2015年8月26日 星期三


當講到participle phrase, 不外乎講兩種,一種叫做present partipial phrase,即用verb-ing開始的phrase, 一種是past participial phrase,即用過去分詞開始的phrase.例如:
Present partipial phrase: Entering the 21st century, China has emerged as an economic powerhouse that can rival that of Japan, the US and the Europe.
Past participial phrase: Written by the personnel director, the office manual details the rules of employment.
記得以前教學生呢種句子結構時,好多時學生係唔明究竟個分詞應該係present participle定past participle. 其實要分究竟應用邊種分詞,只係睇個動作係主動定被動.一點也不複雜.

呢度要特別講兩個特別情況, 一個係錯的, 一個係模稜兩可的.

錯的句子結構叫dangling modifier. 例子:
Having finished the assignment, the TV was turned on.
句子中having finished the assignment係個participial phrase, the TV was turned on係個main clause. 問題係:究竟那participial phrase修飾main clause哪部分? the TV? TV唔會做功課喎. 其實個作者係想講:
Having finished the assignment, Tim turned on the TV.
呢句句子個participial phrase好明顯係修飾Tim. 

係Having finished the assignment, the TV was turned on呢句句子,我地叫Having finished the assignment係dangling modifier. 因為呢句participial phrase要修飾的東西,根本唔見咗, (dangle,即吊咗係半空,搵唔到落腳點)

The woman closed the door, driven by the wind.
究竟driven by the wind係指the woman定係the door? 


