2014年4月5日 星期六


introduction: Every four years, people from all corners of the globe are mesmerised by the Word Cup Soccer.

it is so prevalent in hk that there has been a wide discussion on the controversial issue of whether soccer gambling should be legalised.

stance: it should be legalised. 

counter argument: gambling corrupts the mind and ruins families/

                             should not be encouraged and legalised

                            no matter what form of gambling it is, it may jeopardize the financial well-being of a person and his family.

We have already heard enough family tragedies on the news from the addiction of gambling.

refutation: impossible to eradicate all sorts of gambling

people supporting soccer gambling maintain that gambling in moderation adds excitement in life and provides a channel to ease the pressure of hectic lifestyle.

the most important thing is to help pp not to carry it to the extreme instead of banning it altogether.

2nd argument:  ten of millions of dollars from the proceeds of horse race gambling goes into charities every year.

3rd argument: an additional argu in favor of legalizing soccer gambling is that it can prevent the involvement of triad bookies in soccer gambling.

spawn illegal gambling activities controlled by the underworld.

instead of letting the activity fall into the hands of the triads, the gov should legalize it so as to minimize organised crimes that may engender from the lucrative business of soccer gambling.

conclusion:  putting soccer gambling in a legal framework will be a more sensible way of dealing with the necessary evil and minimizing its detrimental effects.

