2016年6月17日 星期五

10大老師面試熱門問題5: 如何處理補底班

1. 工作量:Time gained as a result of reduced marking load due to smaller class size should be devoted to the preparation of lessons, the development of remedial teaching materials and co-ordination with teachers of the mainstream classes.

2. 如何選學生:The selection of students for Remedial Teaching should be determined by individual schools based on one or more of the following:

a. Screening test
Teachers can design their own screening tests with close reference to the primary English syllabus or textbooks. Alternatively, they can make use of the Attainment Tests produced by the Educational
Research Section.

b. Internal test/examination results
These are useful particularly when Remedial Teaching is also provided at S2 or above levels.

c. Teachers’ recommendations
Through observation in class, teachers are able to provide additional information which is otherwise not reflected in test or examination scores.

3. 教師的特徵:

The remedial class teacher should preferably be one with subject expertise and experience. She should be able to give a good model of English to her students and inspire their interest in the language.

She also needs to be patient and sympathetic. She should adopt a warm, friendly attitude towards her students to gain their confidence. Very often,students who are weak in English and who feel that they cannot cope will end up disliking or dreading the subject. It is important that the remedial class teacher can understand this and help them overcome their fears through constant encouragement.

4. 運作方式

a. Streaming
Students are streamed according to their aggregate scores in either the 3 basic subjects (Chinese, English and Mathematics) or all the subjects. The weakest are then divided into groups for remedial lessons.

b. Split Class
Some classes are split into two halves according to their ability in English. The half with lower ability are to receive remedial lessons while the higher ability half join their counterparts in another class 
to form one mainstream class

c. Withdrawal
This includes Setting and Partial Withdrawal 
i. Setting --- Students with lower ability in English from each class are withdrawn to form remedial groups. 
ii. Partial Withdrawal --- This arrangement is the same as Setting, except that weaker students are withdrawn from their regular classes for some of the lessons only.

d. Additional Lessons
Small groups of students attend remedial lessons outside their normal school hours.

5. 地點:Remedial groups can be accommodated in vacant classrooms when students are having their lessons in other parts of the school, in partitioned corners of the assembly hall or covered playground, in special rooms or any other vacant rooms as available

6. 調適策略i: change the question type. e.g. in teaching reading comprehension

The original reading comprehension exercise requires 
students to supply the missing words in a short dialogue.
This is difficult for weak students as the task involves both
receptive skills (comprehension) and productive skills
(completing sentences).

The modified exercise simplifies the task by asking students
to decide whether some statements are true or false.

Students also need to write down the relevant line number(s)
to justify their answers.

7. 調適策略ii: Introducing smaller steps to bridge gaps in students’
knowledge by pair work 

e.g. The exercise required students to talk about the names, locations and possible activities of some local spots by simply looking at the given photographs. It pre-supposes that students have knowledge of the places in question as well as the language required to complete the task. The modified version provides
variety in practice through a series of graded exercises.

pair work:

You can ask and answer questions like this:

Q. What is it in Picture __________________________________________________ ?
A. It is the __________________________________________________.

Low Wu Terminal (8)
Ocean Terminal (9)
Central MTR Station ( )
Space Museum ( )
Ocean Park ( )
Tsimshatsui Star Ferry Pier ( )
Hong Kong International Airport ( )
City Hall ( )
Peak Tower ( )


Study the table on your own worksheet. Some information on what we can see or do in these places is provided but some details are missing.

Work with your partner to complete the table.

You can ask questions like these :

Q. What can we see at the ___________ ? A. We can see ________________ there.

Q. What can we do at the ___________ ? A. We can ___________________ there.

Do not look at your partner’s worksheet!
(The same set of instructions will appear on Worksheets A and B).

8. 調適策略iii: shortening

e.g. For very weak students, help them listen to only the first three paragraphs on the tape rather than the whole recording.

This caters for the ability of really weak students.

