2014年4月2日 星期三

徒勞無功, 做SHOW, 達到個人目標


Confrontation with Beijing is simply futile 徒勞無功
I am worried about how young people in Hong Kong and Taiwan are reacting to the stress caused by tougher competition from a rising mainland China.
Some of them take to the streets. It seems they want to protest against anything related to the mainland, instead of trying to take advantage of the opportunities that are now available to them.
Radical politicians and elements of the media do not help matters. In fact they try and take advantage of these protests to pursue their own agenda. 佢認為反對派係利用這些示威來達到個人目標. 
A rising China means that we should be trying to connect and do more business with the mainland.
At the same time as recognising the importance of China and Putonghua globally, Hongkongers still need to stand firm in defence of our core values such as freedom of speech and respect for law and order.
As for the development of democracy, Asia, including Hong Kong, is still on a learning curve. If a radical, confrontational stand is taken on this when talking to Beijing, will we achieve the end result we wish for?
Would it not be better for everyone, including our politicians, to seek to keep the lines of communication open in an attempt to reach a consensus? Surely that is better than grandstanding in front of the cameras? 即做SHOW.
What we need from Beijing is an assurance that it will respect and honour its commitments enshrined in "one country, two systems".
We need our local leaders and the media to be positive and objective when dealing with the mainland.
Some sections of the media and politicians have failed to recognise the importance of objectivity which is why we have a divided Hong Kong.
I do not want to see our younger generation inheriting a city that has been damaged by current political strife.
Can we blame business leaders such as Li Ka-shing for choosing to invest some of their money elsewhere?
We have to accept that we are now part of China, the home of the ancestors of 98 per cent of Hong Kong's population.
We must learn the lessons of history and not allow second-rate politicians, who call themselves democrats, to lead us down a destructive path.
S. Yam, North Point

呢條友想做奴婢。原因:1. China is rising 2. The political party has their own agenda. 

