compare with and compare to are different. When we compare A with B, we weigh the pros and cons between A and B. When we compare A to B, we think A is like B.
無常= ever-changing. e.g. Human fortunes are ever-changing.
compound noun: do we need to put -s after the first noun of the compound noun? There is no rule. e.g. We can say sports car or sport car.
cognate nouns/verbs: e.g. to sing a song, to live a life, to die a death, to pray a prayer, to sleep a sleep, to consel somebody counsel, to fight a fight, to dream a dream. It is better to add an adjective to the noun, e.g. to live a glorious life.
congratulate: not followed by -that clause. e.g. I congratulate him that he won a lottery is wrong. the right sentence is I congratulate him on his winning the lottery.
clothes: we cannot say 2 clothes. We can only say 2 garments, 2 items of clothing. Clothing is a uncout noun. A cloth is a small piece of fabric, or cloth is the material of making clothes.
clad: dressed (literary)
cadet: a student in the armed forces
commemorate: to remember officially
Chang O:嫦娥
conducive: providing the right conditions for something good to happen or exist:
e.g. Such a noisy environment was not conducive to a good night's sleep.
cader: [ C + singular or plural verb ] a small group of trained people who form the basic unit of a military, political or business organization
chronicle:To enter, as in a record.
例句: History chronicles great events.
college:A society of men possessing certain powers and rights, and engaged in some common pursuit.
例句: the College of Physicians.
1. A grumbler. 發牢騷者;鳴不平者。
2.A plaintiff.
corner: at the corner not the same with in the corner. at means from the outside while in the corner is from inside
choir is a plural n. 但佢個V. 可以係單或雙.睇下想講單個CHOIR定所有MEMBERS
cleanse is pronounced as /kles/ which is more formal than clean
commendable 值得稱讚的
contract (v., a disease) 感染
call on要求
call: call our hotilne or call us at 23200 0XX.
call can mean visit
concern : if means to be worried about, can be followed with 'about", "with", "over", "at". e.g. He is concerned with making money. 但若指涉及, eg. the matter concerns us all. in passive voice , with only. e..g We are all concerned with the matter. (concern +to is ok )
clean =completely e.g. He clean forgot the issue.
cut through 消除/克服
controversy 可讀 'controversy, 也可讀con'troversy. 但controversial 一定係contro'versial. 而formidable 可以'formidable 也可for'midable. applicable可以'applicable 也可app'licable.
Complement : In grammar the term complement is used with different meanings. The primary meaning is a word, phrase or clause which is necessary in a sentence to complete its meaning. We find complements which function as a sentence element (i.e. of equal status to subjects and objects) and complements which exist within sentence elements.
conscientious: 努力的
cannot but: 不得不. can but 只能.cannot help but忍不住. cannot help忍不住. 但cannot help but 跟infinitive, cannot help 跟gerund
cheap: 可以係adverb. eg. I buy the vase cheap. cheap 較common,但cheaply 啱啲. 另外, cheap不代表差, 可以係cheap and cheerful
continual, continuous, continued, 和continuing的分別: continual頻頻的,必指時間,eg. Continual rain spoilt our plan. continuous不斷的,可指志地點. eg. Before us spread a continuos beach.
call into question解 質疑.
company 可以係plural noun.
coma: in a coma
capital letter or not?: 以前有啲職位稱呼會用大寫. 依家為尊重平等, 都無去用大寫. eg. the personal manager
contrived =
artificial and difficult to believe
eg.I enjoyed the film, but felt the ending was a bit contrived.
composure:calmness and control