2014年4月6日 星期日


教中四作文. 一班完全唔識英文的人去作文. 題目係environmental protection. 預計會考/文憑試會出的大路問題係有什麼環保問題和什麼解決辦法。我叫了他們背五個problems和五個ways to reduce pollution.


1. The air is being polluted by smoke and gases.
2. Fish stocks are being reduced by over-fishing.
3. Seas and oceans are being contaminated by oil spills.
4. Forests are being wiped out by deforestation.
5. Crops are being destroyed by frequent flooding.

只有咁樣當然會低分,無elaboration,無examples. 但好過一個字都寫唔出。至少有些內容。 

如何去記呢?你可以記天氣一個污染, 海水兩個污染, 和陸地兩個污染.


1. Whenever you leave the classroom, remember to turn off the lights.
2. To help save energy, you can also use the stairs instead of the lift. Besides, walking the stairs is good exercise.
3. Some of your rubbish such as empty plastic bottles and cans can be recycled into useful materials so put them in the recycling bins.
4. Also, develop the habit of writing on both sides of paper- you can save many trees by doing this.
5. In addition, learn to save water. Always turn off the tap completely after using it.

呢5句唔係唔易背. 內容上, 可以記慳電X2, 循環再用X1,慳紙, 和慳水. 難在句型. 這5句主要是imperatives,即命令句子. 但第1 句是complex sentence, 第2句不是,但作者加上一些連接詞,如'to help save energy", 和besides. 第三句係complex sentence, 因為後面有so; 第四句係simple sentence,但加了連接詞also,和 by doing this. 最後一句有simple sentence, 只係有in addition 作連接詞, 也有complex sentence,用after using it作independent clause.

