2014年4月6日 星期日



(每part最高6分,共四part: content, language, organisation, genre.最高24分)

1.關於 marking scheme


-interesting article. Fulfils tasks completely. Imaginative anecdote. (6)

-variety of points well developed. Relaying personal experience. But lacks real interest/ humor of magazine article (5)

-fulfils tasks. Clear premise established. Ends clearly. Lack real interest/humor for magazine(5)

-fulfils tasks-personal experience leading to conclusion-lacks in real interest/humor of mag article (4)

-variety of points well-developed. All relevant except 2nd last para. (5)

-limited no. of points-partially developed.generally relevant but just of good points-no real personal change. (3)

-irrelevant para. There are ideas in ..but limited and not related to personal change. (2)

-premise of tasks set up by coping prompt. (2)

-difficult to judge. (1)

-inadequate but have 2 or 3 very rudimentary prompts, therefore more than 0. (1)

-grammatical errors, but slips. Impressive control of wide variety of structures and phrases. Use of vocab for deliberate effect. (6)

-some sophisticated lexis(). Some repetition. One sentence difficult to understand. (5)

-good use of phrases, but quite frequent errors(4)

-quite frequent errors-switch in tenses affects understanding. Good vocab but not really sophisticated to get five. (4)

-quite frequent errors, but at no point affecting understanding. Vocab tends to be used accurately. (4)

-struggle to make sense of most sentences. V. frequent errors, occasionally good phrase. (3)

-extremely simple repetitive structures, frequent errors but don’t’ affect understanding. Vocab simple. (2)

-even simple sentences have errors very often affecting understanding. Occasional good vocab. (2)

-language severely hamper understanding but occasional easily understandable part, so not 0. (1)

-a series of phrases. No real evidence of ability to construct sentence. (0)

-overall structure excellent. Additional coda(結尾). Good use of reference nouns and demonstratives. (6)

-overall structure clear. Some good communicate use, but repetitive. Faulty pronoun. (4)

-overall structure good. Some faulty connectives. (4)

-good intro- set up premise. Overall clear chronological structure. Paragraph 5 a bit illogical. Text unfinished. (4)

-discernable paras: intro, body and conclusion. Attempts at topic sentences. Limited connectives used. (3)

-heading generally helps but last one faculty. There is intro and conclusion. Within paras like unconnected sentences. (2)

-intro but vague. Limited use of connectives. (2)

-there are 3 paras. Attempts of connectives. Within para very difficult to understand connectives between sentences. (1)

-a series of notice-like phrases.(0)

-read like article. Tone informal. Reference to audience and to self. Use of hyperpole (誇張手法) (6)

-strong personal account, but no real indication that this is more an essay than an article (4)

-Reasonably convincing. Direct reference to readers. Interactional, but sometimes inappropriate. (5)

-some seen mga feature-including reference to ……(4)

-overall str. and paras. Clear-though rather simplistic. Some good connectives, other cohesion faulty. (4)

-quite personal. But little evidence of candidates doing anything more than normal essay. (3)

-no real awareness of audience. Though use of headings appropriate. (2)

-no awareness of audience or text type. But rest reads like article more than letter, so 1 or 0. (1)

-no real attempt to create mag article. But does establish role, so not 0. (1)

-no discernable features or audience awareness for us to understand. (0)

2. 關於改卷進度

大致上, 1小時可改到20有時快,可改到30但多過30準確度會低些.

3. Good vocab

-affiliate themselves with  (
-unfortunate never comes singly
-a range of
-out of blue
-in retrospect
-all too (used before an adjective or adverb to emphasize a negative meaning
e.g. The holidays flew by all too quickly. )
-embark on (start sth new)
-call a spade a spade (to say the truth about something, even if it is not polite or pleasant )
-permeate (e.g. Dissatisfaction with the government seems to have permeated every section of society. )
-in hope of
-there is no exaggeration to say …
-ubiquitous (seeming to be in all places)
-irrespective of (without considering; not needing to allow for)
-by and large (when everything about a situation is considered together
e.g. There are a few small things that I don't like about my job, but by and large it's very enjoyable. )
-keep abreast of (to make sure you know all the most recent facts about a subject or situation e.g. I try to keep abreast of any developments.)
-worse still 更糟糕的是
-heighten (to increase or make something increase, especially an emotion or effect
-to name a few=for example
-formidable 可怕的 (a formidable task)
-to my despair
-mesmerize (to have someone's attention completely so that they cannot think of anything else )

4. Common grammar mistakes

-we no need to X (we need not/do not need to)
-feel boring X(feel bored)
-discuss aboutX (discuss)
-it was trouble X(it was troublesome)
-feel exciting X ( feel excited)
-give up to buy X (give up buying)
- I won’t late X ( I won’t be late)

5. common spelling mistakes

-image X(imagine )
-nowaday/ now a days X(nowadays)
-I thing that X (I think that)
-sizes X (sides)
-fine X (fine)
-loss e.g I loss a mobile phone. X(lose)
-vedio X (video)
-frist X (first)
-cheat X (chat)
-surface X( surfing)
-contect X (contact)
-convenience X (convenient)
-text X (test)

-readed X (read)

