2014年4月3日 星期四


在剛過去的中七mock exam出了一條題目,係問現在氣候轉變問題惡劣, 請討論問題的迫切性和建議政府約能的措施. 是否中七學生始終視野較窄呢?

問題: Climate change is a global issue that poses a great threat to life on Earth. A lot of organizations have paid great effort to persuade people in different cities to save energy. For example, the World Wide Fund has organized a campaign the participatory cities of which need to switch off the lights for an hour in one day. Write a letter to the editor of Hong Kong Post discussing the urgency of climate change and suggest measures the government can take to conserve energy.

他們提議的措拖很個人, 例如叫公務員用少點冷氣, 政府在電視宣傳用少點電的信息. 只有一兩個同學提出去立訂限制車輛數目, 立例限制廢氣排放, 或要開燈的大廈繳多點稅. 是否他們不懂英語的表達呢?我認為又不是. 是腦筋的部份. 中七學生未有那種成熟度去了解社會的運作.

在寫不到制定政策等意見的學生作文上, 我寫道:

"The main role of the government is to introduce legislation and ensure the enforcement of the law." (政府的主要工作是提交法案及確保法律的執行.)                                                                              

