2016年8月12日 星期五

problem and solution句式系列5/中譯英10大技巧系列9;關於努力/推行措施的目的-用形容詞/被動動詞


1. 冀能貢獻=to be constructively engaged in..

e.g. 逾半個世紀以來,文學院適時審視其使命和願景,冀能貢獻社會以至世界。

 In the course of its over half a century of service, the Faculty has periodically examined its mission and vision, to be constructively engaged in the community and the world. 

2. 有利於=facilitative to

e.g. 本院幼稚園關心幼兒的健康成長,讓兒童擁有溫馨愉快的童年生活,發展在語言、數學、音樂、美術、體能、情緒及社交等各方面的多元智能。

Development programmes facilitative to their language, mathematics, music, arts, physical, emotional and social growth are conducted.

3. 有利於=conductive to

e.g. 以啟發及引導為出發點,配合「方案教學」、「全語文教學」、「繪本教學」及「大圖書計劃」等教學模式,培養兒童主動學習的興趣及能力。

Various teaching and learning strategies, including project approach, whole language teaching, picture book scheme and big book approach, which are conducive to children’s learning motivation and interest are used in the classroom.

