2014年4月6日 星期日



The Principal of your school wants students to help protect the environment by reducing the amount of waste at school. You are Hugh Cheung, the President of the Environmental Protection Club. Write a proposal of about 250 words to the Principal recommending ways to cut the amount of rubbish produced at school.

Dear Principal,

A Proposal on Ways to Cut Waste at School

Our Environmental Protection Club is very much concerned about saving the Earth. To achieve this, we would like to recommend two things students may do to reduce the amount of rubbish produced at school.

1.        Conserving Paper

The first step to cut waste is to conserve paper of all kinds. For example, students should use both side of writing paper and use it only when necessaryBesideswe suggest a tray be placed in each classroom for accumulating one-sided paper. Instead of using new paper, students should make good use of the single-sides paper for note-taking or other informal purposes. Apart from saving writing paper, we recommend that students should also conserve toilet paper. This can be done by using hand dryer instead of paper towels after washing their hands.

2.        Using Reusable Food and Drink Containers

Another way to reduce waste is to ask students to avoid non-recyclable food and drink containers. We suggest students bring water in reusable bottle from home rather than buying bottled drinks at school every day. The same can be done for lunch boxes. Students should consider bringing their own lunch boxes and choose dine-in if they go out for lunch, instead of having take-away in paper and non-reusable containers.

Thank you very much for your attention and I hope you can take my proposal into consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Hugh Cheung
The President
Environment Protection Club


Other ways to give suggestions
l           I propose subject+bare infinitive
l           I recommend ..
l           I suggest
l           It would be sensible/ beneficial/ advantageous to . / if  past tense

l           Subject + should consider gerund

