2014年4月3日 星期四


With a view to/ In the hope of/ For the sake of (為了的緣故)

e.g. In the hope of raising the public awareness of the poor living quality of the poor families, TVB invited celebrities to show the viewers the plight of the underprivileged.

These measures have been taken with a view to increasing [gerund] the company's profits.

In an attempt to/ in an effort to / in a bid to (為了而嘗試/而努力/而試圖)

e.g In an attempt to make thousands of health products disappearing off the shelves, a food-labelling regulation is designed.

In a bid to rebuild the affected areas of the earthquake, we should keep making donatin.

In response to/ In light to/in the light of/ in view of (有見及此)

e.g. In light to peoples excessive use of plastic bags and packaging, everyone must play a part to reduce unnecessary waste. For example, we may make some effort by bringing our own shopping bags and take an initiative in refusing plastic bags from shopkeepers.

In view of the prevalence of violent and obscene materials in the internet, both teachers and parents should devise ways to ensure childrens safety when surfing the internet.

to .., ...

e.g To help save energy, you can also use the stairs instead of the lift. 

In order to...

e.g. In order to save energy, you can use the stairs instead of the lift. 

