2014年4月6日 星期日


Since its reunification with the Mainland, Hong Kong has faced with many setbacks in its economy.

causes: China's entry to the World Trade Organisation has provided a wide range of challenges and opportunities that lie ahead of Hong Kong.

We should really consolidate our strengths and take full advantage of our strategic location with the Mainland. to excel in the new economy.

Tourism has always been the mainstay of the economy of Hong Kong.

result 1: Following the reform and the opening up in the Mainland, more and more of our compatriots are able to afford to travel abroad.

Hong Kong hosts a lot of tourist attractions that can generate significant revenue for our domestic economy.

We should really tap into these resources and promote more leisure tours for the betterment of our economy.

Treatments such as acupuncture and qichong has received wide acceptance and acclaim among many circles.

2nd result: Hong Kong being a gateway and a springboard to this gigantic economy, ...

Thanks to our cultural and language compatibilities,  we certainly have more advantages over our western competitors to capitalise in on the Mainland market.

countries need to develop their comparative advantages to the fullest extent.

conclusion: We should work hand in hand to come up with innovative ways to create a win-win situation for both regions.

