2016年4月26日 星期二

英文應用文系列2: 寫EMAIL給教授要求推薦信10步曲


1. subject line應為Recommendation for Damon Wong

2. 稱呼: Dear Dr. Lee. 如何好熟,可用first name.

3. 第一段寫目的:"I am writing to ask if you would be willing to write a letter of recommendation for me."

4. 跟住你可以介紹自己,例如:My name is Damon Wong. 講吓自己上過佢咩堂: I took your Major Ideas in Western Literature...幾時畢業:and subsequently graduated BA in 2011. 講為何要推薦信:I require a recommendation for my application to work at the renowned museum. The recommendation is due on ....

5. 第二段提供理由給導師為何佢要推薦你,可以讚下自己: I believe that you're aware through our conservations and my partipcation in your course that I am dedicated to the field of .... I have completed my degree in ..as of ...this year. I was also able to intern at the museum under Dr. Marcus Brody, whom I believe you know.I also have extensive experience in cataloging items gained through my internship. 

6.或者講下導師如何影響你:I had not considered going into research until I took your Native American archaeology class. That motivated me to do a summer field program and now I'm excited about the possibility of doing research after grad school." 

7. 最後提供導師俾推薦信的方法,可能係私下填表及寄回:"I'll drop off the form and a stamped, addressed envelope in your faculty mailbox this week. I'll also send you an email reminder a week before the recommendation is due. Thanks again." 

8. 或者係直接俾封信你:"I need to submit the letter of recommendation by August 3rd. If you're willing to write me a recommendation letter, please let me know and I'd be happy to come by your office any time to pick it up."

9. 最後多謝導師:"Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. I also wanted to extend an additional thank you for the time I spent under your instruction. I really enjoyed your course, and I can't express how much I've taken away from Archaeology 101."

10. 若導師幫咗你,記得同佢講及再次多謝佢:Thank you again for the time you spent writing for my letter of recommendation, I would like to let you know that I was successful in securing the position. 

