2013年12月4日 星期三


source 1: 古大師的答案有點模稜兩可


問:香港常見 Please kindly help to...(敬請幫忙……)這說法,但有人說正式英文不會用 kindly一字說「請」,對嗎?

答: Kindly作副詞( adverb),除了解作「和譪地」或「仁厚地」,也可解作「請」。第二版《朗文當代高級英文辭典》就有以下例句: Kindly put it back(請把它放回原處)。由於 please kindly都有「請」的意思,兩字不宜並用。

kindly語氣上和 please不同。英語學者 John Bremner Words on Words書中指出:"Kindly" is stronger and more formal than"please" and tends to connote the idea of"Do this- or else" Kindly語氣較 please強,也較為正式,常帶「你必須這樣做,否則──」含義)。比如說,你在工作,遭人不斷在旁騷擾,不勝其煩,就可以說: Kindly remove yourself from my presence(請你不要再在我跟前)。這一句的 kindly,帶點諷刺、命令口吻。

正因 kindly please語氣不同,要表示客氣的「請」,宜用 please來說,例如: Would/ Could you please post this letter for me?/ Please post this letter for me(請代我把這封信寄出好嗎)。

留意 kindly也可作形容詞,是少數以 ly結尾的形容詞之一,例如: A kindly neighbour took care of him when he was sick(他生病時,獲一位善心的鄰人照顧)。古德明

source 2: English Language Forum認為兩字的功能不同


Strictly speaking, "please" and "kindly" do serve separate purposes. I can demand that you kindly do a certain task:
Kindly apologize to your mother
The intent is to dictate how you should apologize. Prepending "please" is me politely asking you to do something:
Please apologize to your mother
Combining them signifies that I am being polite and you should be polite:
Please kindly apologize to your mother
In the context of office chatter, I would interpret the original intent of the phrase to mean, "I am asking nicely; don't give me attitude." As it is now bordering on a cliché, I highly doubt anyone is putting much thought into the phrase or its meaning and they are simply being polite.
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answered Apr 4 '11 at 19:07

