2014年6月18日 星期三


1. 選修科目

should be offered more elective subjects in S4 and be guided to select two or three electives to focus on in S5 and S6.

為擴闊學生的知識基礎,我們建議學校在中四級為學生提供較多的選修科 目,並引導他們在中五及中六集中選讀兩至三 門 選修科目 

2. 選修單元

successful completion of two electives under PYJ (if a student who enrols in PYJ have successfully completed one or two quality-assured piloting course(s) in a related study area, he will only be required to study seven core modules plus one elective (instead of three electives) under PYJ). 

功修畢兩科毅進計劃選修單如學生成修畢一個 或兩個通過質素保證程序的試 點課程,報讀相關學習範 疇的毅進課程,有關學生在毅進課程下只須 修 讀7 個必 單元及1個選修單元,而無須讀3 選 修單 元)

