2014年4月6日 星期日


題目: say whether you agree or disagree with the following:

People do not need to travel to other places. They can stay on the Internet and on TV from their own home.
 (400 words)

As the proverb goes, "He that travels far knows much". Even though we can have access to different kinds of information on the Internet and television with no geographical limit, travelling around the world still has its merits.

Despite the invention of the Internet and TV, people still need to travel to see other places because the impression will be far more long-lasting. Do you still remember the content of the TV programmes you watched last week? I bet your answer will be “no” because every day we received loads of information which exceeds our learning capacity. Yet, you might still remember your journeys to other countries a few years ago. That proves experience gained through travels is usually more impressive than knowledge acquired from the TV or the Internet.

Secondly, travelling contains other benefits that cannot be found just by seeing the world on the Internet and TV. For example, you might be able to make new friends of diverse backgrounds and cultures during your trip. Through having conversations with the local people, you might become more capable of conveying messages in languages other than your mother tongue. You can broaden your horizons by “feeling” how enormous the world is compared to your homeland. Learning can be done with the aid of new technology but should never be confined to that.

Last but not least, neither can the Internet nor the TV include all details and every aspect of a place, let alone all corners of the globe. Those “selected scenes” or information produced by others are only a tiny part of the region. There are often more for you to discover. And even if two people pay a visit to the same spot, they may have different yields (收獲). Instead of obtaining information passively, why not take the initiative to explore by yourself? And if no one is going to travel, who will be the one to spread information on the Internet?

In conclusion, travelling around and surfing the Internet are both ways to learn about the world. Yet, we should bear in mind that they are not substitutes but more like complements.

