to improve the situation.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

u           Example 2

You had bought a white leather handbag from a famous chain store. After using it for 2 months, it was torn and you took the bag to the store for free repairing while it was still under warranty. You were told that the bag would be repaired after a month, but you still couldnt get it back after two months. You went back to the shop, and found that the bag was finally sent back, but without any repair. Besides, you are also totally dissatisfied with the false promise of the staff who claimed to call you back when there was any news about the bag.

Write a letter of complaint to the Sales Manager of the chain store to make complaints on the case. Sign your letter Mary Lam. Dont write any address.

Sample letter:

Dear Sir,

I am writing to complain about the poor standard of services of your company. I took a white leather bag to your store for repair but I still cannot get it back after 2 months.

The first thing that concerns me is the poor quality of your product. I have never expected that a leather bag would be torn after merely 2 months of normal everyday uses. It is totally contradictory to what I heard from your staff about the good quality and durability of the products of your company.

Another thing that I would like to complain is the poor follow-up contact of your retail store staff with your customers. I am totally clueless on why your staff would claim to call me for any news about the bag if they had no intention to do so. I feel I was cheated, and my precious time wasted.

My final complaint is about the poor coordination between your retail store and the factory. I am totally puzzled why my bag was sent back to the retail store without any repairing. I would have considered not to have it repaired if I had known that it would taken such a long time.

I have totally lost confidence in your company. I insist that you look into the matter and give me an apology. Besides, I demand that you repair and return my leather bag as soon as possible, or refund me for what I have paid if the bag can no longer be repaired.

Please do take actions and respond to my complaints. Otherwise, I cannot but take this matter to the Consumer Council. Thank you for your attention.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong

Other ways to start a complaint letter:
u           I would like to draw your attention to....
u           I am writing to express my dissatisfaction at....

The beginning sentences for the Body:
u           My first complaint is...
u           Another thing that concernes me is...
u           The final thing that makes me dissatisfied is...

Ending for the complaint letter:
u           I would like you to refund the full price that I paid...
u           I demand that you replace a new one to me....
u           If you don't do so, I shall take this matter to the Consumer Council....
u           Unless you give me an explanation for the matter, I shall write a letter about this to the newspaper.

