2015年11月3日 星期二



基於教育局的融合政策,依家班房內唔多唔少有機會面對有特殊學習需要的學生,俗稱SEN. SEN係Special Education Needs的縮寫,SEN students就係「有特殊學習需要的學生」,包括自閉症
(Autism), 視障(visual impairment), 聽障 (Hearing impairment), 智障 (intellectual disability), 言語障礙(Speech and Language Impairment), 殘障(physical disability), 讀寫困難 (Special Learning Disabilities),和專注力不足/過度活躍症(Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder). 是否已經學咗唔少生字?

入正題, 如果考官問如何應付自閉症學生,可先講述佢地的特徵, 然後提供作為教師可使用的處理方法、教學技巧.


1:自閉症兒童活在自己的世界, 即係真係「自閉」.

2.活係自己的世界,即係不會主動參與活動,與人交流及分享(lack the initiative to interact, share and participate in activities)

3.缺乏與人交流,所以不懂察言觀色和易地而處(not good at reading verbal meaning or facial expressions, and weak in putting themselves in others' shoes)

4.所以佢地言語能力發展較遲緩, 講野單調、重覆 (slow in verbal development, speech is monotoneous, repetitive or echolalic)

5.另外,有點佢地係好特別的,唔知係咪缺乏安全感, 就係好抗拒改變, 堅持某啲習慣, 缺乏彈性(resistant to change, rigid and insistent on certain routines)


1. 對自閉人士,當然係打開佢地心窗啦. 首先當然鼓勵佢地同人溝通(teach the child how to participate in conversation with others),教佢地一啲簡單的社交規矩(simple rules of social interaction)

2. 針對佢地不懂易地而處, 可利用角色扮演,令佢地明白其他人的處境(use role play to help the child understand others' situation)

3. 因為佢地聽同講都比較慢, 同佢地講野要簡單直接, 用簡單的字, 直接俾指示,令佢地清楚(use simple, clear and direct instructions); 及對佢地講野有合理的要求, 鼓勵佢地用簡單字眼表達需要,逐漸再講長的複雜句子(encourage them to express their needs in simple language and gradually move on to more complex sentences)

4. 因為聽的能力弱, 同佢地講野除咗用簡單的字外, 也要逐步逐步去解釋(explain step-by-step)

5. 最後,針對佢地個種抗拒改變的特徵, 減低佢地對改變的焦慮, 係改變之前, 要俾佢地有心理準備, 有需要時或先作綵排(inform them of changes well in advance to reduce their anxiety. Rehearsals for the change can be arranged as required)



