2015年12月8日 星期二

10個S.2應識的文法筆記及練習1: reported speech

Part A: Reported Statements

1.      Tenses
è Take ONE step back on the time line.
am à was
        is à was
        are à             
        was à had been
        were à              
        has been à               
        have been à              

(is doing à                              doing)
(am doing à                          doing)
(was doing à                                         doing)
(were doing à                                       doing)
will à would (applicable to all modal verbs)
would à would (applicable to all modal verbs)

2.      Pronouns
è For the information in the direct speech, change the perspective from the 1st person to the 3rd person.

E.g.         ‘ I don’t have an iPhone,’ Jenny told Macy.
à Jenny told Macy that she didn’t have an iPhone.

*If the speaker is “I” in the direct speech, we DON’T change the pronoun “I”.
E.g. ‘I have made a mistake,’ I told James.
        à I told James that I had made a mistake.

3.      Expressions of Time and Place
Direct Speech
Reported Speech
the day before yesterday
last Monday
next week

then/at the time
6.                day
that night
the next/following day
the day before/the previous day
two days 7.          /two days earlier
the previous Monday
the following week

8.      Reporting verbs

(i)                 said (that clause), told (sb. + that clause)

e.g. They said that they were hardworking enough.
e.g. She told me that she was overweight.

(ii)               ordered, advised, agreed, reminded, offered, warned, invited (sb. to do…) 

        e.g. My boss invited us to have a business trip with him.

(iii)             suggested (gerund/that clause)

e.g. She suggested going to the beach the following Sunday.

Task 1
Rewrite these sentences in reported speech. The first one has been done for you.

1.      ‘I’m tired,’ Fred told me.
2.      ‘My brother hasn’t finished the book,’ she said.
3.      ‘Mr. Lee is going to retire soon,’ Frank told me.
4.      ‘My uncle can’t speak Cantonese very well,’ Bruce said.
5.      ‘I will work harder,’ I promised my parents.
6.      ‘John’s brother has been looking for a job for months,’ Ann told me.
7.      ‘I met Ann at the supermarket yesterday,’ I told my brother.
8.      ‘Kate didn’t visit her grandparents last Sunday,’ Kate’s cousin told me.
9.      ‘My brother is learning to swim,’ I told Janet.
10.  ‘I’m going shopping with my mother this evening,’ Lily said to me.
11.  ‘We’ll be happy to work with you,’ Mike said to Linda.
12.  ‘Betty’s sister is coming to Hong Kong next month,’ Fred told me.

Task 2
Read the direct speech and then fill in the blank in the reported speech with a suitable reporting verb provided in the table below. The fist one has been done for you.

refused       asked       offered       warned       advised
  reminded         invited       told        suggested         invited    

1.      Grandma to me: ‘Please give me my glasses.’
Grandma asked me to give her her glasses.

2.      Mr. Lee to his son: ‘Get down from that tree.’
Mr. Lee                     his son to get down from the tree.

3.      Sue to Tom: ‘I won’t let you copy my homework.’
Sue                                   to let Tom copy her homework

4.      Paul: ‘I won’t tell anyone.’
Paul                          not to tell anyone.

5.      Mrs. Lee to her son: ‘Don’t open the door to strangers.’
Mrs. Lee                                  her son not to open the door to strangers.
6.      Brian: ‘Let’s have something to drink.’
Brian                                that we have something to drink.

7.      Mrs. Chan to her guest: ‘I’ll take your coat.’
Mrs. Chan                                to take her guest’s coat.

8.      Jack to his brother: ‘Don’t play with the knife.’
Jack                          his brother not to play with the knife.

9.      Mrs. Lee to her husband: ‘Don’t forget to buy some bread on your way home.’
Mrs. Lee                                   her husband to buy some bread on his way home.

10.  Sally to her brother: ‘You’d better set your alarm clock before going to bed.’
Sally                                  her brother to set his alarm clock before going to bed.

11.  Ken to Ann: ‘Can I borrow your novel?’
Ken                         Ann if he could borrow her novel.

12.  Jane to David: ‘Come and have dinner with us tonight.’
Jane                          David to have dinner with them that night.

Part B: Reported Questions

(I)                 Wh-questions
l  Keep the question word (Wh-)
l  Use the reporting verb ‘asked’
l  The word order becomes subject + verb

E.g. ‘Who smoked in my room today?’ she asked.
        à She asked who had smoked in her room that day.

(II)               Yes/No questions
l   Add the word ‘if’ after the reporting verb.

E.g. ‘Did you see my brother at the party last night?’ he asked her.
        à He asked her if she had seen his brother at the party the night before.

Task 3
Change these into reported questions.

1.      John to Mary: ‘Where is your 3G phone?’
2.      Fred to Clara: ‘When are you going to Shenzhen?’
3.      Sandy to Mike: ‘Which car is yours?’
4.      Peggy to Andy: ‘How is your sister?’
5.      Ann to Ted: ‘How much did your new sneakers cost?’
6.      Susan to me: ‘Have you seen Paul today?’
7.      My mother to Jessie: ‘Have you made your bed?’
8.      Lily to me: ‘Were you at Sandy’s party last night?’
9.      Jack to Marilyn: ‘Do you have Helen’s mobile phone number?’
10.  Robert to Nancy: ‘Is this glass of milk yours?’

