2016年3月2日 星期三

MLA引用文獻格式4: 如何引用聖經

1. In-text citation方面, 要包括聖經的版本(斜體(,接著是書卷,及章節.


Ezekiel saw "what seemed to be four living creatures," each with faces of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle (New Jerusalem Bible, Ezek. 1.5-10).

2. 聖經書卷可用簡寫: 如

(New International Version, Gen. 3.15)


3. 第二次再有in-text citation, 只含書卷及章節便可.

4. Works cited方面, 也是聖經版本, 編輯名(如果有),出版社地址及出版社名稱, 年份,及Print/Web,如:

Printed Bibles
The Holy Bible: New International Version. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1984. Print.
The New Oxford Annotated Bible. Ed. Michael D. Coogan. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print.
Peterson, Eugene H. The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2002. Print.

Bible Gateway
New International Version. Bible Gateway. Web. 29 Jul. 2013.
Peterson, Eugene H. The Message. Bible Gateway. Web. 29 Jul. 2013.


