a. ....培養....=nurture
例: 一直以來, 政府致力培養學生以粵語、普通話及英語有效溝通的能力.
All along, the Government is committed to nurturing students' ability to communicate effectively in English, Cantonese, and Putonghua.
b. ..提高...=enhance
The ..., aims at enhancing student's abilities in oracy, literacy, thinking, appreaciation and independent language learning,
c. ...提供機會...=provide sb with opportunties
例: 香港中小學的英國語文課程旨在發展學生的英語能力,以英語作媒介,提供機會給他們發展個人潛能和智力、認識和接觸不同族裔的文化、
The English Language curriculum at primary and secondary levels aims to develop students' English proficiency, provide them with opportunities for personal and intellectual development, further studies, pleasure and work as well as opportunities for extending their knowledge and experience of the cultures of other people in the English medium;
d. ..讓學生掌握..=enable sb to master…
The objective of the Putonghua subject offered from P1 to S3 is to enable Hong Kong students to master the common spoken language of the Han nationality,
e. ...裝備...(讓學生具備)=equip sb with..
The objective of the Putonghua subject offered from P1 to S3 is to enable Hong Kong students to master the common spoken language of the Han nationality, to equip them with the ability of listening and speaking the language to facilitate effective communication.
f. …推 廣…=promote sth to
e.g. 語 常 會 透 過 舉 辦 不 同 的 活 動, 包 括 寫 作 培 訓 班、文 學 景 點 考 察 及 徵 文 比 賽 等 , 向 本 地 學 生 推 廣 中 文 寫 作 ,
以 期 培 養 學 校
的 寫 作 風 氣 、 提 升 學 生 的 寫 作 興 趣 和 寫 作 能 力 。
In addition, with a view to nurturing
a writing culture
in schools, developing students’ interest and proficiency in writing,
the Standing Committee
on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) has been promoting Chinese writing to local students through various activities, including writing workshops, literary field trips and writing competitions.
g. ..促進…=contribute to…
eg. 小 學「 英 語 教 師 」計 劃 第 二 次 的 大 型 評 估 的 初 步 數 據 分 析 亦 顯 示 大 部 分 持 份 者,包 括 校 長、本 地 英 文 科 教
師、「 英 語 教 師 」及 家 長,均 認 為 計 劃 能 促
進 學 生 學 習 英 語 。
The initial data analysis of the second large-scale evaluation of the NET Scheme
in Primary Schools
indicates that the majority of stakeholders, including principals, local English teachers, NETs and parents, consider that the NET Scheme contributes to students’
English learning.
h. 以 助/協助=facilitate sb/facilitate sb in …
e.g. 進行有 關 本 地 及 國 際 語 文 教 育 的 蹤 向 研 究和 比 較 研 究,以 助有 效 制 訂 和 推 行 語 文 教 育 政 策 ;
Facilitating effective language education policy formulation and implementation through initiating research studies,
E.g. 此外,教 育 局 發 佈 《 中 學 生 涯 規 劃 教 育 及 升 學 就 業 輔 導 指 引 》 以 協 助 學 校 策 劃、推行和評估其校本生涯規劃教育,以及積極實施連串支援措施。
Besides, a “Guide on Life Planning Education and Career Guidance for
Secondary Schools” was released to
facilitate schools in planning, implementing and evaluating their
school-based life planning education, followed by a series of vigorous
supporting measures undertaken by the Education Bureau (EDB).
i. 發揮…的功能=serve the function of..
e.g. 發揮「促進學習的評估」的功能,讓教師了解整體學生的强弱項,
Since its
introduction in 2004
(Primary 3, Primary 6 and Secondary 3 TSA was implemented since 2004, 2005 and 2006 respectively), the TSA
has served the function of promoting
Assessment for Learning.
j. 加強=strengthen
The EDB will continue to strengthen the promotion of Assessment for Learning and use of
various modes of assessment through various channels, including professional
development programmes, seminars and briefings, production of resource
materials, publicity work and school visits, etc.
k. 設立=put in place sb
They have also
put in place an effective evaluation mechanism.
l. 傳達=articulate
e.g. 傳達、鞏固及宣揚人文核心價值
articulate, strengthen and promote the core values of humanities
m. 培養=foster
e.g. 各校並舉辦歌唱班、樂器班、舞蹈班、美術班、兒童健康太極班及幼兒步操樂隊等多種興趣活動,培養兒童的自信心和創意思維。
Various activities, such as choir, instrument class, dance class, art class, tai chi class and marching band, are organized in our kindergartens to foster young children’s self-confidence and creativity.