2014年4月6日 星期日


outline the problem: the economic downturn has plagued the territory since the Asian Financial Crisis.

the territory has experienced one of the severest downturns in history.

unemployment rate has reached record high.

In terms of..., the road before us seems to be as tough as ever.

solution 1: In terms of macro economic means, the government can lower the interest rate.

...in turn will trigger more spending and investment.

...on the one hand, and ..on the other.

When this extra income translates into consumption and investment, there certainly will be more jobs created.

2nd solution: While macro-economic means are important incentives to revitalise our economy, we also need to train a workforce that caters to the new economy.

In order to help new graduates to locate jobs, ...

carrying a good interview,...

conclusion: I am confident we can weather the current economic doldrums and arrive at a brighter future.

